Researchers Find CherryFlex Softgels Ease Exercise-Induced Muscle Soreness
Winona State University researchers presented a pilot study abstract with results showing that CherryFlex® softgels, the proprietary Montmorency red tart cherry fruit supplement, significantly altered muscle soreness following strenuous exercise in a double blind study conducted in 2008.
Traverse City, MI, June 25, 2009 --( The saying “you are what you eat” gained more support at the 2009 American College of Sports Medicine Convention held recently in Seattle.
Winona State University researchers presented a pilot study abstract with results showing that CherryFlex® softgels, the proprietary Montmorency red tart cherry fruit supplement, significantly altered muscle soreness following strenuous exercise in a double blind study conducted in 2008.
Fourteen healthy college-aged students participated in the study, with half taking CherryFlex fruit softgels, while the other group was given placebo. The study participants performed five sets of 10 maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow flexor after taking CherryFlex softgels for 16 days prior to and three days following exercise.
Lead researcher, Dr. Gary Kastello, said the pilot study results showed improved muscle recovery for those subjects taking the tart cherry softgel.
“Any athlete in training or everyday individuals subjected to strenuous activity can become sore when muscles swell following exercise,” said Dr. Kastello of Winona State University’s Department of Health, Exercise & Rehabilitative Sciences. “The tart cherry supplement decreased discomfort following exercise and resulted in a shortened recovery time.”
A larger study is currently underway at Winona State, a four year university in Minnesota. This expanded research is focusing on the effect of cherry supplementation in 45-70 year-old subjects, with results expected this December.
Brownwood Acres/ FruitFast officials say the Winona research is the second of two pilot study abstracts released this year on CherryFlex and supports the company’s mission.
“Brownwood Acres is committed to validating, through scientific research, the anecdotal results that our customers have been reporting for years,” said Brownwood owner Steve de Tar. “As science continues to unlock the secrets to why dark-skinned fruits offer wonderful health properties, Brownwood Acres/ FruitFast plans to lead the charge in educating consumers on the benefits of daily fruit supplementation.”
Using a proprietary process, US grown Montmorency whole tart cherries, including the skin and pulp, are converted into a paste and marketed in soft gelatin capsules.
“Promoting healthy living continues to be our goal with products that are made from premium whole fruit that’s healthy, tasty, convenient and affordable,” said Cherry Capital Services owner Bob Underwood, who developed the process that remains unmatched in the nutraceutical world and whose company funded the Winona study. “This, coupled with our philosophy to use nature’s formula without preservatives, fillers, coloring or the use of harsh solvents in our products, is the reason we are the leader in this technology.”
To view the entire Winona State University Cherry Study Abstract, go to
About FruitFast
FruitFast® - an online nutraceutical and functional food company - manufactures the original and only fruit softgel made from whole fruit on the market. Capturing the fruits’ antioxidant properties through a proprietary process that includes the skin and pulp, FruitFast produces five softgel varieties; CherryFlex®, Wild Blueberry IQ®, Wonderful Pomegranate and Black Raspberry and CherryFlex for Dogs. Other products include FruitFast Liquid Fruit Supplements and Juice Concentrates, FruitFast Bars and a variety of dried fruits., or call toll free, 1-877-591-3101 Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 5:00 pm EDT.
Winona State University researchers presented a pilot study abstract with results showing that CherryFlex® softgels, the proprietary Montmorency red tart cherry fruit supplement, significantly altered muscle soreness following strenuous exercise in a double blind study conducted in 2008.
Fourteen healthy college-aged students participated in the study, with half taking CherryFlex fruit softgels, while the other group was given placebo. The study participants performed five sets of 10 maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow flexor after taking CherryFlex softgels for 16 days prior to and three days following exercise.
Lead researcher, Dr. Gary Kastello, said the pilot study results showed improved muscle recovery for those subjects taking the tart cherry softgel.
“Any athlete in training or everyday individuals subjected to strenuous activity can become sore when muscles swell following exercise,” said Dr. Kastello of Winona State University’s Department of Health, Exercise & Rehabilitative Sciences. “The tart cherry supplement decreased discomfort following exercise and resulted in a shortened recovery time.”
A larger study is currently underway at Winona State, a four year university in Minnesota. This expanded research is focusing on the effect of cherry supplementation in 45-70 year-old subjects, with results expected this December.
Brownwood Acres/ FruitFast officials say the Winona research is the second of two pilot study abstracts released this year on CherryFlex and supports the company’s mission.
“Brownwood Acres is committed to validating, through scientific research, the anecdotal results that our customers have been reporting for years,” said Brownwood owner Steve de Tar. “As science continues to unlock the secrets to why dark-skinned fruits offer wonderful health properties, Brownwood Acres/ FruitFast plans to lead the charge in educating consumers on the benefits of daily fruit supplementation.”
Using a proprietary process, US grown Montmorency whole tart cherries, including the skin and pulp, are converted into a paste and marketed in soft gelatin capsules.
“Promoting healthy living continues to be our goal with products that are made from premium whole fruit that’s healthy, tasty, convenient and affordable,” said Cherry Capital Services owner Bob Underwood, who developed the process that remains unmatched in the nutraceutical world and whose company funded the Winona study. “This, coupled with our philosophy to use nature’s formula without preservatives, fillers, coloring or the use of harsh solvents in our products, is the reason we are the leader in this technology.”
To view the entire Winona State University Cherry Study Abstract, go to
About FruitFast
FruitFast® - an online nutraceutical and functional food company - manufactures the original and only fruit softgel made from whole fruit on the market. Capturing the fruits’ antioxidant properties through a proprietary process that includes the skin and pulp, FruitFast produces five softgel varieties; CherryFlex®, Wild Blueberry IQ®, Wonderful Pomegranate and Black Raspberry and CherryFlex for Dogs. Other products include FruitFast Liquid Fruit Supplements and Juice Concentrates, FruitFast Bars and a variety of dried fruits., or call toll free, 1-877-591-3101 Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 5:00 pm EDT.
Dee Smith
Dee Smith
