Opens opens a new store that specializes in Korean Ginseng and Tea. Ginseng has been used for thousands of years in Asia. It fights fatigue and relieves anxiety. It is a healthier alternative to coffee.

Los Angeles, CA, August 01, 2009 --( NutraGroup has opened another site specializing in Korean ginseng tea. is a site where you can find a variety of products relating to Korean ginseng tea. This includes Korean ginseng teas, roots, capsules, candy and more. Ginseng grows mainly in China and Korea. It has been used for medicinal purposes in different parts of the Asia for thousands of years. Ginseng is known for fighting fatigue and relieves stress. Caffeine ultimately does the same but is more damaging to our health than ginseng is. Here are some differences between drinking coffee, or other caffeinated drinks and drinking Korean ginseng tea or any of the ginseng extracts and capsules.

Catabolic vs. Anabolic
Caffeine is catabolic. The way it builds energy in the body is damaging because it breaks down nutrients stored in the body. A person will get worn out in the long run. Ginseng is anabolic. When it builds energy in the body, it also increases the body’s health and vitality. The cells in the body use food that is broken down into natural sugars by ginseng to build energy. While caffeine’s process is deconstructive, ginseng’s process is constructive.

Stress vs. Anti-Stress
Most of us know that when someone drinks a lot of coffee, they may become jittery and start shaking. Caffeine has that affect because it produces anxiety. Many of the regular coffee drinkers share the same symptoms such as irritability, agitation, nervousness, trembling hands, muscle twitches, etc. That is a sign that that person has had way too much coffee. However, research has shown that ginseng helps improve resistance to stress.

Mental Dullness vs. Brighter Minds
If a regular coffee drinker misses their cup of coffee for the day, they become very dull and lethargic. Caffeine causes an energy crash while ginseng stimulates the brain. Research shows people who drink ginseng tea have fewer errors at work, perform better in school and receive better grades. Overall, ginseng increases activity without the crash.

Damaging vs. Healing
Drinking coffee makes you run to the bathroom more than usual. If this continues, the kidneys will become agitated which can lead to kidney damage. Also, the caffeine contributes to buildup of toxins in the blood while ginseng has the ability to assist in the cleansing of the blood. Coffee irritates the stomach lining as well. It contributes to gastric ulcers. Ginseng supports the healing process and restores broken body cells. Regular consumptions of caffeine may lead to higher blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and increase in blood cholesterol, and higher nervous tension. These are not good signs for your heart. Studies show that ginseng can help people with high blood pressure lower it. It also does the opposite for people with low blood pressure. It also eases the tension.

Blood Sugar Crisis vs. Sugar Control
Coffee increases blood sugar level in diabetes and lowers it in hypoglycemia. That is exactly the opposite of what a person with diabetes or hypoglycemia would want. Since coffee does not help with diabetics and people with hypoglycemia, ginseng actually helps with these diseases. It regulates the blood’s sugar level and restores the body’s balance of health.

About NutraGroup
Based in Los Angeles, NutraGroup has grown rapidly into one of the top online U.S. retailers of vitamins, supplements and other health products. In addition to providing a wide selection of premium health products to our U.S. customers, NutraGroup has become an international symbol of quality health products, enabling online shoppers from Cananda and Korea to benefit from the highest quality health products also.

Francesca Po