Small Museum Pro!, Distance Learning for Museum Training & Development, Offered by Museum Development Associates and Eastern New Mexico University

Santa Fe, NM, August 16, 2009 --( Museum Development Associates of Santa Fe has entered into a collaborative agreement to offer a professional certification program of five courses in museum skills and training, to be delivered through Eastern New Mexico University’s distance learning program.

The program, Small Museum Pro!, will lead to professional certification for workers in small and rural museums throughout the country, and will focus on practical museum training. The initial offering, beginning in August 2009, will include 20 students from some of the over 200 museums in New Mexico and the surrounding region. Courses, delivered only online, will cover Museum Administration, Collections Management, Collections Care, Exhibitions, and Museum Education and Outreach.

Each course will be offered through the Eastern New Mexico University Distance Education and Outreach Department. With the successful completion of each course, students will earn three Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Courses will cost $195 ($65 per CEU). To receive the Small Museum Pro! certification, participants will need to complete all five courses.

Most of New Mexico’s small museum staffers and directors enter the museum field after working in some other capacity, and many represent underserved populations. Although their museums often contain important artifacts of authentic material culture and history, many remain hidden due to inexperience and lack of museum skills knowledge. As a result, preservation and exhibition methods frequently do not reach the standard of care and management found in areas with less isolation and greater availability of funds. The partnership will also encourage young adults to enroll and enter the museum field.

Museum Development Associate’s Small Museum Pro! program is not a museum studies degree program; rather, it is designed to overcome the gaps in professional training commonly found among small, emerging and rural museum workers as well as to provide affordable, practical professional development and certification to those in remote geographic areas.

The following courses will be offered during the 2009 – 2010 academic year:

Fall Semester 2009
1st eight weeks:
Building Effective Museum Exhibits
2nd eight weeks:
Running and Managing a Small Museum

Spring Semester 2010
1st eight weeks:
Managing and Organizing Museum Collections
2nd eight weeks:
Caring for Museum Collections

Summer Semester 2010
Museum Education: Crafting Great Learning Experiences

Initial funding for this program was made possible with monies provided by the New Mexico State Legislature. To find out more, please visit

M. Susan Barger, PhD - Director, Museum Development Associates

Museum Development Associates
M. Susan Barger