The Bad Taste Costume Ball, to Benefit Santa Fe’s Museum Development Associates, at the Historic Legal Tender in Lamy, NM Saturday 10/24/09

Love New Mexico museums? Join Museum Development Associates in Lamy on October 24th for a FUN(d)raising evening of bad taste, good vittles, atrocious costumes, great music & dancing, a cash bar and a rip-roarin’ raffle, all to benefit the organization that specializes in serving New Mexico’s 200+ small, start-up and rural museums. MDA offers a hand up to community museums, providing training and services to assist them in improving their collections care, operations and infrastructure. - October 09, 2009

Small Museum Pro!, Distance Learning for Museum Training & Development, Offered by Museum Development Associates and Eastern New Mexico University

Museum Development Associates of Santa Fe has entered into a collaborative agreement to offer a professional certification program of five courses in museum skills and training, to be delivered through Eastern New Mexico University’s distance learning program. The program, Small Museum Pro!,... - August 16, 2009

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