The Bad Taste Costume Ball, to Benefit Santa Fe’s Museum Development Associates, at the Historic Legal Tender in Lamy, NM Saturday 10/24/09

Love New Mexico museums? Join Museum Development Associates in Lamy on October 24th for a FUN(d)raising evening of bad taste, good vittles, atrocious costumes, great music & dancing, a cash bar and a rip-roarin’ raffle, all to benefit the organization that specializes in serving New Mexico’s 200+ small, start-up and rural museums. MDA offers a hand up to community museums, providing training and services to assist them in improving their collections care, operations and infrastructure.

Santa Fe, NM, October 09, 2009 --( It’s a bad-taste, Halloween costume soirée for adults. On Saturday, October 24 at 6 p.m., those who love New Mexico museums and culture – and those who love to dance – will don their most atrocious costumes or masks (optional) for a Fun(d)raising night of music & dancing, delicious vittles and a rip-roarin' raffle, at the historic Legal Tender building in Lamy, NM – now home to the Lamy Railroad & History Museum. Proceeds from the evening will benefit Museum Development Associates, the only museum field services organization that specializes in serving New Mexico’s 200+ small, start-up and rural museums.

Museum Development Associates (MDA), founded in Santa Fe in 2005, offers a hand up to New Mexico’s community museums, providing training and services to assist them in improving their collections care, operations and infrastructure. Director M. Susan Barger, PhD and a dozen MDA associates bring more than 200 combined years of experience in museum education and training to the staffs and volunteers of the state’s and Southwest region’s cultural institutions.

Admission to the Bad Taste Costume Ball is by donation, $45 or more if you wish (in advance at their website - $50 at the door), and includes their rip-roarin' raffle, a buffet from the Pantry Restaurant, and a cash bar. Many genres of music for dancing will be provided by DJ Donna Every, a local favorite at many theme parties in the Santa Fe area. Bad-taste attire is requested; wearing a costume or mask is optional.

M. Susan Barger – Director, Museum Development Associates

Museum Development Associates
M. Susan Barger