Despite Suffering from Cancer and Heart Failure, Miracle Man Beats the Odds - Sharing His Incredible Story of Survival

Ron Siemientkowski tells his personal story of courage and survival. Ron has cheated death many times during his life.

Tuscon, AZ, October 11, 2009 --( Miracle Man Story is released by author Ron Siemientkowski.

In this remarkable new release, author Ron Siemientkowski tells his personal story of courage and survival. Ron has cheated death many times during his life. As a young man he was electrocuted by enough voltage to kill an elephant, yet surprisingly survived. The following year while working in a factory he was narrowly missed by a burning cable. It would seem these early brushes with death were only a taste of what was to come for Ron Siemientkowski.

During his lifetime, Ron has battled diabetes, colon cancer, and major heart failure. He miraculously survived cancer without chemotherapy or radiation. Ron lost his ascending colon to fungating colon cancer on May 11, 2004 and the Cancer spread to his lymph nodes. Because doctors held out little hope for Ron to survive, he decided to spend the rest of his life with his loving wife, Sara, instead of in the hospital. That was over five years ago. He was told by cardiologists that he needed a heart transplant or he would not survive more than a few months nor would he walk again. Ron refused to undergo surgery and with Sara’s love and encouragement, he has managed to outlive this death warrant while continuing to walk on his own two feet.

In Miracle Man Story, Ron encourages others to take diagnoses and advice from doctors with a grain of salt. He cautions patients to protect themselves from major medical mistakes that can ruin their lives. This book is based on his own experience with the hopes that it will help other people struggling with illness. From one survivor to another: you can beat the odds.


Miracle Man Story
Ron Siemientkowski
Dog Ear Publishing
ISBN: 978-160844-145-7; 100 pages

Available at Ingram, Baker&Taylor,, Barnes&Noble, Borders and fine bookstores everywhere.
Dog Ear Publishing
Ray Robinson