New Year’s Resolution: Literacise=Literacy+Exercise - A New Look with a Book

"Keeping you and your child fit and healthy is as easy as opening a book", says Award-winning author and Literacise fitness guru, Irene Smalls. Author Smalls has spent twenty years performing with and for kids around the country.

Boston, MA, December 27, 2009 --( Out of that experience, interactive storyteller Irene Smalls developed the Literacise= Literacy+Exercise program of book-based book-related exercises for kids. Smalls says “to maximize learning, to look fit and keep fit, utilize the brain–body–book connection". Doctors tell us, "maintaining a healthy weight and learning involve the brain and the body". Moreover, scientists say, “an exercise a day keeps the pounds away and helps you get an A.” Smalls says, "why not use the brain and the body together to become leaner and learn at the same time".

Here’s Irene Smalls' Literacise Five Tip Guide to help your kids learn more and weigh less:

1. Bust a move and not your waistline. Keep your kids active. Walk to the library.

2. Use your fanny in telling Aunt Fanny’s story. Act the story out. Use full body storytelling to share your family’s history.

3. Wiggles are wonderful. When you read to your children, let them move with the story.

4. Improve balance and posture using core muscles balancing a book on the top of the head.

5. Take a stand. Your mind and your body will thank you for it. You use more calories standing than sitting and burn 100 calories an hour reading.

Irene Smalls’ Literacise program is now Live. The Literacise=Literacy+Exercise exhibit based on the children's book, Jonathan and His Mommy, is designed to facilitate kids exercising and learning too. This English/Spanish Literacise exhibit is now on display at the main branch of the Boston Public Library, Copley Square until March of 2010.

The Literacise exhibit is funded by a generous grant from State Street Corporation. Hosted by the Boston Public Library, Copley Square it was designed by the Community Design Resource Center of Boston. For further information: see or call 617 266-0262.

Irene Smalls and Associates
Irene Smalls
617 266-0262