Spiritual and Alternative Healing's Holistic Directory Gives Practitioners a Place to Build Clientele

After a year of site development, Spiritual and Alternative's Holistic Directory is open for practitioners who want to drive traffic to their sites, grow clientele, and gain more exposure. With limited areas for holistic practitioners to share their services and market themselves, the Holistic Directory will make this possible.

Los Angeles, CA, January 05, 2010 --(PR.com)-- With limited opportunities for holistic practitioners to gain exposure, The Holistic Directory gives the holistic community a way to connect and grow business. This directory allows practitioners to gain exposure, grow clientele, and build traffic to their websites. For a limited time special introductory prices are offered for practitioners eager to sign up.

Although many practitioners have websites if they're not quite savvy with search engine optimization traffic to their sites won't come. It's known that having an optimized website is critical to gaining exposure. The Holistic Directory is a part of the site Spiritual-and-Alternative-Healing.com. The site already has a presence in the internet and the Directory is optimized so that Holistic Practitioners signed up will gain a strong viewership.

Not only will The Holistic Directory give practitioners exposure, but clients looking for a practitioner will have a place to find any healer he or she needs in one convenient place.

The directory was created after the owner found she didn't have many areas to advertise her services as a Reiki Master-Teacher. She developed the directory to give other practitioners a place to advertise their modalities.

Now for a limited time practitioners can place an ad for $10 for six months. A one year listing is only $20 and a premium 6 month listing is $15.

Visit: http://www.spiritual-and-alternative-healing.com/holistic-practitioner-directory

Spiritual and Alternative Healing
Lailah Morid