The Kamlak Center's Dr. Betty J. Kovacs Will Present "What's Death Got To Do With It?" at Joshua Tree Retreat Center on Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Kamlak Center's mission is to change the way we think about death--and life. In this presentation Dr. Kovacs will discuss the relationship between our understanding of death and the quality of our life. Fear of death limits the mind’s ability to think, to perceive and to experience beyond the physical world. Yet death can teach us to live life more fully. The event will begin 11 a.m. at Joshua Tree Retreat Center in Joshua Tree, California.

Joshua Tree, CA, May 07, 2010 --( Fear of death limits the mind’s ability to think, to perceive and to experience beyond the physical world. Our survival depends on knowing for ourselves what the Mystics have been saying for centuries. This presentation will help you to kick the habit of living in one square inch of reality.

Dr. Kovacs has spent decades researching how the understanding of death has influenced the development of our consciousness. In this presentation she will share her experiences surrounding the multiple deaths in her family as well as new scientific insights that support the survival of consciousness.

- Experiences of the mystery of death and new discoveries in science are allowing people all over the planet to embrace a new understanding of Death--and Life. - Our understanding of death influences the development of our consciousness and shapes our worldview.

- Our healing depends upon restoring the mind’s wholeness by honoring both dimensions of consciousness: the rational, conceptual mind and the dreaming, visionary, intuitive mind.

- Dreams, visions and after-death communications heal and transform our lives.

- Aging can open us to spirit and prepare us for birth into another dimension.

- Death can teach us to live life more fully.

- Our growth and survival depend upon a deeper understanding of the mystery of Death.

Within about three years Dr. Betty Kovacs lost her mother, her only child and her husband in three separate automobile accidents. They had precognitive dreams, visions, synchronistic events, and after-death communications. These experiences opened them to multiple levels of reality, the interconnectedness of all life, and the evidence all around us that a planetary shift in consciousness is under way. They learned that life and death, matter and spirit are inseparably intertwined.

Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010

Time: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Admission: $25 Per Person

Register: Online at (Events page), by Phone at (909) 282-2455, or at the door, space permitting

Joshua Tree Retreat Center
Institute of Mentalphysics
59700 29 Palms Highway
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
(760) 365-8371

Presenter Bio: Betty J. Kovacs received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Irvine, in Comparative Literature and Theory of Symbolic Language. She has studied the spiritual traditions of prehistory and indigenous cultures and has worked with shamans from the Amazon and the Andes in Peru. Dr. Kovacs served many years on the Board of Directors of the Jung Society of Claremont in California. She is author of The Miracle of Death. In August 2009 she presented Experiencing the Mystery of Death--and Life at the 8th Annual Scientific & Medical Network “Beyond the Brain” Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, England. Recent seminar series: Deeper Orders of Reality: Creating Our Future and The Feminine Dimension of the Divine.

The Kamlak Center:

We confront the belief that there is nothing but matter, that death is the end of everything. We embrace the new worldview that there is nothing but Life, birth and death are events in time and space, and grief can open us to this new consciousness. We offer workshops, radio interviews, books and other products aimed at changing the way we look at death. (

The Kamlak Center
Kimberly Saavedra