Consumers Report Positive Results in Reducing Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance with Lactagen

Customer Experience Reports indicate relief from the symptoms of lactose intolerance using the Lactagen® program of colonic adaptation.

Los Angeles, CA, July 02, 2010 --( Consumers report strong acceptance – as high as 95% – of a program designed to help relieve the symptoms of lactose intolerance. According to customers' product experience reports, the Lactagen® program, developed by Ritter Pharmaceuticals, helped to reduce the digestive discomfort that can be a symptom of lactose intolerance.

Lactose intolerance, which is estimated to affect approximately 50 million people in the United States, is the inability to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and foods made with milk, or dairy. For those who are lactose intolerant, consuming dairy can cause gas, bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Past solutions to relieve the symptoms of lactose intolerance ( have included diet control or the use of supplements taken daily or with every serving of dairy.

The concept behind Lactagen, a 38-day dietary supplement program, is to improve digestion in order to reduce the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Lactagen is based on the theory of colonic adaptation – a change in the bacteria in the digestive system.

Among consumers who reported having symptoms of lactose intolerance prior to using Lactagen, 89% reported success with the Lactagen program. The success rate is higher when the number of those who reported that they would recommend Lactagen is included. Ritter Pharmaceuticals collected the information in 433 reports from people using Lactagen in a Customer Experience Study conducted between 2004 and 2008. The reports were submitted voluntarily, most of them in response to email invitations sent by the company asking Lactagen users to describe their experiences.

After completing the Lactagen program, lactose intolerant individuals reported being able to reintroduce dairy products into their diets without experiencing symptoms of digestive discomfort, such as gas, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Chelsey Cook of Mechanicsville, Iowa, who found success with the Lactagen program, writes, "I'm happy to report I had no symptoms while on the program and I can now eat dairy products again, symptom free!" Since 2004, over 1,000 customer testimonials ( have been sent to Ritter Pharmaceuticals.

"We continue to receive testimonials from people who have experienced success with the Lactagen solution," said Andrew Ritter, president and founder of Lactagen, and a former lactose intolerance sufferer. "Training the body to accept dairy foods can be lifestyle-changing, from relieving the discomfort and embarrassment caused by the symptoms of lactose intolerance to allowing people to enjoy their favorite foods. Successful completion of the Lactagen program allows you to introduce dairy back into your diet without the need for supplements or dietary aids."

The full report on the Customer Experience Study is available in the Lactagen® Clinical Data & Customer Experience Analysis, published in April, 2010. If you would like to learn more about lactose intolerance dietary programs, visit

About Ritter Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Ritter Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is dedicated to helping individuals live a healthier and happier life style through improved digestion. Ritter Pharmaceuticals focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization of innovative therapeutic treatments for gastrointestinal diseases and conditions. One of these products is Lactagen, a dietary supplement developed to help reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance. The author specializes in the topic of lactose intolerance, and has found helpful information using online communities.

Sandy Malek
10100 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 2430
Los Angeles, CA 90067, United States