Manchester Life Coach Releases New Life Coaching System

Innovative life coaching system released by Manchester life coach combines the benefits of exercise with the powerful tools of life coaching.

Manchester, United Kingdom, July 29, 2010 --( MIC is the new life coaching programme from Manchester life coach Rob Woollen. Movement Integrated Coaching essentially consists of life coaching sessions offered whilst participating in gentle exercise. This could be walking or jogging outdoors in good weather, or using an exercise bike or other machine at home or in the gym.

The original thinking behind the system was simply that many busy people who used life coaching services find it hard to find time to exercise. This simple concept allows them to combine the two, experiencing the benefits of moderate exercise whilst unlocking their potential through coaching. Woollen invented the concept some years ago, but it was only whilst working with his NLP trainer, New Oceans, that he realised the full potential for the system.

“We all know that we often feel invigorated whilst one the move,” explains Woollen, “but it was not until I learned about visualisation and other NLP skills that I realised that the movement actually allows us to bypass some of the barriers put up by the sub-conscious mind.” By physically moving through space, we convince the mind that we have actually moved in time. Visualisation and rehearsal is much more effective and we are able to imprint our desired outcomes on out sub-conscious mind. Thus the system is doubly effective – it gives people the myriad benefits of exercise and actually adds to the effectiveness of the coaching session.

The new system was not without its teething problems as the coach does not rely simply on talking during his sessions. However Woollen has designed an innovative solution to this with flash cards and imagery in a portable coaching pack which can be taken along to MIC sessions.

Better known for his personal fitness training business RWPT, Rob Woollen has limited his life coaching practice to fitness clients until recently. He has now opened a dedicated website for personal, executive and business coaching. See more at or call Rob on 01616119717 for details.

Manchester Life Coach Rob Woollen
Rob Woollen