Understanding Happiness: Four Simple Techniques to Create a Genuinely Happier You, Now

True, lasting happiness is not found in objects, actions, and “whens.” but in increased personal understanding and gratitude. Knowing how to be happy improves health and well-being. Suzette Langley of Passion for Life Coaching, and Anne Trauben, of Whole Health, offer “Understanding Happiness: Four Simple Techniques to Create a Genuinely Happier You, Now.”

Annapolis, MD, January 04, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Suzette Langley of Passion for Life Coaching, and Anne Trauben, of Whole Health, are offering a free teleclass on January 16, 2007 at 12:30pm called “Understanding Happiness: Four Simple Techniques to Create a Genuinely Happier You, Now.” This teleclass will help participants understand that true, lasting happiness is not found in objects, actions, and “whens.” Instead, by directing attention inward and increasing personal understanding and gratitude, participants will learn to be happier right now. Additionally, the benefits of happiness as it relates to health and well-being will be discussed.

The search for happiness is a universal phenomenon. We want to be satisfied and content with ourselves and our lives. We may find ourselves unhappy and direct our search for happiness towards objects, actions, or “whens.” We believe that buying a new stereo to reward our hard work will give us the happiness we desire. We imagine losing 15 pounds will give us the satisfaction we are lacking. We trust that we will find happiness when we buy a house, get a new job, or retire. Perhaps some of these things will bring us joy for a short period of time but then the pleasant feelings may fade as we are searching for our next happiness high.

If objects, actions, and “whens” do not provide us with the happiness we are lacking, why do we continue to seek out the next great thing? Could it be that we are seeking that quick fix, that easy answer?

Is there an easy answer to where happiness comes from? Yes. Recent research shows that happiness comes from within, and besides feeling good, benefits abound to knowing what makes us happy. Our overall health and well-being improves as our happiness increases. Studies reveal that happy people have stronger immune systems, cope better with pain, and live longer than unhappy people. Happy people choose healthier foods and exercise regularly. Additionally, feeling positive emotions increases immune function and reduces stress.

Join Suzette Langley of Passion for Life Coaching and Anne Trauben of Whole Health, on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at 12:30pm EST for a free teleclass, “Understanding Happiness: Four Simple Techniques to Create a Genuinely Happier You, Now.” Learn how to be happier now and improve your well-being through happiness. To register, go to http://www.wholehealth.net/Programs_Tele_Hap.html and start your new year off happier!

Passion for Life Coaching
Suzette Langley