DIG Coaching Practice presents ADHD Medications and the Brain Made Simple on Attention Talk Radio with Host Jeff Copper, Attention Coach, and Laurie Dupar, ADHD Coach

Laurie Dupar, registered psychiatric nurse, joins host and attention coach Jeff Copper on Attention Talk Radio. In this episode Jeff and Laurie will discuss ADHD Medications and the Brain Made Simple. Laurie will share information on how the medications affect the brain and what happens to the focus of the individual. The show will be broadcast Friday, October 15, 2010, at 2pm (EDT).

Tampa, FL, October 07, 2010 --(PR.com)-- DIG Coaching Practice presents Attention Talk Radio with Jeff Copper, host and attention coach, with an interview of Laurie Dupar on the topic of the brain and ADHD medications made simple. The discussion will include information on how medications can affect one’s brain and what happens to the focus of individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Laurie Dupar is the creator of the Change of Focus coaching program. She is a certified professional ADHD coach and mentor with more than 25 years of experience in the mental wellness field. Her background, experience, and education provide her with a working knowledge of the neurobiology, psychopharmacology, and treatments associated with ADHD. Her coaching methods are intended to make treatment for ADHD challenges no more mysterious or unattainable than for people with other natural health disorders.

The program will be broadcast at 2:00 p.m. (EDT), Friday, October 15, 2010. The public is encouraged to join their interactive discussion by logging on to blogtalkradio.com/attentiontalkradio, or by calling (646) 652-4409 to listen or ask questions.

Attention Talk Radio (ATR) is an Internet-based talk-radio show with a focus on offering insight and insightful thinking to help prepare the mind to solve problems through insight or the sudden comprehension after viewing something in a different light. The live, interactive show streams from Attention Talk Radio’s studio page, where visitors will find the show schedule, stream, and archives at blogtalkradio.com/attentiontalkradio. The public can also subscribe to the archives via iTunes or the RSS feed located on the studio page.

ATR is hosted by Blog Talk Radio where anyone with a phone or a computer may listen, participate, and interact on its free, web-based platform. Blog Talk Radio has been featured on ABC News, the Washington Post, Portfolio, Talkers Magazine, and TheStreet.com.

DIG Coaching Practice LLC
Jeff Copper