Get Inspired with Gayle to Publish the Mystery Inspirational Topic Show on Inspiration Talk Radio with Host and Inspiration Coach, Gayle Wojnar, with Guest Jeff Copper

Inspiration coach and host, Gayle Wojnar, and her guest co-host, attention coach Jeff Copper, discuss an inspirational topic of the day. The show is called a mystery show, because it is fresh, real, and in the moment, which allows the hosts to go with whatever inspires them at the time. The show starts with a quote by Winston Churchill about pessimists and optimists and moves into a discussion about Gayle's optimistic outlook and how she moves through difficult times with her Optimistic Toolbox.

Quincy, MA, November 03, 2010 --( Get Inspired by Gayle announces the release of the Inspiration Talk Show archive of a program with host and inspiration coach Gayle Wojnar with special guest Jeff Copper of DIG Coaching Practice on a discussion of several mystery topics. The show is unscripted and presents a fresh and inspired interaction that is real and in the moment. This episode begins with a quote by Winston Churchill about pessimists and optimists and concludes with a discussion around how Gayle moves through difficult and challenging times with her “Optimistic Toolbox.”

Jeff Copper is one of the world's few attention coaches. As founder of DIG Coaching Practice, LLC, he helps businesses, individuals, and those with attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD) pay attention to the right thing. Whether in life, business, or career, nothing works at its highest level if we pay attention to the wrong thing. All the training, education, consulting, or counseling is only as good as the accuracy or quality of what we pay attention to.

As an internationally ranked competitive swimmer, a top sales and marketing professional, a consultant, successful entrepreneur, and attentive husband and father, Copper obtained an MBA, graduating at the top of his class and working in a start-up while going public. Being diagnosed with dyslexia and a learning disability as a child, Copper spent most of his life finding his obvious solutions that are not so obvious to others. Throughout his career, he has been driven by dedication, discipline, and desire, achieving accomplishments that rival those of the most successful individuals in America.

The public is invited to listen to the archived show by going to The broadcast was aired live on Monday, November 1, 2010.

Inspiration Talk Radio is a live, interactive, Internet-based talk-radio show. The focus of the show is to explore all things inspirational — from chanting to meditation to pop culture to the newest super foods. Our shows are devoted to looking for the inspiration in all things to help inspire and motivate all of us to live better lives and to make the world a better place. The show streams live directly from Inspiration Talk Radio’s studio page, where the show schedule, stream, and archives are available by logging onto Viewers and listeners can also subscribe to the archives via iTunes or the RSS feed located on the studio page.

Inspiration Talk Radio is hosted by Blog Talk Radio, a free, web-based platform that allows anyone with a phone or a computer to listen, participate, and interact with the broadcast. Blog Talk Radio has been featured on ABC News, the Washington Post, Portfolio, Talkers Magazine, and The Citizens Broadcasting Network can be found at

Gayle is a senior writer and inspiration coach who just launched a new blog, Get Inspired with Gayle ( where, among other inspirational musings, she will be chronicling her “30-Day Be Nice Challenge,” which begins on November 1, 2010. The public is invited to join in the challenge or visit the blog to see Gayle’s progress.

Get Inspired with Gayle
Gayle Wojnar