Physical Therapist Reveals 3 Simple Secrets to Staying Healthy

Physical therapists are urging families and individuals to prevent and combat obesity and its consequences without risking injury.

Malden, MA, December 22, 2010 --( Physical therapists from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) are encouraging people to make the commitment to stay healthy by establishing good physical activity habits. But many people are likely to drop a health and fitness program because they are “too busy” or “don’t have time.” Dr. Kevin McGovern, Founder of McGovern Physical Therapy Associates and Game 7 Sports Training TM has been educating individuals on body awareness and mechanical awareness for 10 years at his practice. He reveals his simple secrets for restoring your health and increasing your chances of longevity.


See a professional. Exercises must be done faithfully and with good form in order to prevent injury. If you don’t know what good form is, see a professional. If you don’t want to have a trainer, you should at least see a professional to get evaluated and to receive a personalized program.

Remember to vary different exercises instead of doing the same thing all the time. Many people get caught up in doing cardio exercises, such as running. However, the body has to be challenged by varying intensity and what is done otherwise, the body will get used to the activity. Essentially, one has to “confuse” the body by doing different things.


Drink a lot of water. Intake should be 8 to 10 glasses a day.

Take vitamins and supplements – including a general vitamin to make sure you are getting all the basic vitamins.

Eat 4 to 6 small meals a day instead of large meals to rev up your metabolic rate.

Limit fat intake and fried foods.

Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, lean beef, and chicken.

Limit intake of processed foods such as fast foods and prepared frozen meals at the supermarket.

Maintaining good overall health doesn’t have to be time consuming. “If someone just did these alone, they would see huge difference,” says Dr. McGovern.

Maintain Your Gains

If you are seeing a physical therapist, continue the same frequency and intensity as you are doing in physical therapy.

For example, if someone is coming to physical therapy 3 times a week and exercising for 30 to 40 minutes, they have gotten their gains by exercising 3 times a week for 30 to 40 minutes. To maintain their gains, they have to do at least that amount.

About Dr. Kevin McGovern

Dr. McGovern is the founder 3 growing companies:

• McGovern Physical Therapy Associates, one of the fastest-growing privately-owned companies in the U.S. recognized by Inc. Magazine;
• Game 7 Sports Training TM, a physical-therapy-designed strength and conditioning company; and
• Velocity Rx, a physical-therapy designed rehabilitation & instruction program for athletes.

Dr. McGovern is also the inventor of the McGovern Movement Score (MMS), which measures the quality of basic human movements and can score how well one moves to help predict possible future injury.

Dr. McGovern has been analyzing the biomechanics of golfers and baseball pitchers for over 15 years in order to improve athletic results. As a sports enthusiast and athlete himself, his passion is helping people get in the best possible shape for a healthier, happier life. Visit

About McGovern Physical Therapy Associates:

Combining innovation, experience and excellence, McGovern Physical Therapy Associates has been a leading provider of outpatient physical therapy care for over 10 years, providing customized treatment programs designed to fit each patient’s needs in an optimal healthcare environment where true patient recovery exists.

McGovern Physical Therapy Associates is a 2010 recipient of the Inc. Magazine 5000, a list of the 5000 top growing companies, and was voted Best Physical Therapy Practice by ADVANCE magazine. Visit them at

About Game 7 Sports Training (TM):

Founded by McGovern Physical Therapy Associates, Game 7 Sports Training (TM)is a physical-therapy-designed fitness center with programs customized for individual needs. Through an innovative and scientific manner, Game 7 is an effective method for preventative-injury care and maintaining overall optimum health for any fitness or age level. Visit

McGovern Physical Therapy Associates
Kevin McGovern