Prisonworld Live! Brings Its Message of Positive Choices to Colleges and Prisons

Dawah International, LLC, a multimedia company, provides presentations for positive change to juveniles and adults alike. Prisonworld "LIVE" is a motivational speaking and entertainment tour visiting Correctional Facilities - adult and juvenile - Drug Courts, Gang Prevention Programs, Boys and Girls Clubs, Colleges, Universities and Middle and High Schools across the country.

Powder Springs, GA, January 09, 2011 --( Dawah International, LLC, a multimedia company, provides presentations for positive change to juveniles and adults alike. Husband and wife team Rufus and Jenny Triplett are publishers of Prisonworld Magazine, “The Preferred Entertainment Magazine,” producers and co-hosts of the Prisonworld Radio Hour, distributors of Prisonworld Records, and engineers of PWRN – Prisonworld Radio Network which streams twenty- four hours a day, seven days a week.

Prisonworld "LIVE" is a motivational speaking and entertainment tour visiting Correctional Facilities - adult and juvenile - Drug Courts, Gang Prevention Programs, Boys and Girls Clubs, Colleges, Universities and Middle and High Schools across the country. During the one hour presentation a speech about life experiences is given and is followed up with encouragement on how to make better choices. Likely Suspect, a collaboration project on the Prisonworld Records Label, provides Acapella entertainment. Jenny Triplett, co-Editor-in-Chief and wearer of many hats, says, “We have experienced so much in our lives from being in the fast life of the music business, to the military, to being parents and such. When we start talking you can see the attendees are just in awe of what we are saying. Having dealt with several family members who have been incarcerated and continue to be incarcerated we feel the need to inform and educate. If our message can penetrate just one soul, then we have done our job.”

A presentation can be tailored especially for a facility or function if requested. Here are a few of the topics that can be presented: Juvenile Delinquency, Child Abuse/Neglect, Family Violence, Juvenile vs Adult Perceptions, Excuses - Substance Abuse , Environment vs Education, Pressures of Society, Positive People and Outlets, Divorce, Incarcerated Loved Ones, Self-Esteem, and Stereotypes.

Rufus Triplett, co-Editor-in-Chief and also wearer of many hats, says, “The majority of people that we speak with appreciate the “been there done that” scenarios that we give. Also, we inform them of how we raised our children without them ever having to experience the ills of what society is offering. To do it in an entertaining way is just the icing on the cake. We have numerous success stories from inmates who thank us for the guidance. We have found that neither the students nor the inmates really care if you’re famous or not, they just really enjoy the message.”

The Triplett’s are co-authors of their soon to be released publication – Have You Seen My Innocence – A Story of Teenage Life, Love & Lust. It is schedule to be released the end of this month and will be available on their website and For booking please contact Jenny Triplett - 678-233-8286 or send a request with all of the details of your event to

Dawah International, LLC
Jenny Triplett