“Invisible Illness Podcast” - First Internet Talk Show to Tackle Complex Issues Facing Patients with Chronic Fatigue, & Similar Chronic Pain/Auto-Immune Disorders

Over 20 million US women suffer from chronic fatigue (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, pelvic pain, irritable bowel, painful bladder, migraine, TMJ, and other devastating disorders that present few visible signs, but wreak havoc on patients’ bodies and minds. The “Invisible Illness Podcast” (www.InvisibleIllnessPodcast.com) presents news, reviews, tips, opinion, and interviews to help patients struggling to find support and manage their debilitating conditions.

Wellington, FL, February 14, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Over 20 million US women suffer from chronic fatigue (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, pelvic pain, irritable bowel, painful bladder, migraine, TMJ, and other devastating disorders that present few visible signs, but wreak havoc on patients’ bodies and minds. Studies show that these illnesses commonly overlap, but are often dismissed or misdiagnosed by doctors, so that patients find themselves drowning in symptoms while feeling hopeless and abandoned. Created by invisible illness patient, health writer, and advocate Susan Bilheimer, the “Invisible Illness Podcast” (www.InvisibleIllnessPodcast.com) presents news, reviews, tips, opinion, and interviews to help patients struggling to find support and manage their debilitating conditions.

Just as difficult to deal with as the illness is the amount of misinformation shared by patients, doctors, and the public. This podcast seeks to present an accurate message in an entertaining and uplifting manner. According to Bilheimer, “I’ve spent years struggling to even get a diagnosis, much less find a doctor who can properly treat me. It’s a very lonely journey. I wish I had others to talk to about what I’m going through, what works, and what doesn’t. The ‘Invisible Illness Podcast’ will provide that opportunity to millions of fellow sufferers.”

Although there is a great deal of excellent written material available online about these conditions, for many with “invisible illnesses” brain fog is a depressing by-product, making it challenging to read complex medical information. “I know that it’s tough for me to make sense of what I read sometimes,” said Bilheimer, “so I’m on a mission to help others struggling to learn as much as they can about their conditions to find an easy way to stay up to date. Podcasting about the subject seemed an obvious way to reach sufferers with such perceptual difficulties.”

The “Invisible Illness Podcast” launched in January 2011. The show is currently free to listeners. Bilheimer is hoping that as more listeners tune in, advertisers and sponsors will follow. The show has experienced fast growth. Her recent interview with Rik Carlson, author of “We’re Not in Kansas Anymore,” has been accessed by over 2,500 unique listeners.

A former radio host, Bilheimer produces two shows a week for now, but is hoping to grow the podcast if there is enough interest. “I would love to broadcast five days a week if the demand is there.”

Along with the show, there is a 24-hour vent line -- (872) 222-8718. Bilheimer hopes that people will leave messages with questions, comments, and listener experiences that she can play on the air.

“This has been my dream,” Bilheimer said, “I want the world to know that our illness may be invisible… but we aren’t.”

To listen to the show, go to www.InvisibleIllnessPodcast.com

For more information, contact:
Susan Bilheimer, Host of www.InvisibleIllnessPodcast. com
For advertising and media inquiries, phone: (954) 778-9160 (FL)
For listener comments, phone: (872) 222-8718 (24 hours)
Email: invisibleillnesspodcast@gmail.com

Susan Bilheimer