Calvary Austin Pastor Terry Michaels Reaches the Hearts of Those Who Suffer Chronic Pain with New eBook Release
Pain in the Offering: Hoping and Coping in a World of Hurt by Terry Michaels. Forward written by Charlotte H. Smith MD who says: "This book will provide encouragement to those who struggle with chronic pain."
Austin, TX, March 11, 2011 --( Calvary Austin pastor Terry Michaels is on a new mission: bringing hope to those who hurt. "Pain in the Offering" is destined to encourage those who struggle with chronic pain or illness. This is not another self-help manual with quick, easy steps to wellness. Yet, it is sure to lift the spirits of those who have had their fill of them. Each chapter is brief, inspiring and enjoyable. The reader can expect "motivational talks" as opposed to a litany of "how to" lectures. Rather than take a dry clinical approach to the topic of pain, Michaels identifies with the reader by sharing his own struggles. As the subtitle suggest, this book is about hoping and coping in a world of hurt. Because of the whimsical style in which it is presented, Pastor Michaels story reaches a diverse audience – even those who don’t suffer chronic issues! Pain in the Offering would best be described as a journey, written in similar fashion to Blue Like Jazz. It is touching, humorous, entertaining and honest. Most importantly, Michaels story will change how people think about physical suffering. It is a resource that will surely be recommended by health professionals and ministers alike. Available on ebook for nook, amazon kindle, ibooks and Sony Reader.
Calvary Austin
Terry Michaels
Terry Michaels
