West Hartford CT Stress Reduction, Exercise, and Fitness Program, Oasis for Wellness, Welcomes Clinical Consultant and Strength and Conditioning Coach Perry M. Siegel, MS

Mr. Siegel is a Hartford CT area strength and conditioning coach and a physical therapy manager who is experienced at working with physicians and their patients. He is dedicated to helping people improve their health and wellbeing and he is assisting the Oasis for Wellness as a Senior Clinical Consultant in their mission to help people "Live Better Longer."

West Hartford, CT, March 24, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Mr. Siegel is a specialized strength and conditioning coach who is experienced at working with patients struggling with a variety of medical problems and the physicians who treat them. He is dedicated to helping people improve their health and wellbeing evidenced by his years of ongoing service as a multiple site-director for HealthSouth Outpatient Physical Therapy offices. Mr. Siegel is making available his impressive experience managing corporate onsite rehabilitation programs as well as physical therapy for many doctor referred patients who have musculo/skeletal issues. In addition, Mr. Siegel is experienced working with top professional and amateur athletes to improve their performance utilizing his special brand of strength and conditioning and sports psychology. He is adding one more challenge to his impressive resume by providing consultation services to Oasis for Wellness.

Jim Hughes reports "Perry is a top notch professional. He has a wealth of knowledge in the area of group exercise and fitness and its influence on medical conditions and health. He is the perfect person to help us, help the doctor referred clients in our specialized stress reduction and evidenced-based exercise program. We really want to help people ‘live better longer’ and Perry is an essential piece of the puzzle. We are please he is helping our clients and their referring doctors.”

Paul Bratslavsky, an exercise specialist, who for years has helped people lose weight and improve their health with exercise, stated "an article came out in American Family Physician stating ‘the highest energy expenditure had the lower mortality risk.’ It is this type of energy expending exercise that Mr. Siegel specializes in. It can have a big impact on people's health and wellbeing. I enjoy working with professionals, like Perry, who bring a wealth of knowledge on current research and how to put it to work helping those who need it --this stuff really works!"

Mr. Siegel commented in an interview from his home, “I am looking forward to helping people with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, hypothyroidism, obesity and the like. They need good evidenced-based exercise as much as my regular physical therapy clients who I see in my day job do. In fact, I was just reviewing some journal articles where the national recommendations for physical activity from the American College of Sports Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that all adults should accumulate 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity activity on 5 or more days per week. However, only 32% of US adults achieve that level.” Up until now, there have been no resources available in the Hartford region for doctors who want to help their (non-musculo/skeletal issue) patients with good solid structured evidence-based exercise protocols.

Oasis for Wellness (oasisforwellness.com) has been treating doctor referred patients using UMASS Medical Center Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction as seen on the Bill Moyer's televised special Healing and the Mind. Jim Hughes wrote a book on his experience of teaching in the UMASS Stress Reduction Clinic and based the Oasis for Wellness on that written work over 10 years ago. It has received rave reviews by notables such as: Bernie Siegel, author of Love Medicine and Miracles, Eleanor Cousins, wife of the late pioneer Norman Cousins, and Peter Anton, director of the UCLA program in Psychoneuro-imunnology.

For more information, contact Paul Bratslavsky at 860 233 6546.

Oasis for Wellness
Judy Mulkern