Life Coach Antony Birks Highlights His Book: “One Hundred and One Daily Challenges and Affirmations - Helping to Find Inner Peace and Happiness in Daily Life”

Coach Antony is renowned on the Internet as the Coach that Cares – even between sessions, and he offers a unique blend of spirituality and life coaching to a worldwide audience in his new book: One Hundred and One Daily Challenges and Affirmations – Helping to Find Inner Peace and Happiness in Daily Life. The work is available on the Kindle and in paperback.

Los Angeles, CA, July 31, 2011 --( In today’s busy and hectic society some find it hard to manage and get to grips with their time limitations, their relationship problems, their spirituality, their career and wealth issues, their health concerns, plus dealing with other general life issues - which seem to crop up at the most inopportune moments.

His intent is to bring daily structure and wholeness into the lives of his clients, potential clients and the thousands who follow his Facebook and Twitter profiles and blogs. In his life coaching practice, Coach Antony has developed his own successful methodology to help his clients find fulfillment. His vocation has always been assisting people to observe and deal with life's challenges - such as in the realm of Health, Career, Wealth, Relationship, Spirituality and Personal Growth.

After many years of experience of working with people, from many areas of society, Coach Antony is aware that each of us are at different stages of enlightenment – spiritual and otherwise – and each has his or her path to tread.

Every one of the challenges assists the reader to reconsider certain important aspects of their lives – the wisdom gained is important if we are to live a fulfilled and wholesome life. This book is to support all those who are looking to find their unique path forward and to lead them towards a life of inner peace and serenity.

Antony Birks’ vocation and purpose in life has become clearer over the last few years. It became apparent that his people skills, including his ever present English humour, is a major part of who he is.

“I pride myself in my listening abilities,” says Birks, “I am professional in my relationship with all those that I come into contact with and I get an incredible amount of satisfaction in assisting people who are willing to change certain areas of their lives.”

He continues: “Planning and accompanying a specific goal for someone, providing regular motivation and assistance, is all part of my unique life coaching package. Over time Spirituality has become more and more significant in everything I do. The Laws of Attraction and Reciprocity are part of the method that I teach to my clients, and are an integral part of my daily life and my life coaching practice.”

As Antony Birks points out the key to living a more fulfilled life is giving something back to society - be it in the form of a donation or to volunteer one’s time for some good cause – he considers this key to living a peaceful and serene life.

For more information, visit his website and to follow him and his work on Facebook and Twitter.

Life Coach Antony Birks - The life coach who cares between sessions deals with Relationships, Health, Wealth, Spirituality, Routine, Career, Personal Growth and Passion issues.

Life Coach Antony Birks
Antony Birks
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