Carrie Charles Breakthrough 2012 Event a Success

Tampa, FL, January 23, 2012 --( Life Coach Carrie Charles held a successful seminar on life breakthroughs at the Dex Imaging Building in Tampa, Florida on Janauray 19, 2012 using meeting space provided by Carlton Carter. During the event, Charles presented an in-depth presentation on breaking free from limiting idealogy to more than twenty-five professionals from a wide range of sectors, including finance, ecommerce, legal and personal service sectors and provided a perfect opportunity for discussions and networking.

The seminar on life breakthroughs provided a perfect meeting place to review personal strengths, note areas in which balance has been lost and work toward a place of progress instead of perfection in order to meet and exceed both personal and career goals for 2012.

Attendees of the event had a unique opportunity to learn about defining a specific goal and framing that goal within the constructs of positive language, defining specifics to make the goal succeed and learning how to measure the success or failure of the goal. Charles explained the importance of identifying areas of your life which are currently receiving more focus than others, defining what was meant to be the positive intent of the action and reviewing how you could ideally find a happy medium which still results in goals being reached. Audience members were provided tools, tips and techniques by which they can identify the time drains in their life and build a plan to overcome the challenges of both time management and financial accountability. In essence, she was telling her audience that it is occasionally acceptable to focus too much on career as long as you realize that and work toward finding a balance that suits you. Charles stressed that life is a matter of “progress not perfection.”

Charles, who originally worked in the financial industry for many years, made the change to becoming a personal life coach when she experienced several life changes, including a divorce and the reality of a cancer diagnosis for one of her children. Additional information regarding Design My Life, and Carrie Charles, can be located on her websites at and

Design My Life
Carrie Charles