Author Shares Her Spiritual Journey with Salsa Dancing in the New Book Soul Secrets of Salsa

Author, Claire Timberlake is pleased to announce the release of her new book, Soul Secrets of Salsa: How to Partner with Your Spirit and Dance through Life.

Houston, TX, February 29, 2012 --( After an unexpected life detour that left her alone and directionless, Claire took up Salsa dancing. Far from being just an escape, Salsa classes provided lessons for life and helped her find her way. 'Soul Secrets of Salsa' clearly describes these lessons in bite-sized pieces enabling readers to easily apply them to their own life.

Following her heart onto the dance floor, amateur Salsa dancer Claire Timberlake was astonished to discover a mirror for her emerging spiritual path in the teachings of her Salsa instructor. Each time she was ready to take another step along the path of inner growth, her teacher’s dance instructions revealed just how and where that next step should be placed. It seemed that her young, Cuban-American Salsa instructor was an unlikely channel for Divine inspiration.

Realizing the spiritually significant gift that she was unveiling, Claire embarked on a journey to discover the workings of her inner connection with Spirit. In Soul Secrets of Salsa, Claire shares the jewels of wisdom she gleaned from her Latin muse and reveals how changing her relationship with that “still, small voice” within her led to vast improvements in her health, well being, relationships and career choices.

As readers follow the author’s journey of discovery and begin to practice this simple, natural soul alignment, they will likely discover streams of divine instruction pouring into their own lives.

At a time when many people are looking to begin new careers and are at a loss for direction in their lives, both professionally and personally, Soul Secrets of Salsa introduces a refreshingly simple approach to navigating uncharted territory and engaging the heart as the seat of intuition.

When people learn to read and trust their own inner guidance, they discover that they already possess an unerring internal compass to keep them on their unique path in all areas of life.

Soul Secrets of Salsa is receiving rave reviews.

Book Information:
Soul Secrets of Salsa: How to Partner with Your Spirit and Dance through Life
Author: Claire Timberlake
Publisher: Balboa Press
ISBN: 978-1452539621
Pages: 190
Published: November 2011

About The Author
As an “unschooling” mother of three, Claire Timberlake learned that she could help her children best by getting out of their way and letting them follow their hearts. As she observed the joyful, calm, and successful lives of her children, she realized what we all know if we look at the lives of successful people…. True success and inner peace comes from following the “still, small voice” that resides within each of us.

With a master’s degree in Education for the Gifted, she realizes that everyone has their own gifts and life purpose. As a Life Coach, Claire helps clients listen to their own inner guidance and encourages them to follow through with what their hearts long to do.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Claire Timberlake

Soul Secrets of Salsa is available for purchase online through the author's website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Author, Claire Timberlake