New Professional Errand Running Service
Coral Springs, FL, June 26, 2007 --( In today’s world dual working parents are the norm rather than the exception. In the past this has meant the family has had to sacrifice hot meals, clean laundry and relaxed family time in the name of more work time, rushing to soccer practice, dance lessons and basketball. They hurry home just in time to throw a load in the washing machine and then crash for the day only to get up and start the cycle again. Weekends are set aside to finish the lawn, get the groceries, and pick up the dry-cleaning and get everything else done that was missed during the week. Where is the time for fun?
Squared Away Errand Solutions is bringing back time for fun. Newly opened in Coral Springs Florida, Squared Away Errand Solutions is a professional errand running service designed to help busy professionals get back their day. They run your errands, plan your meals, buy your groceries, stock your pantry and pick your dry-cleaning up all while you are at the office. If you want your meals prepped and waiting in your refrigerator Squared Away can do that too. When you need someone to meet the cable repair man in or let in a contractor Squared Away can send one of their team to wait at the house for you. They will meet your vendors and detail your specific instructions, ensuring they are carried out to your specifications. Need to pick up a special gift and have it mailed to your favorite Aunt in Seattle, need to research a new purchase, what about setting up your bills on line or organizing your home office? Squared Away does all the things you want to get done, need to get done, but don’t have the time to do.
Kim Prenter
Company History
Squared Away Errand Solutions was started by Kim Prenter out of pure frustration and the desire to “build a better mousetrap.” As Vice President of Operations for the South East Florida region for a successful business in Kim constantly juggled 10 -12 hour work days and 1 hour, or more, commutes each way daily. As a mother of three and wife Kim constantly wondered how she could possibly get everything done in a day. Weekends were for soccer practice, swim team and catch up. After talking with many working parents expressing the same longing for fun, organization and the wish to get everything taken care of Kim determined to open up Squared Away Errand Solutons. Squared Away Errand Solutions will take care of any task you need done, as long as it legal, ethical and moral. They are open for business M-F 8:00 am -5:30 pm. Weekends and after hours are available at an after hours rate.
Squared Away Errand Solutions is bringing back time for fun. Newly opened in Coral Springs Florida, Squared Away Errand Solutions is a professional errand running service designed to help busy professionals get back their day. They run your errands, plan your meals, buy your groceries, stock your pantry and pick your dry-cleaning up all while you are at the office. If you want your meals prepped and waiting in your refrigerator Squared Away can do that too. When you need someone to meet the cable repair man in or let in a contractor Squared Away can send one of their team to wait at the house for you. They will meet your vendors and detail your specific instructions, ensuring they are carried out to your specifications. Need to pick up a special gift and have it mailed to your favorite Aunt in Seattle, need to research a new purchase, what about setting up your bills on line or organizing your home office? Squared Away does all the things you want to get done, need to get done, but don’t have the time to do.
Kim Prenter
Company History
Squared Away Errand Solutions was started by Kim Prenter out of pure frustration and the desire to “build a better mousetrap.” As Vice President of Operations for the South East Florida region for a successful business in Kim constantly juggled 10 -12 hour work days and 1 hour, or more, commutes each way daily. As a mother of three and wife Kim constantly wondered how she could possibly get everything done in a day. Weekends were for soccer practice, swim team and catch up. After talking with many working parents expressing the same longing for fun, organization and the wish to get everything taken care of Kim determined to open up Squared Away Errand Solutons. Squared Away Errand Solutions will take care of any task you need done, as long as it legal, ethical and moral. They are open for business M-F 8:00 am -5:30 pm. Weekends and after hours are available at an after hours rate.
Squared Away Errand Solutions
Kim Prenter
Kim Prenter
