World Healing Day Founder's Newest Non-fiction Book and Novel Foretold the Franken-storm and Our National Health Crisis, and Provides Solutions
Bill Douglas's works have been called "visionary." As a global organizer (World Healing Day), novelist, and non-fiction author, he expounds an expansive vision of a green-energy economy that can end our recession; a new realpolitik based on compassion and human dignity, fueled by individuals all over the planet following their inner-calling; his recent release of the fourth edition of his non-fiction book on Tai Chi, explains how mind-body science can save our bloated healthcare system trillions

Bill Douglas's fiction share his expansive vision of hope and possibility, and his novels have received high acclaim. "2012 The Awakening," about a spiritual leaderless shift in humanity changing the world's economic and political landscape was chosen Best Fiction of the Year by Spiritual Enlightenment Magazine.
Famed author and spiritual teacher, Deepak Chopra, wrote of Mr. Douglas's novel "2012 The Awakening," "What a gift it is to see fictional entertainment tackling the large issues of humanity!"
Time Magazine Woman of the Year, and FBI whistleblower, Colleen Rowley, wrote of it, "Visionary."
Bill's newest novel is an environmental thriller, "A Conspiracy of Spirits - Wall Street vs. The 99%" and was called "one of the most remarkable novels of our generation" by Pulitzer nominated writer/reviewer, David W. Menefee.
Visionary novelist Bill Douglas's newest novel foresaw the recent Franken-storm, but his tales are not apocalyptic, but rather visionary tales that weave cutting edge science that paints a future of solutions and possibility.
Douglas's newest release is the fourth edition of his popular non-fiction book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to T'ai Chi & Qigong" which was called "visionary" by one of America's top Tai Chi coaches, and heralded as a breakthrough book by the US Tai Chi Forms Grand Champion, Sifu Hong Yijao.
Douglas is the Founder of World Healing Day, a global annual event celebrated in hundreds of cities in over 70 nations on the last Saturday of April. Its motto is "One World ... One Breath." It brings together people from all over the world to hold local events focusing on personal and global health & healing. It includes several related sister events, such as;;;;;, etc. The concept is that our modern world is largely the product of human consciousness. By calming and connecting people worldwide around a healing vision, it sets the stage for actions that will enhance personal and global healing.
The event is also a health education event extolling the health benefits of Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, and mind-body sciences, to encourage government, healthcare, education, etc. to incorporate these tools. Medical research shows, for example that Tai Chi can boost the immune system; increase brain size; positively change DNA; lower high blood pressure; reduce anxiety, depression, mood disturbance; and much more. Most medical universities teach some version of these ancient mind-body tools today.
These events have been covered by: CNN; FOX News; BBC World Radio; The New York Times; Agence France Presse; Xinhua News Agency; The South China Morning Post; and media worldwide.
Learn more about this event at World Healing Day's website:
Learn more about Bill's new releases, and reader reviews for:
"The Complete Idiot's Guide to T'ai Chi & Qigong" (fourth edition)
"2012 The Awakening"
"A Conspiracy of Spirits - Wall Street vs. The 99%"
by visiting:
Learn about Bill's world acclaimed Tai Chi and Qigong instructional DVDs and CDs at:
Bill Douglas
Angela Wong at Illumination Corporation publishing

A Conspiracy of Spirits - Wall Street vs. The 99%
Second visionary fiction from the Founder of World Healing Day, his first was chosen Best Fiction of the Year by Spiritual Enlightenment Magazine.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to T'ai Chi & Qigong (fourth edition)
Bill Douglas's world acclaimed Tai Chi and Qigong book has just been released in 4th edition, with nearly 150 web-video-support videos and 300 detailed illustrations.

2012 The Awakening
As December 21, 2012 approaches Bill Douglas's visionary tale of hope and possibility is a must read. Deepak Chopra wrote of Bill's cautionary tale, "What a gift it is when fictional entertainment tackles the large issues of humanity!" "2012 The Awakening" chosen Best Fiction of the Year!

DVD - Anthology of T'ai Chi & Qigong: The Prescription for the Future
Bill Douglas was the 2009 Inductee to the Internal Arts Hall of Fame in New York, and has been a Tai Chi source for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and has been commissioned to create Tai Chi tutorials for Prevention Magazine. Bill's acclaimed 4 hour DVD has changed people's lives.