Barbara Kaplan Joins Petey Silveira on New Pathway To Healing Radio Show

Join them this Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 3 PM EST to get the chance to listen to special guest Barbara Kaplan talk with Petey on New Pathway To Healing Radio Show.

Longwood, FL, February 13, 2013 --( Barbara Kaplan inspires home owners, business people and companies to create environments that reflect their authentic selves.

Barbara began her interior design firm Design Dimensions over 25 years ago. It grew into many areas of specialty including healing environments and creating environments that feel good as well as look good. She wrote her book, The Bajaro Method: Rooms Have No Feelings, YOU Do! which features the Bajaro Method philosophy. This method brings significant awareness about how you feel in your environment and encourages people to decorate for themselves and not others. It celebrates expressing your style, taste and design choices which create an exterior expression of you. Barbara says, “Watching people evolve from the inside out to discover their likes and then become empowered to live in them is the greatest gift I can give someone.”

She encourages people to make this self discovery and create their signature brand. Barbara believes everybody has a secret signature brand waiting to be discovered and expressed.

She has the most fun guiding people as they discover this for themselves. This life long journey with clients has now resulted in the creation of a revolutionary tool. The Color & Design Preference Profile is a quick 23 question quiz that is taken on line to provide answers for confidence and guidance about how you want to live and dress.

Interior Designers are now using this unique Interior Design tool with their clients and ASID-American Society of Interior Designers has recognized it as a helpful assessment to use with clients and is recommending it to their membership.

Barbara is a color expert and consults on identifying and building personal color palettes for individuals both at home and in business.

Radio show host Petey Silveira has been a marriage and family therapist in private practice for more than 25 years specializing in past-life regression and is the founder of New Pathway To Healing. She teaches her clients to reframe, redefine and look at their problems with a fresh perspective. Petey provides the counseling and the tools to lead clients away from a path of distress, pain, and despair, and toward peace, contentment and fulfillment of each person’s life purpose through personal coaching sessions and group workshops. She is the author of “Musings to Help the Soul Remember,” 60 daily inspirations that reveal the path to your happiest lifetime, and shares her professional, personal, and spiritual insight on her blog at

Join Barbara Kaplan and Petey live this Wednesday, Feb.13 at 3 p.m. EST by visiting or calling (323) 410-0056. Recorded versions are made available following the show. If you have specific questions for Barbara, please email Petey at
New Pathway To Healing
Petey Silveira