New Website Shows How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

A new website,, was launched today to explain to people with high cholesterol, what they can do to naturally lower cholesterol. Showing that it doesn't have to be the hyped prescriptions you see in the media.

Gahanna, OH, August 30, 2007 --( If you have high cholesterol, most people assume they will be taking prescription drugs to control it for the rest of their lives. Adam Kessler, creator of, has launched a new website that explains to people what they can do to lower cholesterol naturally, rather than be controlled by these drugs.

His website,, reminds people of simple, proactive steps they need to make in their lives to prevent becoming a victim of high cholesterol.

Adam said, "Heart disease is still the number one killer of Americans. This site has a lot of tips you can do to control cholesterol. You don't have to use all of them, just using a few can make a huge difference."

Http:// is a reminder that living healthy can prevent a lot of diseases such as high cholesterol. Some of the simple tips listed on the site are:

1. Stop Smoking - Smoking lowers your HDL, your good cholesterol.
2. Increase Your Fiber Intake - Fiber helps to absorb cholesterol and your LDL, the bad cholesterol.
3. Lose Weight - Overweight individuals increase their chances of obtaining heart disease.
- and more.

Readers also get the opportunity to access a free report entitled, "The Dangerous Side Effects of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs You Don't Know About." A scary report about the prescription drugs the medical industry provides patients and how the harmful side effects could outweigh the good.

Adam Kessler keeps the public aware of the latest health and fitness trends with his free bi-weekly ezine, Fitnews. This can be accessed at

Contact Adam Kessler for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (614) 501-7850 Email: Other helpful information regarding health and fitness can be found at: and

Fitness Planning Consultants, Inc.
Adam Kessler