New Cancer Self Help Book Released - "Life, Happiness and Cancer: Survive with Action and Attitude"

Author and 7-time cancer survivor, Phil Kerslake is pleased to announce the release of his new book, "Life, Happiness and Cancer: Survive with Action and Attitude!"

Atlanta, GA, August 23, 2013 --( This new book was written for cancer patients seeking information and tools to help fight for their recovery; relatives, friends or caregivers of a cancer patient wanting to support them more effectively; survivors in remission but fearing recurrence or having difficulty re-adjusting back in the world; and cancer support professionals looking to offer psychosocial support to people in their care.

Within this best-selling book, 7-time cancer survivor Phil Kerslake shows you how to use action and attitude to support cancer recovery.

Readers will learn:

To cope with a cancer battle as you never thought you could
What being a fighter really means
What being an "active patient" involves in practice
To turn faith and hope into verbs and wishes into actions
To convene a life path audit that will feed your will to live
How to live in accordance with your own way of being, relating and creating to support your recovery prospects
To create a life with more balance, meaning and fulfillment

Life, Happiness and Cancer is available in both print and ebook format.

Book Information:
"Life, Happiness and Cancer: Survive with Action and Attitude!"
Author: Phil Kerslake
Publisher: Fontaine Press
ISBN: 978-0980417067 (sc)
Published: June 2013
Pages: 174

About The Author:
Phil Kerslake is acknowledged as one of the world’s most extraordinary cancer survivors, as well as a highly respected cancer patient supporter. He writes for, advises and presents to people affected by all types of cancer, worldwide. Welsh-born, New Zealand-bred Kerslake has survived 7 diagnoses of an incurable lymphoma since his symptoms first appeared in his mid-teens, 40 years ago. He is a prolific and in-demand conference and forum speaker and a best-selling author. Kerslake’s remarkable longetivity-against-odds, his expertise and his tireless volunteer work won him an International Re-Building Lives Award in Vienna, Austria in 2007. The American Cancer Society appointed Kerslake an International Hero of Hope in Florida, US, in 2011.

For more information, e-book review copies, or interviews please contact:

Phil Kerslake
Phil Kerslake