World Sound Healing Day - February 14, 2014
Send a Healing AH Sound to the planet with your voice! "Become a Sonic Co-Creator," says sound pioneer Jonathan Goldman ( Attend or plan a local World Sound Healing Day event, join with online participants at or from wherever you are.

Goldman invites you to help co-create planetary and personal transformation during World Sound Healing Day 2014. And to view and share the World Sound Healing Day 2014 video New to this year is the World Sound Healing Day AH Training Wave Video at
On World Sound Healing Day, tone AH on your heart energy center (heart chakra) for 5 minutes at noon your time, created and projected with the energy of compassion and love. Blend your heart-centered AH tones with others in a healing wave of love for Mother Earth. Visit to enhance the vibratory effect as we sound together for planetary peace and harmony. Participants may also choose to sound solo, with a group or attend/create their own local events.
What is the purpose of World Sound Healing Day?
To heal our planet
To heal our waters
To raise our consciousness
Anyone with a positive intention to enhance the consciousness of our planet can help co-create World Sound Healing Day. You don't need to be a singer or have any musical ability to take part in this event.
Can people making sound together help create peace on the planet?
Healing Sounds pioneer Jonathan Goldman thinks so. On Friday, February 14, 2014, Goldman, his wife Andi and other like-minded individuals around the world, will co-create and send a Valentine frequency of love to the Earth as they sound for peace, understanding and love from Boulder, CO..
The "AH" is a universal, non-denominational heart sound that, when projected with focused energy, is extremely powerful and effective," says Goldman. He's found that creating a global sound such as the World Sound Healing Day "AH" creates a transformational wave of energy that can positively affect the Earth. He adds: "We heal the planet, we heal ourselves. We heal ourselves, we heal the planet."
For a free global toning warm-up session on Friday, February 14, 2014, 11 AM EST (US), tune in to Jonathan and Andi Goldman on Healing Sounds Radio at Healthy Life Radio ( or call into the show at 1-800-555-5453 |310-371-5444.
The synchronized waveforms of World Sound Healing Day have been measured by the Global Consciousness Project at Princeton University. The event is a Sonic Valentine for the Earth using an intentionalized AH sound as a medium for peace, global and personal transformation.
The AH sound is the tone of the heart energy center known as a chakra in holistic healing modalities. It has been said for several years that "sound is a complementary modailty for many healing paths," benefiting body/spirit/mind and sending healing energies to the planet.
Mystic Edgar Cayce predicted sound "will be the medicine of the future." Jonathan says Cayce's prediction is manifesting now. Goldman's music is a favorite of holistic and allopathic practitioners including massage therapists, RN's, yoga, relaxation teachers such as Lynn Mc Taggart, Dr Deepak Chopra, Drunvalo Melkchizedek and Gregg Braden. He and his wife Andi are global teachers who have presented at Omega Institute (New York), Sivananda Yoga Retreat (Bahamas), Unity Village (Lee Summit, MO) and the University of Arizona Dept. of Integrative Medicine founded by Dr. Andrew Weil. Goldman recently spoke at the Institute of Noetic Sciences-Tucson.
The Goldmans are the only sound healers ever invited to present at the Royal College of Music in London. Jonathan led the 24-Global Chant on Dec. 21, 2012 during the Uplift Festival in Australia, joining Barbara Marx Hubbard and a host of teachers including Bruce Lipton and Grandma Agnes, indigenous teacher/wisdom keeper, and many indigenous musicians. Their yearly sold-out Healing Sounds Intensives in July draw people from around the world. (
Brief bios:
Sound pioneer Jonathan Goldman, is a Grammy-nominated musician for Master Tibetan Chants (with Lama Tashi) in 2005. Jonathan is also an award-winning author for "The Divine Name" (Hay House 2010) and the award-winning "Chakra Frequencies" by Jonathan and Andi Goldman (Destiny Books 2011), endorsed by Deepak Chopra, MD, and physicist Gregg Braden.
Goldman's latest CD release is Merkaba of Sound (Spirit Music). Merkaba of Sound is also featured on YouTube link Dr. Wayne Dyer endorses Goldman's discovery of the Moses Codes frequencies in his book and on his PBS special, "Wishes Fulfilled."
Andi Goldman is a holistic psychologist, sound pioneer, musician and award-winning author and Director of Healing Sounds Summer Intensives celebrating their 19th consecutive year in 2014.
Jonathan and Andi Goldman are available for interviews.
Contact: Joan Vann, | 520-358-0575
Joan Vann
Joan Vann is a sound healing facilitator, event producer, writer/publicist.

Jonathan and Andi Goldman, sound pioneers and global teachers
Jonathan and Andi Goldman recently presented at The Royal College of Music, London, and for an SRO evening at the Institute of Noetic Sciences - Tucson Community in autumn 2013.

Temple of Sacred Sound Free online sacred sound temple for toning 24-7 (AH, OM, HU). Beautiful fractal art in each toning chamber. The Goldmans launched the Temple of Sacred Sound in service to the world.

The 11:11 Divine Name Seminar on DVD by The Goldmans
Jonathan and Andi Goldman present the 11:11 Divine Name Seminar on DVD. Available at, at book stores and online sites.

World Sound Healing Day Logo - February 14, 2014
World Sound Healing Day logo. The global event is now in its 12th year. Visit: for details

Merkaba of Sound, New from Jonathan Goldman (Spirit Music )
Click link for a one-sheet description of Merkaba of Sound, Jonathan Goldman's latest release. View the video: