In Support of National Cancer Prevention Month, CDx Diagnostics and ENT and Allergy Associates Educate Patients on Test That Helps Prevent Oral Cancer
New York, NY, February 21, 2014 --( Today’s medical advances have made some cancers, like cervical, colon cancer, and skin cancer, preventable by detecting precancerous cells, which are then removed while they are still harmless. As the nation commemorates National Cancer Prevention Month, ENT and Allergy Associates and CDx Diagnostics are educating the public about one more cancer that has been added to the short list of preventable cancers: oral cancer.
“The OralCDx BrushTest, used to detect oral precancer, has tremendously enhanced the care I offer to my patients,” says Daniel Gold, MD, of ENT and Allergy Associates. “The more we are able to educate doctors and patients about the power of finding still-harmless pre-cancer with the BrushTest, the closer we are to wiping out oral cancer.”
Oral cancer is about as common as skin cancer and leukemia and kills about one American every hour of every day. For reasons that are not well understood, it is now rapidly rising in the formerly low risk groups of women, young people and non-smokers. The disease starts as a small, harmless-appearing red or white spot in the mouth, which contains still-harmless but precancerous cells. If more oral spots are tested to rule out the presence of precancer or cancer, the incidence rate of this disease would drop dramatically.
The incidences of many cancers are not in our control. But the power to prevent oral cancer is now largely in our hands, and that is a recent reality that cannot be ignored.
About CDx Diagnostics
CDx Diagnostics (, makers of the OralCDx BrushTest, is the leader in the detection and prevention of cancers of the esophagus, oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx. The CDx tests are primarily used to help prevent cancer before it can start by identifying still-harmless dysplasia (precancer) and are also used to identify early stage cancers when they can be most easily cured. Clinicians use CDx patented brush biopsy instruments to non-invasively collect a broad, full thickness tissue specimen of a suspect lesion. This unique tissue specimen is then subjected to specialized, computer-assisted laboratory analysis. These life saving tests are nationally available to gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists, oral surgeons, periodontists, and dentists.
About ENT and Allergy Associates
Each ENT and Allergy Associates ( clinical location provides access to a full complement of services, including General Adult and Pediatric ENT, Voice and Swallowing, Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery, Disorders of the Inner Ear and Dizziness, Asthma, Clinical Immunology, Diagnostic Audiology, Hearing Aid dispensing, Sleep and CT Services. ENTA has a clinical alliance with The Mount Sinai Hospital for the treatment of diseases of the head and neck and esophageal cancer and a partnership with the American Cancer Society to educate and treat patients with smoking disorders and cancer. The Practice has also expanded its clinical capabilities to include advanced immunodeficiency trials. To learn more about the benefits of ENT and Allergy Associates, or to conveniently find an ENT doctor or Allergy Doctor and then easily book an appointment at the nearest New York (NY) or New Jersey (NJ) location, please visit
“The OralCDx BrushTest, used to detect oral precancer, has tremendously enhanced the care I offer to my patients,” says Daniel Gold, MD, of ENT and Allergy Associates. “The more we are able to educate doctors and patients about the power of finding still-harmless pre-cancer with the BrushTest, the closer we are to wiping out oral cancer.”
Oral cancer is about as common as skin cancer and leukemia and kills about one American every hour of every day. For reasons that are not well understood, it is now rapidly rising in the formerly low risk groups of women, young people and non-smokers. The disease starts as a small, harmless-appearing red or white spot in the mouth, which contains still-harmless but precancerous cells. If more oral spots are tested to rule out the presence of precancer or cancer, the incidence rate of this disease would drop dramatically.
The incidences of many cancers are not in our control. But the power to prevent oral cancer is now largely in our hands, and that is a recent reality that cannot be ignored.
About CDx Diagnostics
CDx Diagnostics (, makers of the OralCDx BrushTest, is the leader in the detection and prevention of cancers of the esophagus, oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx. The CDx tests are primarily used to help prevent cancer before it can start by identifying still-harmless dysplasia (precancer) and are also used to identify early stage cancers when they can be most easily cured. Clinicians use CDx patented brush biopsy instruments to non-invasively collect a broad, full thickness tissue specimen of a suspect lesion. This unique tissue specimen is then subjected to specialized, computer-assisted laboratory analysis. These life saving tests are nationally available to gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists, oral surgeons, periodontists, and dentists.
About ENT and Allergy Associates
Each ENT and Allergy Associates ( clinical location provides access to a full complement of services, including General Adult and Pediatric ENT, Voice and Swallowing, Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery, Disorders of the Inner Ear and Dizziness, Asthma, Clinical Immunology, Diagnostic Audiology, Hearing Aid dispensing, Sleep and CT Services. ENTA has a clinical alliance with The Mount Sinai Hospital for the treatment of diseases of the head and neck and esophageal cancer and a partnership with the American Cancer Society to educate and treat patients with smoking disorders and cancer. The Practice has also expanded its clinical capabilities to include advanced immunodeficiency trials. To learn more about the benefits of ENT and Allergy Associates, or to conveniently find an ENT doctor or Allergy Doctor and then easily book an appointment at the nearest New York (NY) or New Jersey (NJ) location, please visit
CDx Diagnostics
Sharon Golubchik
Sharon Golubchik
