Really Healthy Pasta? Good Health Naturally is Full of Beans About Their New Product Range.

Gluten Free, Organic Legume Pasta Now Available in Red Lentil and Black Bean

London, United Kingdom, April 16, 2015 --( Legume pasta is the latest health food product range to be released by Good Health Naturally. Free from grains and high in nutrients and fibre content, TOLERANT legume pastas are unique and healthy because they are made with one simple ingredient: legumes and nothing else.

They are the best tasting, healthy alternatives to wheat pasta - without any of the unwanted side effects or negative impact on general health.

Why Legume Pasta?

The gluten-free TOLERANT pastas are certified USDA organic, vegan, kosher and non-GMO. Along with being an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, legumes are a good source of B12 (This can be missing from many vegan diets).

Each serving of TOLERANT legume pasta has up to 400% more protein per equal serving and is naturally low in fat and high in fibre. A serving equals a full serving of vegetables and is high in iron (50%), 22g of protein (25%) and 3 ounces of fibre (46%) of your daily recommended values.

The pasta is a nutritious replacement for wheat based, corn or gluten-free pastas. It simply contains purified water and non-GMO red lentils or black beans. It’s also naturally chemically free and hypoallergenic, devoid of the top 10 food allergens*.

The Grain Free Alternative

It’s estimated that one in 1500 people in the UK have coeliac disease and that many more don’t realise they have the condition as only an estimated 1 in 8 have been diagnosed. This suggests there is a growing demand for grain-free really healthy alternatives and that legume pastas fill that need.

A good low Glycaemic Index food source (21) of complex carbs, TOLERANT pastas are a better choice for coeliacs, people with gluten sensitivity, diabetics and heart or stroke survivors.

Legume pasta is great for everyone wanting to make a healthier choice: athletes, children and seniors. It also promotes healthy weight loss due to legumes having a low glycaemic index. Taking only 10 minutes to cook, black bean and red lentil pastas are easy to prepare, meaning they are excellent for busy people on the go.

Can Even Be Served Raw.

TOLERANT pasta can be made in the same way as pasta or can even be served as a raw dish by soaking in warm water.

The TOLERANT pasta shaped products range comes in two vegetable varieties and three pasta shapes, including Organic Black Bean Rotini, Organic Red Lentil Rotini, Organic Black Bean Penne, Organic Red Lentil Penne, Organic Black Bean Mini Fettuccine and Organic Red Lentil Mini Fettuccine.

Really Healthy Pasta:

· Delicious, tastes great
· Gluten Free, Organic, Non GMO, Kosher
· High Protein, High Iron, High Fibre
· Hypoallergenic
· Low GI
· Loaded in Vitamins & Minerals (inc B12)
· Full serving of Vegetables
· Healthy Complex Carbs
· Can be served Raw

For more information and ideas about healthy pasta recipes, visit

For a sample pack or enquiries, please contact

* These allergens include milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, celery and sesame.
Really Healthy Pasta
Anna Jones
0800 015 1580 ext 2212