American Author and Owner of Rand Media Co. Makes It on the Amazon Top 10 of Chinese E-book Best Sellers

Westport, CT, August 31, 2016 --( In one of the oddities of international culture, a real estate attorney originally from Sandusky, Ohio, has two books often in the top 10 of Chinese e-book best sellers. What is more amazing is that this list includes every book ever written in Chinese - fiction or non-fiction. While this list changes hourly, lately the only other non-Asian author in the top ten is Arthur Conan Doyle. Shakespeare appears in the top 100 - but far down the list.

Amazon ranks all e-books written in Chinese and sold on Amazon.


The author, Jim Randel, wrote ten books in 2011 - 2012 titled "The Skinny On __________" - each on a different life skill (time management, willpower, and so on). These bills are illustrated narratives, compilations of many writings on the particular subject.

Randel: "I spent all my energy writing these books. Then when they were finished, I had no idea what to do with them. I self-published, that is the easy part, but marketing and distribution is the name of the game. I did not put the requisite energy into that and my books got very little traction in the U.S."

But then Randel got a lucky break when he got an e-mail from a literary agent in Hong Kong wanting to know if Randel would license five of his books to a Chinese publisher.

By 2014, five of Randel's books were translated into Chinese and being sold in China.

"I knew something was happening when I started receiving e-mails from Chinese readers. In the beginning, one every few weeks. Then, one a week … then, several a week."

Randel's books hit some kind of nerve in China - sales of approximately 100,000 copies today.

By 2015, all titles were e-books and things really started to take off. While ranks change hourly, a few weeks ago, two of Randel's books were #1 and #2. Ernest Hemingway, William Shakespeare, and Arthur Conan Doyle were the only other non-Asians on the list - and each with only one book.

"I realize this is nuts… but everyone is supposed to get 15 minutes of fame, so I suppose this is mine."

For more information, contact Cindy Monroy at or via phone at (203) 818-3883.
Rand Media Co.
Cindy Monroy
203 226 8727