Self-Published in the U.S., The Skinny On Book Series by Rand Media Co. Makes a Splash in China

In one of the oddities of international culture, several self-published books by a U.S. real estate attorney, Jim Randel, are experiencing big sales in China. In 2010 - 2011, Randel wrote a series of self-improvement books that he titled The Skinny On series. These books are illustrated narratives... - August 31, 2016

American Author and Owner of Rand Media Co. Makes It on the Amazon Top 10 of Chinese E-book Best Sellers

In one of the oddities of international culture, a real estate attorney originally from Sandusky, Ohio, has two books often in the top 10 of Chinese e-book best sellers. What is more amazing is that this list includes every book ever written in Chinese - fiction or non-fiction. While this list... - August 31, 2016

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