Co-Create a Sonic Healing Wave for Earth on February 14
“Send a Healing 'AH' sound to the planet with your voice! Attend or plan a World Sound Healing Day event,” says Jonathan Goldman, founder. Visit for details. Tune in to a special 2-hour live radio show February 14, 11 am ET (US). The live show features a global sound healing, award winning music, top spiritual scientific guests, and a new 10-minute WSHD sound meditation from Goldman. Jonathan and Andi Goldman will host at Healing Sounds

This “AH” sound can dramatically shift the consciousness of those on our planet from one of competition to cooperation--allowing us to work together to create solutions for these problems. Goldman invites you to help co-create planetary and personal transformation during World Sound Healing Day, Wednesday, February 14, 2018. And to view and share the latest World Sound Healing Day event information, activities and video at
The purpose of World Sound Healing Day is:
To heal our planet
To heal our waters
To raise our consciousness
Tune in to a free global World Sound Healing Day 2-hour radio show on February 14, 2018 at 11 am ET (US) with hosts Jonathan and Andi Goldman. The planet-wide broadcast includes a live Global Sonic Activation and excerpts of Healing Sound Radio guests talking about global consciousness and global healing. Featured are sound scientists and renowned teachers/authors Dr. Dean Radin (Noetic Science), Dr. Roger Nelson (Global Consciousness Project), Gregg Braden ("The Divine Matrix"), Dr. Rolin McCraty (Global Coherence), Howard Martin (HeartMath) and Lynne McTaggart ("The Intention Experiment"). Goldman has created a powerful never aired 10-minute guided meditation for Global Healing using The Divine Name. The meditation will conclude the program. Healing Sounds Radio
Anyone with a positive intention to enhance the consciousness of our planet can help co-create World Sound Healing Day. You don't need to be a singer or have any musical ability to take part in this event. Anyone can sound an intentionalized “AH” sound to help effect positive change on the planet. A special World Sound Healing Day AH Training Wave mp3 is posted at and is available for download. This recording is helpful in assisting people in using their own sound for personal and planetary healing.
The synchronized waveforms of World Sound Healing Day have been measured by institutes such as the Global Consciousness Project at Princeton University. It has been known for several years that sound is a complementary modality for many healing paths, benefiting body/spirit/mind and sending healing energies to the planet. Goldman states: "We heal the planet, we heal ourselves. We heal ourselves, we heal the planet."
Jonathan Goldman, M.A. is an international authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics. He is author of numerous books including best sellers "The Humming Effect" (Inner Traditions 2017), co-authored with Andi Goldman, "Healing Sounds" and "The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing." Jonathan is director of the Sound Healers Association and president of Spirit Music, Inc. in Boulder, Colorado. A Grammy finalist, he has created over 25 best-selling, award winning recordings including "Frequencies,” and “Chakra Chants.” Jonathan is a lecturing member of the International Society for Music Medicine. In Spring 2011, Jonathan was named as one of Watkins’ Mind Body Spirit magazine’s “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People.” Jonathan lives with his wife and partner in sound, Andi Goldman, in Boulder, Colorado.
Jonathan Goldman is available for interviews.
Joan Vann
Alec Simms 303-443-8181
Joan Vann
Joan Vann, 520-358-0575

Jonathan & Andi Goldman
Jonathan Goldman, a Grammy finalist/ and sound pioneer founded World Sound Healing Day 16 years ago. Jonathan and Andi Goldman are global teachers, award-winning authors/musicians and revered presenters. | |

"The Humming Effect, Sound Healing for Health and Happiness" (Inner Traditions 2017)
Jonathan & Andi Goldman's new book "The Humming Effect" will help many with brain injuries, PTSD and other conditions. The Priomoridal Hum/humming techniques introduced may have profound effects on mitrochondria, considered the power generators of cells. stores