Recognizes SocksLane Compression as One of the Best Products for 2019

Portland, OR, September 27, 2019 --( SocksLane, the leading provider of cotton compression garments on Amazon, has been recognized by as one of the best products for 2019. Their cotton compression socks are recognized by the website in its niche. The compression socks are not just doing well in Amazon in terms of sales and customer satisfaction but as well as award-winning online resources website like VeryWell.

Verywell Health is an award-winning online resource for reliable, understandable, and up-to-date health information on the medical topics that matter most to you. They take a human approach to health and wellness content - a welcome alternative to hyper-clinical health sites. VeryWell Health has been providing comprehensive content for more than 20 years and contains a library of more than 18,000 pieces of content written by healthcare professionals.

Dave Dixon, co-founder, and CEO of SocksLane said in an interview, "Our compression socks offer all the benefits of a high-quality traditional compression garment with the added benefit of containing 65% natural combed cotton and high-quality anti-allergic stretch material. This exclusive combination reduces the possibility of discomfort by over 90% compared to a traditional nylon sock, giving users complete peace of mind regarding skin reactions allowing people to safely wear their compression socks for much longer thus increasing their effectiveness."

SocksLane products are available for purchase from the company website,, or on Amazon at
Amanda Dixon