WCA is Offering a Webinar "Overridden Credit Decisions"

Appleton, WI, June 29, 2024 --(PR.com)-- Credit Decisions Overrides. This interactive program, will discuss:

• How to limit overrides
• Understanding the rationale for them
• How to gain relevant insights for them
• Why companies cannot simply avoid credit overrides
• Why companies must accept them with professionalism and grace
• How to appropriately document them as they happen
• How and why company's need to report/document the results of overrides, both positive and negative

This Webinar will be held on July 10, 2023 at 9:00 AM Central Time. At the low cost of one registration fee ($65/$79) (one phone/internet connection), as many people as you wish in your office can view the Webinar. Easy-to-follow instructions will be sent with your meeting confirmation.

The Association is a recognized authority in the Business Credit profession serving thousands of Business Credit professionals in Wisconsin and nationwide. To register online, visit wcacredit.org/webinar-seminar-registration. For more information or to register, contact The Business Credit Management Association Wisconsin at 888-546-2880.
Chrys Gregoire