For Your Health a Special 5-Week Beginner Chi Kung (Qigong) Class - Announced at Blue Dragon School of Martial Arts

The Blue Dragon School of Martial Arts, located in Bergen County NJ, is announcing a special adult exercise program designed especially for beginners starting July 1, 2008. This Chi Kung program, also known as Qigong, is similar to Tai Chi and promotes optimal health and physical fitness.

Bergenfield, NJ, June 30, 2008 --( The Blue Dragon School of Martial Arts, located in Bergen County, NJ, has announced a special 5 week Introductory Chi Kung Class designed to improve health and promote mental well being. The classes begin on July 1 at 8:30pm and run every Tuesday evening throughout the month of July.

Chi Kung (also known as Qigong, pronounced "Chee-Gung") is one of the most effective and efficient exercise systems for lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and improving overall health that exists today. The class is conducted like a moving meditation and is very similar to Tai Chi.

When doctors recommend a Tai Chi class to help lower blood pressure, reduce stress and to get into better physical shape, they are in essence, recommending Chi Kung. The introductory class is especially designed to make beginners feel at ease while they try out a new type of exercise program.

The various movements gently and safely exercise every joint in the body, which enhances circulation and promotes better health. Because the movements are so gentle, yet deliberate, it is an ideal program for young adults to senior citizens regardless of age or current level of fitness.

The regular Chi Kung classes held at the Blue Dragon School boasts students ranging in ages from 20 to 75. Charleen Brewer, a local Bergen County NJ resident, has been a student at Blue Dragon for nearly 3 years is 75 years young. Mrs. Brewer enjoyed the health benefits that Chi Kung has brought her to such a extent, that she was motivated to join the kung fu program at the school and has been an inspiration to her fellow students ever since.

Another one of the Blue Dragon’s current students, Mindy Greenfield, who has lung disease, began taking Chi Kung class 18 months ago and at first could barely get through the warm up exercises "without wheezing and using an inhaler". After following a meticulous regime that included Chi Kung and breathing exercises, Mrs. Greenfield can now do both the Chi Kung and Kung Fu classes back to back and says" I don’t even know where my inhaler is."

And then there’s 68-year-old Thomasina Robinson, who refuses to let her severely arthritic knees keep her down. "During my first year, through rigorous practice and hard work, I was able to progress… My knees became progressively better… Normally, the arthritis might have taken over, however, it has mostly been controlled. I attribute this success to my work at the Blue Dragon School."

Fee: Only $50.00 for 5 weeks

To register contact:

Suzanne Moschetto
Blue Dragon School of Martial Arts
53 S. Washington Avenue
Bergenfield, NJ 06621
Call 201-385-3130 or Email

To sign up for a free newsletter or for more information about class offerings in kung fu and meditation at Bergen County NJ's Blue Dragon School you can visit the website at

Blue Dragon School of Martial Arts
Suzanne Moschetto
Open 7 days a week in Bergefield, NJ.