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Within Management, Scientific, & Technical Consulting Services
How to Start a Nonprofit and File for 501c3 Status Seminar Hosted by My Nonprofit Corner
Seminar Highlights Important Aspects of Building a Viable Nonprofit Organization - June 04, 2010 - My Nonprofit Corner
International Geothermal Conference Showed Sustained Interest in Deep Geothermal Potentials
Around 230 professional visitors discussed current challenges and deep geothermal projects within the framework of the 6th International Geothermal Conference in Freiburg from May 19-20, 2010. Among others the topics of seismicity, international market developments as well as public relations for geothermal projects have been met with great interest. The Conference has itself further established as important European meeting for geothermal sector. - June 04, 2010 - enerchange
Inatech Upgrades UN Agency System
Oracle specialist implements migration to Linux with Thales Switzerland. - June 03, 2010 - Inatech
Accelerated Technologies Launches New Website -
Accelerated Technologies Inc, a leader in product development services has recently launched a new website to support the needs of engineers and designers in the product development field. - June 03, 2010 - Accelerated Technologies
Pro Energy Consultants Surpasses 50 Franchises
In just 18 months, Pro Energy Consultants has awarded more than 50 franchises across the U.S. It now has a presence in 30 states and remains the only national energy auditing franchise. - June 03, 2010 - Pro Energy Consultants
Fuentek President Laura A. Schoppe Selected as Presenter in Technology Transfer Tactics Social Media Webinar
Fuentek, LLC ( has announced that Laura A. Schoppe, president of the firm, has been selected to present information in the Technology Transfer Tactics webinar, live on Tuesday, June 8, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. The 90-minute webinar will cover the theme: Technology Transfer Offices:... - June 03, 2010 - Fuentek, LLC
At the Height of the "Obesity Epidemic" Provides Support for Large-Size People launches a social networking and information website to provide support on all the important issues that impact large-size people. - June 03, 2010 -
Wildcat Discovery Technologies Evaluates Graphene Nanoplatelets for XG Sciences, Inc.
Wildcat measures effect of three new graphene conductive additives on lithium-ion battery performance. - June 03, 2010 - Wildcat Discovery Technologies
Tropical Seas' Reef Safe SunCare Deployed to Iraq for Operation Catch Fish
World's first biodegradable sunscreen is a perfect complement to fishing event for troops in Iraq. - June 03, 2010 - Tropical Seas, Inc.
Energy Investment Systems to Use Genscape Data to Calculate Carbon Footprints
Energy Investment Systems (EIS), an award-winning New York City-based consulting firm that provides energy services to apartment buildings, today announced that it will use Genscape data to provide its clients with accurate and timely estimates of the carbon emissions associated with their power... - June 03, 2010 - Genscape
Author, John Lee, Contributes to Talking About Men's Health Blog in June 2010
Lee's ground-breaking work, as it relates to passivity and men, will be the focus of his first contribution to Talking About Men's Health blog. - June 03, 2010 - John Lee Books and Seminars
Teleclass Interview Offers Free Guidance on Taking Control of Health and Fitness, Despite a Busy Schedule
When the average person’s life is not only longer but also busier and more stressful, health and fitness can fall right off the to do list. Now there is free, practical help to kick-start a new, and even fun, health regime. Paula Eder, Ph.D., time management expert and founder of Finding Time, LLC, teams up with clean eating coach and founder of Health Endeavors, Wendy Battles-Plasse, to give practical tips on how to move past overwhelm and make health a top priority. - June 03, 2010 - Finding Time
LTS Advisors, LLC Research Shows Small Businesses Need to Identify Resources
LTS Advisors, LLC, recently evaluated small business needs and has identified three important resources for business advice: attorneys, accountants and business consultants. - June 02, 2010 - LTS Advisors, LLC
Rentricity Launches Innovative Energy Recovery Program for New York Water Utilities
NYSERDA-funded Company to Utilize Untapped Renewable Resource to Generate Clean Energy - June 01, 2010 - Rentricity Inc.
Donna Marie Thompson, PhD - CEO of Goals in Action, LLC - Announces New Book Release "Bouncing Back-Thriving in Changing Times"
In the best-selling paperback "Bouncing Back-Thriving in Changing Times" Donna Marie Thompson, PhD and her co-authors demonstrate 50 practical ways to bounce back from financial, business, personal, health, and relationship setbacks. The stories provide an instructive guide to their actions and rationale as they bounced back from adversity. - June 01, 2010 - Goals in Action, LLC
United States Outplacement Firm Founder Highlights Plight of the Forgotten Professional and Middle Ranking Management Job Seekers
Scott Kane, Managing Partner of the US outplacement company today highlighted the company’s US experience with displaced executives where each $10,000 of compensation is equivalent to one month on the job hunting trail. Speaking at the launch in Cheltenham UK of... - May 31, 2010 - Grey Hair Management Ltd
Bumblebee Lab™ Launch the Hexaboard OSPG
Bumblebee Lab™ is announcing today the official launch of the Hexaboard Open Source Power Generator. The Hexaboard OSPG is the first member of Bumblebee Lab™ products for alternative energy. The Hexaboard OSPG is a simple but powerful tool for Neodymium driven power... - May 30, 2010 - Bumblebee Lab LLC
Mineta San José International Airport Completes Solar Energy System with Canadian Solar PV Modules and Rosendin Electric Team
1.12 Megawatt Installation to Power 20 Percent of the New SJC Rental Car Garage’s Lighting Load with Clean Solar Energy. - May 30, 2010 - Rosendin Electric
BDA Advises Pfizer on Divestment of Animal Vaccine Business in China to Harbin Pharmaceutical
Pfizer Inc (NYSE: PFE), advised by Business Development Asia LLC, has sold its market-leading swine vaccine business in China to Harbin Pharmaceutical Group. - May 29, 2010 - BDA Partners Ltd
Peter Cuneo, Former CEO of Marvel Entertainment, Inc., Talks About Marvel Turnaround on The CEO Show with Robert Reiss
Peter Cuneo, Vice Chairman and former CEO, Marvel Entertainment, Inc., speaks on The CEO Show with Robert Reiss about executing profitable turn-arounds and broadening product appeal. He discusses ways to take “strategic leaps” and provides insight about his experiences at Marvel and in his personal life that have shaped how he leads. - May 29, 2010 - Reissource, LLC
ActionCOACH Presents “The Business of Coaching: Winning the Game of Business”
ActionCOACH, the world’s number one business coaching firm, will debut a documentary-style video on June 1st. - May 29, 2010 - ActionCOACH
New Study Ranks Environmental Impact of World’s Countries
A new study conducted by the University of Adelaide (Australia), Princeton University, and the National University of Singapore has ranked the world's countries according to their negative impact on the environment.* The research involves 228 countries and is based on seven indicators of... - May 29, 2010 - The Ashkin Group
The Reserve at Lake Keowee Joins the Audubon Lifestyles Sustainable Golf Facility Program
Through participation in the Audubon Lifestyles Sustainable Golf Facility Program the Reserve at Lake Keowee is currently working through program requirements to gain recognition as a national model of sustainability. - May 29, 2010 - ISC-Audubon
Donna Marie Thompson, PhD CEO of Goals in Action, LLC Revealed Keys to Bouncing Back from Stress on TruVue Radio with Roland on May 27th
As a best-selling author featured in "Bouncing Back - Thriving in Changing Times" with Wayne Dyer and as a Certified Professional Coach, Donna Marie Thompson of Goals in Action, LLC shares her amazing Bouncing Back story as the survivor of a quadruple tragedy. She revealed keys into stress management, sleep, and exercise as the foundation to bouncing back from life's challenges. - May 29, 2010 - Goals in Action, LLC
Fuentek Senior Consultants Lead Marketing Course at AUTM 2010 Eastern Region Meeting
Fuentek, LLC ( has announced that Jack Spain and Karen Hiser, senior consultants with the firm, will lead a marketing course at the Association of University Technology Managers 2010 Eastern Region Meeting from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 8 at the Intercontinental Hotel... - May 29, 2010 - Fuentek, LLC
Museum and Heritage Show Exhibition Attendance Declared a Success by Museum Business Continuity and Crisis Management Experts Steelhenge
Steelhenge Consulting, a leading provider of business continuity and scenario-based emergency exercising for museums and heritage establishments, has described the recent exhibition at the Museums and Heritage show as a success. Steelhenge was invited to exhibit at the show as a recognised leader... - May 29, 2010 - Steelhenge Consulting Limited
REMA Launches Voluntary Renewable Energy Coalition (VREC)
New Coalition for Supporters of Renewable Energy Kicks Off with 50 Founding Members - May 28, 2010 - Renewable Energy Markets Association
@Oshyn_Inc Releases New White Paper on Drupal Advanced Features
Enterprises looking to Open Source for Web Content Management solutions will find the developer community driven Drupal offers extensive modules to build with the advanced features which are explored in the latest in a series of Drupal white papers from Oshyn. - May 28, 2010 - Oshyn, Inc.
The Grossman Group Wins SABRE Product of the Year Award for the Second Year Running
Internal Communications Firm Honored for unique leadercommunicator™ platform tool. - May 28, 2010 - The Grossman Group
The Grossman Group Honored as “Employee Communications Agency of the Year”
The Holmes Report, a highly respected public relations industry trade group, has recognized The Grossman Group as the nation’s top employee communications agency. In awarding this honor, the Holmes Report had this to say about The Grossman Group as “Employee Communications Agency of the... - May 28, 2010 - The Grossman Group
Southport Graphics Earns WBENC Certification
Southport Graphics (, a Morrisville-based digital printing company, has announced that it has received certification from the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). Southport Graphics is owned by Ann Jagger, who has more than 35 years of printing... - May 28, 2010 - Southport Graphics
Biomass Now Generates 32% of All Energy in Sweden, Causing Increased Competition for Pulpwood, Reports the Wood Resource Quarterly
Biomass has now surpassed oil to become the number one source for energy generation in Sweden. The increased competition for logs and wood chips between the pulp industry and energy sector has pushed wood fiber prices to new highs, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. - May 27, 2010 - Wood Resources International LLC
CPA in Miami Since 1983, Gustavo A Viera Announces the Firm Has Moved Into Its New Offices
The Miami accounting firm of Gustavo A Viera, CPA today announced it’s moved into it’s new offices at the Palmetto Bay Centre building located in Miami Fl located at 15715 S. Dixie Hwy. Suite 212. Originally established in 1983, Gustavo A Viera, CPA started the firm to fill a niche... - May 27, 2010 - Gustavo A. Viera, CPA
United Marketing Group Supports Alexian Brothers Foundation
Direct marketer participates in Centuries of Caring Capital Campaign. - May 27, 2010 - United Marketing Group
President of Intuitive Concepts is Keynote Speaker for June’s Women of Freedom Event
International author, speaker, consultant, and Feng Shui expert, Diana Garber will be the keynote speaker for June's Women of Freedom event in central Ohio. This event is set to inspire individuals and business owners alike. - May 27, 2010 - Intuitive Concepts, Inc.
No Fear. Founder of Dynamic Advisory Solutions Tells How He Can Make It Work in Profitpreneurship.
Ren Carlton, a young entrepreneur, went from working in his basement to running his own award winning financial consulting firm. Not only did he accomplish this feat in the midst of a recession, he wrote a book and plans to expand. - May 27, 2010 - Dynamic Advisory Solutions
Voicebrook to Exhibit at SNUG 2010
Company to discuss VoiceOver® integration with SCC Soft Computer’s SoftPath® anatomic pathology system. - May 26, 2010 - Voicebrook, Inc.
Maximizing the Value of Small to Medium Translation Agencies
Common Sense Advisory market research report helps language service providers create a sustainable, measurable business to prepare their companies for growth, longevity in the marketplace, or sale. - May 26, 2010 - Common Sense Advisory
E.G. Insight’s Gary Gerds Shares Best Practices in Gathering Actionable Business-to-Business Customer Feedback
In ongoing Voice of the Customer work with a global chemical company, Gary Gerds of E.G. Insight will conduct training for a group of key account managers. The training will amplify the effectiveness of the Customer Review Process (CRp®), a structured method of gathering face-to-face customer... - May 26, 2010 - E.G. Insight, Inc.
Volunteer in India - a Guide by Knowledge Must
Knowledge Must Releases a Guidebook for Volunteering in India - May 26, 2010 - Knowledge Must
HAACP Temperature Monitoring and K12 Digital Menu Boards with Nutritional Labeling – Texas TASN Show
Green Edge Systems Presents Freshloc HACCP Temperature Monitoring and K-12 Epicure Digital Menu Boards with nutritional labeling at the Texas TASN SNA show, San Antonio, June 15-16, and at the School Nutrition Association Show, Dallas, July 12-14 - May 26, 2010 - Green Edge Systems, Inc
Firms Partner to Offer Interim Executive Services
Advantage CFO Solutions, LLC and Michelle McCall, LLC are teaming up to offer interim executive solutions to companies in the Harrisburg, Lancaster, Reading, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. areas. Through a new strategic partnership, the two independent firms are working together to provide... - May 26, 2010 - Michelle McCall, LLC
Wood Fiber Prices for the Global Pulp Industry Rise 11%, Reaching Pre-Financial Crisis Levels in the 1Q/2010, Reports the Wood Resource Quarterly
The strong pulp market has pushed wood fiber costs upward in most regions around the world the past 12 months. Both the softwood and hardwood wood fiber price indices (SFPI and HFPI) have gone up the past year and were more than 11 percent higher in the 1Q/10 as compared to 1Q/09, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. - May 25, 2010 - Wood Resources International LLC
Figure 8 Barefoot Series Pros to Wear Tropical Seas' Reef Safe Biodegradable Sunscreen
Reef Safe SunCare® will protect skiers and lakes during 2010 Figure 8 Barefoot tournament series. - May 24, 2010 - Tropical Seas, Inc.
LTS Advisors Survey Shows Need for Business Plan Consultants
In a recent survey conducted by LTS Advisors, a New York based firm, business owners are now seeking effective consulting services in the current competitive economic climate. - May 24, 2010 - LTS Advisors, LLC
Advanced Infrared Makes Purchase of a New Flir T400 Infrared Camera
Advanced Infrared, LLC is an infrared service company based in Colorado and uses the latest infrared technology from Flir. - May 22, 2010 - Advanced Infrared, LLC
AshBritt Environmental to Join Public Officials and Disaster Preparedness Leaders at Governor's Hurricane Conference
The 24th Annual Florida Governor’s Hurricane Conference Will be Held at the Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center, May 23-28. - May 22, 2010 - AshBritt Environmental
South African Retail on the Rise
The “South Africa Retail, Home-Shopping, E-Commerce Report 2010,” the latest report published by Hamburg-based market research firm, shows a positive upward trend in South African retail: Figures and trends in South African retail Based on the latest estimates retail revenue... - May 22, 2010 - GmbH & Co. KG
Rosendin Electric Names Two New Managers to Expand Commercial Construction Management Team
Kennedy promoted to Preconstruction Manager and Ruffner hired as Business Development Manager. - May 22, 2010 - Rosendin Electric
Technology Associates Implements Help Desk to Better Serve Customers
Eric Hobbs, president of Technology Associates (, a full-service technology solutions and support firm, has announced the implementation of a help desk team to provide further support to customers. When customers face problems or have questions, they may use this... - May 21, 2010 - Technology Associates