yWorks Release Innovative New Diagramming Components - yFiles for Silverlight

Unequalled auto-layout functionality that covers a multitude of diagram types - March 27, 2010 - yWorks GmbH

Expert Ingrid Kincaid Joins Therapy in Transition as Spiritual Health and Wellness Coach

Expert Ingrid Kincaid Joins Therapy in Transition as Spiritual Health and Wellness Coach

Therapy in Transition (TITO), which recently put together an Expert Panel to expand its services, has brought Ingrid Kincaid on board as the organization’s Spiritual Health and Wellness Coach. - March 26, 2010 - Therapy in Transition LLC

Peak Performance Group, Inc. Offers a New Twist on Selecting an Executive Coach

Peak Performance Group, Inc. of Gloucester, Massachusetts is working with their clients to use human assessments prior to selecting an executive coach, which has shown a significant improvement of both the performance of the executive post-coaching and therefore an improved return-on-investment for clients. - March 26, 2010 - Peak Performance Group, Inc.

Vision IT Signs New Contract

Vision IT, LLC has signed a contract with New Jersey based consulting firm, IT Trailblazers. IT Trailblazers was in the market for a consultant for a highly specialized project and Vision IT was in the market for a new customer. Ty Wilmore, Principal Consultant of Vision IT says he is looking... - March 26, 2010 - Vision IT, LLC

Fuentek Receives Award for Excellence from the Society for Technical Communication

Laura A. Schoppe, president of Fuentek, LLC (www.fuentek.com), has announced that the firm has received an Award for Excellence from the Carolina Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) for its 2009 Innovative Partnerships Program (IPP) publication “IPP Seed Fund... - March 26, 2010 - Fuentek, LLC

Culture Coach International CEO Kari Heistad Wins National Entrepreneurship Award

Culture Coach International CEO Kari Heistad Wins National Entrepreneurship Award

Kari Heistad, CEO of Culture Coach International (CCI), a leading company in the areas of diversity and cross-cultural education, has been awarded a “Rising Star” by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) for 2010. Kari was chosen by the Center for Women in... - March 25, 2010 - Culture Coach International

The Environmental Software Directory is Now Free

The Environmental Software Directory is Now Free

Donley Technology's popular Environmental Software Directory and Safety Software Directory are now available online at no cost. - March 25, 2010 - Donley Technology

Manufacturers Capture the Benefits of Innovations in Product Compliance

Learn how Intertek’s streamlined approach can improve your competitive advantage. - March 25, 2010 - Intertek

Aujas Celebrates Its Second Anniversary

Completes 2 years with 70 customers delivering over 100 projects. - March 25, 2010 - Aujas Networks

Aujas Enters the European Market Based Out of Germany

Partners with Bizpro and appoints key leadership to focus on business expansion into central and Eastern Europe. - March 25, 2010 - Aujas Networks

Crown Global Assets Will Celebrate Earth Day at the Office and Will Start a New Campaign

To celebrate the 10th year Anniversary of Earth Day, Crown Global Assets have just started a campaign to mobilize their employees and their families in fighting global warming at home and at the office. - March 25, 2010 - results

Ergonomics Training Improves Health, Safety and Productivity

System Concepts announces dates for their Industrial Ergonomics training programme for 2010. - March 25, 2010 - System Concepts Ltd

Environmental Communications Workshop Offered in Nashville

Calling all natural resource managers, watershed organizations, waterkeepers, and land trusts. The Cumberland River Compact will host a hands-on environmental communication workshop designed just for you in Nashville on April 27th, 2010. Participants will learn to prepare written and spoken communications that connect with everyday citizens and motivate action on behalf of our rivers, forests, lakes, wetlands, and oceans. - March 24, 2010 - Water Words That Work, LLC

Doeren Mayhew Announces New Affiliate Company: Doeren Mayhew Financial Advisors, LLC

Doeren Mayhew (http://doerenmayhewfa.com), Troy-based public accounting and management consulting firm, announces the formation of a new venture, Doeren Mayhew Financial Advisors LLC (DMFA). DMFA combines the resources and experience of Doeren Mayhew’s accounting and consulting professionals... - March 24, 2010 - Doeren Mayhew

Doeren Mayhew Director Elected to The Joe Niekro Foundation Board of Directors

Doeren Mayhew, Troy-based certified public accounting and management consulting firm, announced today that Lawrence A. Simon, Director, was elected to The Joe Niekro Foundation Board of Directors. - March 24, 2010 - Doeren Mayhew

EOS Remediation Wins an EBJ Award for EAS

EBJ Honors Outstanding Environmental Firms with 2009 Business Achievement: Technology Merit Award - March 24, 2010 - EOS Remediation, LLC

Steelhenge to Participate in the Business Continuity Institute's Virtual BCM Exhibition as Part of Business Continuity Awareness Week

The BCI is running a number of activities during Business Continuity Awareness Week, from the 22nd – 26th March, including an online business continuity showcase for its Partners which will feature Steelhenge as a virtual exhibitor. - March 24, 2010 - Steelhenge Consulting Limited

Fronterion Announces Results of Onshore Outsourcing Survey

Findings show significant growth in onshore delivery market, increased interest from law firms and clients - March 24, 2010 - Fronterion

Thursday: Silicon Valley Leadership Group Environmental Sustainability Symposium

Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG) to hold its 2010 Environmental Sustainability Symposium, “The Sustainable Corporation: Solutions From The Innovation Economy,” this Thursday, March 25th. AltaTerra Research to moderate ‘green product’ panel and write conference report. - March 24, 2010 - AltaTerra Research

Voicebrook to Exhibit at USCAP 2010 Annual Meeting

Voicebrook to Exhibit at USCAP 2010 Annual Meeting

Voicebrook to debut alternative reporting workflows using speech recognition technology. - March 23, 2010 - Voicebrook, Inc.

CRG Associates Has Been Selected as One of the Top 500 Emerging Businesses in the U.S. by DiversityBusiness.com

DiversityBusiness.com announced their latest list of top 500 emerging businesses in the U.S. Over 650,000 businesses in the United States had the opportunity to participate in the 10th annual business survey. The awards are based on annual gross revenue and business profile. The of top 500... - March 23, 2010 - CRG Associates

Jpb.com Upgrades Their Jenni Idea Management for Facebook Application

jpb.com have upgraded their Jenni Idea Management software's Facebook module. This allows companies using Jenni with the module to tap into the entire Facebook community of 400 million users for innovative ideas. - March 23, 2010 - Bwiti bvba - jpb.com

PowerSines LEC Saves 20% - 35% Electricity at Statoil Petrol Stations

The Lighting Energy Controller (LEC) system with dual operation mode provides energy savings for all lighting circuits: outdoor pump area, billboard signage and convenience store. - March 23, 2010 - PowerSines

CDC Synectics Inc. Offers Workshop on Turbo-Charge Business Process for Results

Are you aware that workarounds are quick fixes that solve your burning problem today but could become entrenched and costly approaches to run your business? To maximize the effectiveness of your business, you need to align process, technology and people. Connie Siu, an operational effectiveness consultant, is offering a workshop on how to achieve dramatic improvement in results through process enhancements. - March 22, 2010 - CDC Synectics Inc.

Seth Kahan Collaborates with Marshall Brown to Build a Community of Entrepreneurs in Washington, DC

Innovative leadership specialist and executive strategy consultant, Seth Kahan, has announced his collaboration with Coach, and Personal Brand Strategist Marshall Brown, to build a community of Entrepreneurs in Washington, DC. - March 21, 2010 - Performance Development Group

Ronald F. Friedman Joins Innovative Systems' Board of Directors

Innovative Systems, Inc. (ISI), a leading provider of data quality, customer data integration, business intelligence support and regulatory compliance solutions worldwide, today announced the appointment of Ronald F. Friedman, founder and President of Customized Selling Solutions International, LLC... - March 20, 2010 - Innovative Systems, Inc.

E Source Announces Results from E-Business Metrics Survey

Study Finds Paperless Billing Adoption for Utilities is Now 9.6% and 18.0% of Utility Payments Are Made Online. - March 20, 2010 - E Source

EMLab P&K Increases Mold Testing and Bacteria Testing Capacity to Support Northeast U.S. After Flooding

EMLab P&K has increased mold testing and bacteria testing capacity to support the increased need for environmental testing in the flooded areas in the Northeast. - March 20, 2010 - EMLab P&K IAQ Laboratory

E Source Launches Facility Energy Management Online

E Source recently launched Facility Energy Management Online, a new low-cost web-based research and advisory service. This new service is designed for energy managers and facility managers who are looking for energy management best practices and guidance on how to improve overall facility efficiency and reduce energy costs. - March 20, 2010 - E Source

Omnikron University Has Started the Program - ExecMatch100 Speeds Placement of High Level Executives

Podcasts Designed to Boost Corporate Productivity to Feature Executive Candidates in ExecuMatch100. Omnikron Systems, Inc., a nationally recognized provider of IT training and consulting services, recently introduced a program designed to place C-level executives, business professionals, and... - March 19, 2010 - Omnikron University

Environmental Systems Receives Commercial Real Estate Sustainability Award

Environmental Systems, Inc., Hunzinger Construction and Stephen Perry Smith Architects, however, turned traditional design-build process upside down when constructing new office space known as Gateway West Sustainable I. Taking a collaborative-building, life-cycle view during the planning phase resulted in recognition by the "Business Journal of Greater Milwaukee’s Real Estate Awards" in the category of "Best New Development-Office." - March 19, 2010 - ESI

Transportation Analyst, Andy Ahern of Ahern & Associates Secures Additional Agent Location for Network F.O.B.

Indiana based Tepee Logistics Group joins Network F.O.B’s extensive group of agent locations. - March 19, 2010 - Ahern and Associates

Managing Partner of Minneapolis CPA Firm Recipient of WBDC Advocacy Award

Certified public accounting and consulting firm Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company, LLP (LBLCO) is proud to announce that Beth Kieffer Leonard has been selected as the recipient of the 2010 Advocacy Award by the Women’s Business Development Center of Minnesota (WBDC-MN). - March 19, 2010 - Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company, LLP

Fuentek President Laura A. Schoppe to Serve on North Carolina Technology Association Panel

Fuentek, LLC (www.fuentek.com) has announced that President Laura A. Schoppe will be a panelist for the Emerging Technologies and Trends Series (ETT), hosted by the North Carolina Technology Association and WorkSmart IT, on Wednesday, March 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at The Solution Center in... - March 19, 2010 - Fuentek, LLC

Intertek Examines the Latest Update to the Eco-Design Directive (EC/643/2009)

Learn how the expanded legislation affects household refrigerating appliances - March 19, 2010 - Intertek

Center for Watershed Protection, Inc. Appoints William (Bill) Stack as Deputy Director of Programs

The Center for Watershed Protection, Inc., based in Ellicott City, MD, is proud to announce their newest staff member, William (Bill) Stack, who will be the new Deputy Director of Programs. He has worked for over 33 years in the watershed management and restoration field. Bill has been with the Baltimore City Department of Public Works where he retired as Chief of the Surface Water Management Division. - March 18, 2010 - Center for Watershed Protection

ZEMA Suite Receives Phenomenal Industry Endorsement

ZE PowerGroup Inc, the developers of award-winning ZEMA Suite, has made a clean sweep in a user-ranked Data Management Software evaluation. As published in Energy Risk's Software Survey, ZEMA scored #1 in all 3 Data Management categories; making ZEMA the first system to rank #1 in all categories of... - March 17, 2010 - ZE PowerGroup

N-iX’s Experience at CeBIT 2010

The world’s largest IT exhibition of the year CeBIT (Centrum der Büro- und Informationstechnik; German for "Centre of Office and Information technology") has taken place in Hannover expo center, March 2-6. Lots of the world’s biggest IT companies presented themselves on... - March 17, 2010 - N-iX LLC

Oshyn, Inc Enhances Open Text Web Solutions and RedDot CMS Support Services

Open Text Partner Oshyn, Inc delivers support services for existing Open Text Web Solutions and RedDot CMS clients to enhance performance and Return on Investment. - March 17, 2010 - Oshyn, Inc.

Companies West Group Inc. Acquires Rights to New Extraction Process to be Used to Recover Agricultural Oil and Nickel

Companies West Group Inc. (FRANKFURT: A38) has acquired the right to use a unique patented extraction process that will be used to remove oil from a clay- and nickel-based food manufacturing bi-product. - March 17, 2010 - Companies West Group

Companies West Group Inc. Implements New Initiatives to Fund Long Term Renewable Energy Solutions

Companies West Group Inc. (FRANKFURT: A38) continues to exploit diverse natural energy resources to fund the company's long term goal of providing alternative energy solutions. - March 17, 2010 - Companies West Group

Innovative Change Management Toolkit Launched

RIVERFORK Consulting launches innovative change management toolkit that puts design at the center stage of leading change. - March 16, 2010 - RIVERFORK CONSULTING

Seth Kahan Among Fast Company’s Top Ten Bloggers

Innovative leadership specialist and executive strategy consultant, Seth Kahan, is among Fast Company’s Top Ten author list for his blog- “Leading Change.” His writing can be read at SethFast.com. - March 15, 2010 - Performance Development Group

Post Maternity Survey Suggests Employee Engagement Deficit

Results of a survey of HR professionals on the experience of women returning to work following maternity leave. - March 15, 2010 - ETS plc

Adaptation Chairman Shows HR Technology Summit How Focus on Job Support Generates High Returns on Investment

Research findings from Adaptation reveal a practical and low cost approach that impacts quickly and directly on bottom line performance. - March 15, 2010 - Adaptation Ltd

United Brands Worldwide Announces Key Appointments

Experts to Expand Company Services Include Roger Pondel, Joanna Schiele and Donna Jolly. - March 14, 2010 - United Brands Worldwide

ActionCOACH MetroNorth is Proud to Announce the "Business is Booming North American Tour" Kicking Off in Minneapolis, MN on April 12, 2010

Bradley Sugars, founder and Chairman of ActionCOACH, announces his 52 city North American "Business Is Booming Tour" kicking off in beautiful Minneapolis, Minnesota on April 12, 2010. - March 14, 2010 - ActionCOACH MetroNorth

Statement of MWH in Response to News Coverage of the OIG Draft Report

Earlier this week, a draft report of the Office of Inspector General Review of the City of New Orleans Professional Services Contract with MWH Americas, was released to the press prematurely, prior to MWH having the opportunity to respond. The early release of this draft report has produced... - March 13, 2010 - MWH Global

Green Product Association Welcomes First Global Trade Partners and Opens Tiered Membership

Green Building Product Promotion goes global; supports growth of companies of all sizes. - March 13, 2010 - The Green Roundtable / NEXUS

Rentricity to Present Its Clean Energy Solutions at Green California Summit & Exposition 2010

Rentricity to Present Its Clean Energy Solutions at Green California Summit & Exposition 2010

What’s New in Renewables: Costs are Down, Technology Options Up - March 12, 2010 - Rentricity Inc.

Press Releases 13,051 - 13,100 of 16,703