Ascent Adventure Consultants: Building Into the Stability and Success of Raleigh NC Businesses

Ascent Adventure Consultants, Apex North Carolina based corporate team building experts and professional rock climbing guides, have created two unique team building programs that are designed to build confidence, stability, loyalty, unity, success, and ultimately profitability into the businesses in the Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill area. - March 18, 2009 - Ascent Adventure Consultants LLC

How the Lessons of “March Madness” Can Positively Impact Your Business

Fundamentals and a performance-based culture can prove successful in building a winning company. - March 18, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Dadnab Extends Transit Texting Service to Southern California

Southern California commuters are now using text messaging to plan their trips on public transportation. Transportation startup Dadnab is the first to provide such a service to riders throughout the region. - March 18, 2009 - Dadnab

H&H Environmental Provides Public Adjuster Services

H&H Environmental Construction and Consulting now provides public adjuster services for homeowners that have sustained mold infestation or flooding damage. A public adjuster works directly for the policy owner, not the insurance company. Many homeowners hire a public adjuster to document,... - March 18, 2009 - H&H Environmental Construction and Consulting

Risk and Compliance Training and Certification Launched in Asia

The International Association of Risk and Compliance Professionals (IARCP) and JZ Partners Limited have partnered to offer training and certification to individuals in Asia. - March 18, 2009 - JZ Partners

ActionCOACH Gives Business Profit Growth Workshop for Torrington Supply Customers

As part of its on-going educational series for customers, Torrington Supply Company is sponsoring Five Ways to Grow your Profits, an ActionCOACH workshop for growth minded business owners and executives. The program, which is free and for Torrington customers only, will be held Tuesday, March 31 at... - March 17, 2009 - ActionCOACH of CT

Universal Wrecking Corp. Completes Demolition of Facility in Virginia

Universal Wrecking Corp., a premier demolition, scrap metal recycling and wrecking contractor that operates on a nationwide basis, completed the demolition of a large facility in Virginia. The goal of the demolition project was to demolish the buildings and structures on the site in a safe and... - March 17, 2009 - Universal Wrecking Corp

Universal Wrecking Corp Proudly Announces Another Accident Free Year

Universal Wrecking Corp (UWC), a diversified demolition, wrecking and scrap metal recycling contractor, is proud to announce another accident and incident free year. This ability to have zero reportables on the OSHA 300 form is due to the strong commitment UWC has to employee safety. From... - March 17, 2009 - Universal Wrecking Corp

American Right of Way Associates Holds Haynesville Shale Training Class

American Right of Way Associates Holds Haynesville Shale Training Class

American Right of Way Associates will hold a training class March 21st, 2009 at the Petroleum Club of Shreveport. The class is titled Right of Way Agent Training Program. It was developed to teach the skills necessary for new right of way agents to serve the various oil and gas companies located in... - March 16, 2009 - American Right of Way Associates

Business Inspection - Controlling, Risk Management and Early-Warning-System for Small Businesses

The Business Inspection offered by abenetis is like bringing your business to an inspection, as you do it with your car. As like inspecting a car, the whole business is inspected, by the user himself, as abenetis is only providing the framework for analysis and points the user to the most important topis in managing a business. - March 16, 2009 - abenetis

i4cp Launches the Productivity Confidence Index

New Benchmark Tracks Productivity Expectations on a Continuing Basis - March 16, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Pop Farming Helps Homeowners Make the Switch from the Organic Produce Section to Backyard Urban Farms

Inspired by Cuba's organoponico movement, Portland Oregon social entrepreneur Dan Bravin teaches homeowners how to create sustainable backyard farms. Portlanders are known for for their “green” living and environmentally friendly attitudes, the perfect place for Bravin to find homeowners who need help installing and maintaining chicken coops or finding the right composting methods for their property. - March 16, 2009 - Portland Organoponico Project

This Week’s EcoGreenHotel Product EcoFeature keeps you informed about the latest environmentally friendly hotel products designed to make your green hotel the best it can be. Would you like to recommend a product for an upcoming EcoFeature? - March 16, 2009 - EcoGreenHotel

Preferred Financial Group Merges Advisors with Ensemble Financial Services

Preferred Financial Group announced that it has chosen Ensemble Financial Services to support its financial advisors. - March 15, 2009 - Ensemble Financial Services

Rosendin Electric Receives Intel’s Preferred Quality Supplier Award

Rosendin Receives Prestigious Preferred Provider Award for Fourth Consecutive Year. - March 15, 2009 - Rosendin Electric

Steelhenge, the UK's Leading Business Continuity Consultancy, Gains BS25999 Standard in Business Continuity Management

Business continuity management experts, Steelhenge Consulting, achieve certified status in BS25999 in only 3 months, demonstrating its own continuity readiness as a business continuity consultancy. - March 15, 2009 - Steelhenge Consulting Limited

CLASSeminars Names New President

New Corporation Board of Directors Meet, Name Officers, Plan The Board of Directors of CLASSEMINARS, INC. named Gerry Wakeland of Albuquerque, New Mexico, President of the corporation at its first annual board meeting. CLASSEMINARS, INC is a 501c3 corporation which presents training seminars for... - March 14, 2009 - CLASSEMINARS, INC

Educated, Experienced, Fabulous and Unemployed

Woman-Owned Business Launches New Product Designed to Help Laid-Off Workers Compete for Jobs in Today’s Market - March 14, 2009 - DGS Consulting LLC

The CEO Show with Robert Reiss 100th Interview – Top Executives from Across the U.S.

The CEO Show with Robert Reiss reached the 100th guest interview mark on Sunday, February 15, 2009, when he interviewed Beth Chappell, President and CEO of The Detroit Economic Club and The National Summit. The Detroit Economic Club, one of the world’s leading speaking platforms for CEOs and... - March 14, 2009 - Reissource, LLC

EssentiaLink Reveals a Startling Fact About the Stimulus Plan

The changes place a strong emphasis on Electronic Health Reporting (EHR). For numerous reasons EHR cuts deeply into the profits for many health care providers. To make matters worse, the computers, software and training to implement EHR can be well beyond the budgets of smaller providers. - March 14, 2009 - EssentiaLink

How’s Your Staff Holding Up During This Economy? Why Don’t You Ask Them?

Employee engagement is more than a 21st century buzzword. Studies indicate that highly engaged employees outperform their disengaged counterparts by as much as 20—28 percentage points. During tough economic times, this significant upside to the bottom line can often foreshadow a company’s very survival, according to Greg Harris, president, Quantum Workplace, a market research company that surveys employee engagement, loyalty and retention. - March 14, 2009 - Quantum Market Research Announces Website Redesign has streamlined its website, improving navigation, functionality, and user-friendliness. - March 14, 2009 - H&H Environmental Construction and Consulting

Intertek Announces a New Webinar on Managing Questionable Supply Chains

New webinar outlines how manufacturers can gain tighter control over their supply chains, through a combination of design/product validation, supplier audits and field inspections. - March 13, 2009 - Intertek

Striving in a Tough Economy

Where's the Solar Money. - March 13, 2009 - DJH Construction, Inc.

ActionCOACH Claimed Spot in the 2009 AllBusiness AllStar Franchises Despite Current Recession

The editors of researched, compiled and analyzed more than 700 franchise systems to compile a list of the “best of best” franchises for 2009. - March 13, 2009 - ActionCOACH

TeleHealth Services and Meridian Health Partner to Create the Ultimate Patient Experience

Patient experience top concern at New Jersey hospital. Raleigh based company provides interactive patient education system as solution. - March 13, 2009 - TeleHealth Services

Expanding Timber Plantation Resources in Uruguay Attract Pulpmill Investments from European Forest Companies, Reports Wood Resource Quarterly

Favorable timber growing conditions, a good business climate and a stable political environment has attracted a number of European forest companies to invest in Uruguay the past few years. The establishment of fast-growing Eucalyptus and pine plantations could eventually support two or three new pulpmills, according to the WRQ. - March 12, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC

Business Women Workshop-Style Support Group

April 3, 2009 Webinar (online) Begins April 6, 2009 Workshop (classroom) Begins “There’s no challenge too big or too small to bring to the group with a goal of moving your business forward,” Karen Kleinwort, BS Business Management For four consecutive weeks, four women will have... - March 12, 2009 - Therapy in Transition LLC

Southern Writers Get Writing and Marketing Help from a Bestselling Author

On April 4 & 5th, 2009, Bestselling Author, John Lee, Will Present 2 New Workshops for Writers--Write to Live & Love What You Write: for Writers and Dreamers and Getting the Word Out: Editing, Publishing, Agents and Marketing. Cost is $99 for each day or $175 for both days if registered before March 15. - March 12, 2009 - John Lee Books and Seminars

Men's Workshop Led by John Lee Explores How Parental Relationships Impact the Development of All of Men's Masculinity, Careers and Love Relationships

On March 27-29, 2009, John Lee, Tarwaters and others will start the first of 3 in a series of men’s only workshops at Hawkwind in Valley Head, Alabama. The weekends are limited to 30 men and will consist of talks, small group dynamics, storytelling, mythology, Q & A and a life-changing sweat lodge (for purification) led by Tarwater. - March 12, 2009 - John Lee Books and Seminars

Nine Leading Biomass Companies Form Biomass Thermal Energy Council

A group of nine leading biomass companies has formed the Biomass Thermal Energy Council (BTEC), a non-profit association dedicated to advancing the use of biomass for heat and other thermal energy applications. The founding members of BTEC include biomass fuel producers, appliance manufacturers and... - March 12, 2009 - Biomass Thermal Energy Council

ActionCOACH Spreads Its Wings in the Caribbean

Having recently signed the Master Licensee rights in the Caribbean, ActionCOACH plans to make its presence felt in 26 additional countries. - March 12, 2009 - ActionCOACH

LTS Advisors Announces Services to Assist Small Businesses in the Composition of Effective Business Plans

LTS Advisors, in direct response to requests from small businesses, has developed a highly effective approach to writing business plans that gain results. - March 12, 2009 - LTS Advisors, LLC

Transaction Management Consultants Announces New Services to Help Realtors in Today’s Challenging Real Estate Market

Nationally renowned real estate systems expert and speaker, has just announced the expansion of the services offered by their company. - March 12, 2009 - Transaction Management Consultants

Carbon Neutral Competition "Show Your Footprint"

Features Carbon Neutral Olive Oil along with a description of a Carbon Neutral Competition. - March 11, 2009 - CSE North America

Intertek Announces the Availability of a New White Paper on the Top 10 Reasons to Conduct Performance Testing

New publication outlines the benefits of product Performance Testing, including lowering warranty, improving product quality and reducing costs. - March 11, 2009 - Intertek

ActionCOACH Ranks #17 in 2009 Franchise Business Review’s Franchise 50 Despite the Recession

Global business coaching franchise claimed spot in top 50 based on Franchisee response, participation level for the second consecutive year -showing a remarkable improvement over last year’s #41 position. - March 11, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Citypark Experiences Success as Leasing Advances

Colliers sees continued retailer interest. Colliers International has recently secured a number of retailers who will be entering the Citypark shopping center. Several important brand names will be leasing retail space at Citypark including major anchors Euronics, Mercator, and Intersport. Citypark, which is being developed by AM Group, will be the largest shopping center in Albania totaling approximately 60,000 square meters of built-up area and 35,000 square meters of leasable retail space. - March 11, 2009 - Colliers International Albania

Law Firm Deferrals Are Testing Time for Graduates

Leadership consultancy Dynamic Transitions is warning City law firm trainees who have been paid to defer their training, to use their time sensibly or risk having their places withdrawn. - March 11, 2009 - Dynamic Transitions

kpi-Insight Consulting Have Been Selected to Provide the Integrated Business Solution Deltek Vision to Business Consultancy Appleyards

kpi-insight consulting to provide business management solution Deltek Vision. - March 11, 2009 - kpi insight consulting

Consultancy Firm HCD Group Chooses Kpi-Insight Consulting to Provide Integrated Business Solution Deltek Vision

kpi-insight consulting, a leading UK Deltek Vision Partner & Enterprise Project Solution specialist, has been chosen by construction consultancy HCD Group to supply Deltek Vision. - March 11, 2009 - kpi insight consulting

Construction Technology Veteran Joins Common Sense Solutions

Common Sense Solutions, technology consultant to contracting and service companies throughout the Midwest, announced today the addition of Chicagoland Area Sales Manager, Ken Smith, a 25-year construction and business technology expert. - March 11, 2009 - Common Sense Solutions

Transaction Management Consultant's Michelle Spalding Releases Product to Help Real Estate Investors

Nationally renowned real estate closing expert and speaker, is sharing her knowledge and experience in contract management. Michelle has put together a very low cost product to help new and experienced real estate investors manage and streamline the contract to close phase of the their deals. - March 11, 2009 - Transaction Management Consultants

First Impressions Resumes Releases Updated 2009-Edition of "Job Hunting in the 21st Century – the New Reality"

First Impressions Resumes and Perry Newman, CPC are proud to announce the release of the updated 2009-Edition of “Job Hunting in the 21st Century – The New Reality.” This e-book is a valuable resource for job hunters in all fields and professions, for individuals looking to... - March 10, 2009 - First Impressions

New Book Shares the Secrets of Transforming Work Into a Career You Desire

The road to career success can be rough, especially now, but making career navigation easier is Executive and Career Coach Debora McLaughlin and co-author Lisa Martelli who teamed up to write Roadmap for Career Success: 10 Keys to a Successful Drive. - March 10, 2009 - Open Door Coaching

Increase in Demand for Wood Pellets Pushed Prices Upward in Europe in the 4Q/08, Reports WRQ

Wood pellet prices in Europe has trended upward the past six years reaching record levels in the 4Q/08 as demand stays strong, reports Wood Resource Quarterly. - March 08, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC

Whole Brain Planet, LLC Releases It's Revolutionary and Life Enhancing Book "Whole Brain Power"

Whole Brain Power™ is the kind of book that only comes along once in a generation, a book that changes lives, a book that can change the planet. - March 08, 2009 - Whole Brain Planet, LLC

New Orthopedic and Spine News Website Launched

The De Angelis Group, an executive search firm that works specifically in the Musculoskeletal Industry has sponsored the launch of a new Orthopedic and Spine News Blog ( The intention of this new website is to give instant access and the ability to comment on all... - March 07, 2009 - The De Angelis Group

Project Management Training Courses Now Offered in Manhattan, NY and Jersey City, NJ

Business Expands During Recession on Strength of Demand for Highly Trained Project Managers, Offers Weekend Classes, March 28th & 29th and April 4th & 5th. - March 07, 2009 - Arcella Global

Ghana, Africa & Praxis Strategy Group Team to Create Economic Stimulus

Ghana, Africa, pineapple farmers, others to benefit from Praxis Strategy Group expertise. Initial visit to African country yields key opportunities to global connections. - March 07, 2009 - Praxis Strategy Group

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