Computer Resources of America Earns Place on Top 501 Global Managed Service Providers 6th Year in a Row

The 11th Annual MSP 501 by Channel Futures Identifies the World’s Most Forward-Thinking MSPs & Leading Trends in Managed Services - July 18, 2018 - Computer Resources of America

B Corp® Vita Global, Inc. Honored as 2018 Best for the World Long-Term: Governance

Founders Colleen Slinkard and Portland Reed received an honorary award recognizing their social impact and their innovative governance structures cementing their mission into their business DNA. - July 18, 2018 - Vita Global

Past Attendee List Released in Advance of 7th Annual Military Flight Training Conference

SMi Reports: Military Flight Training is returning to London this October to further explore how flight training capabilities can be maximised for the fixed, fast jet and rotary wing aircraft of the 21st century. - July 18, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Expert Reflections on Procurement Transformation Published in New eBook

The Procurement optimization team at Source One release new eBook capturing Procurement Transformation insights from a number of Supply Management leaders. - July 17, 2018 - Source One, a Corcentric Company

The Association of Legal Administrators Joins the Global Legal Blockchain Consortium

The Association of Legal Administrators is the first membership association to become part of the Global Legal Blockchain Consortium (GLBC), joining more than 30 large companies, law firms, software companies and universities. The GLBC exists to develop standards that govern the use of blockchain... - July 17, 2018 - Association of Legal Administrators

Seattle-Based One Gun Shy Announces Album Release and Pacific Northwest Tour

Seattle-Based One Gun Shy Announces Album Release and Pacific Northwest Tour

Alternative Hard Rock Band, One Gun Shy will tour the Pacific Northwest in support of their third album “Eye of the Storm” (Released July 6, 2018). The Seattle-based band will spend the summer promoting the album by kicking off the first leg of their tour with shows and in-store... - July 16, 2018 - Momma Lynn Entertainment

Benchmark International Shares How Drained Business Owners Can Gain Their Start-Up Passion Back

Benchmark International has released a new article explaining options to business owners who want to gain their start-up passion back. Enjoy this excerpt and visit their corporate blog to read more. - July 16, 2018 - Benchmark International

SMi’s Biosimilars & Biobetters Exclusive Interview with Expert Speaker Dr Michel Mikhail Released

SMi Reports: An exclusive interview with Dr Michel Mikhail, an independent consultant and chairman of this year’s Biosimilars & Biobetters conference, is now available to download on the event website. - July 15, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Benchmark from Pioneer Technology Group Becomes Caps 4.0 Certified

The Florida Courts Technology Commission has recognized Benchmark, Case Management System to be CAPS 4.0 Certified. - July 13, 2018 - Pioneer Technology Group

W. J. Wiess and A.S. Lynch Invitation to SMi’s Superbugs & Superdrugs USA Conference

SMi Group reports: William J. Weiss - University of North Texas Health Science Center and Anthony Simon Lynch - Janssen supporting SMi's Superbugs & Superdrugs USA Conference, which is due to take place this November in New Jersey. - July 13, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Wildcat Discovery Technologies Announces New Multi-Year Research Collaboration with Tianmu Lake Advanced Energy Storage Technology Research Institute (TIES)

Wildcat Discovery Technologies Announces New Multi-Year Research Collaboration with Tianmu Lake Advanced Energy Storage Technology Research Institute (TIES)

Wildcat and TIES will leverage battery materials R&D synergies to accelerate cell performance improvements. - July 12, 2018 - Wildcat Discovery Technologies

Lehigh Valley Web Design Team Wins Bronze Summit Award

KDG’s team of web designers in Allentown won a bronze Summit Creative Award. - July 12, 2018 - The Kyle David Group, LLC

Benchmark International Discusses the Benefits of Choice in Formal M&A Process: Partnership Essentials

Benchmark International has released a new article on the choices for business owners considering the sale of their business. Readers are invited to take a look at the analysis of this inquiry more closely. - July 12, 2018 - Benchmark International

Infrastructure Financing, Renewable Energy, and Offshore Wind Projects to be Discussed at Benelux Infrastructure Forum 2018

SMi Reports: 6 key reasons to attend this years 17th annual Benelux Infrastructure Forum are released. - July 12, 2018 - SAE Media Group

RadiusPoint Announces Clients’ Average ROI of 790% for First Quarter of 2018

RadiusPoint has announced a remarkable Return on Investment (ROI) of 790% for their clients for the first quarter of 2018. This ROI was the result of RadiusPoint’s monthly audit of invoices and optimization of the services that accumulate into costs avoided and credits refunded. As long as... - July 11, 2018 - TSG Enterprises, LLC dba RadiusPoint

Medimmune Expert Speaker Interview Released in Run Up to Immuno-Oncology Conference

SMi Group reports: Exclusive interview with Grace Macaulay - MedImmune released in the run up to the Immuno-Oncology Conference, taking place on the 26 - 27 September 2018 in London. - July 11, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Rohde & Schwarz, PBS and Simlat Announced as Latest Sponsors for UAV Technology Conference 2018

SMi reports: Rohde & Schwarz, PBS and Simlat to sponsor UAV Technology conference taking place this September in Prague. - July 11, 2018 - SAE Media Group

The Royal Navy to Discuss Information Exploitation and Increasing Its Leadership in Information Warfare at Maritime Information Warfare 2018

SMi reports: Following its annual “Information Warrior” exercise, The Royal Navy is set to discuss information exploitation and leading information warfare at the 2nd annual Maritime Information Warfare conference, this November in London. - July 11, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Opus Kinetic Pte Ltd Awarded ISO 29990:2010 Certificate

Opus Kinetic Pte Ltd awarded with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 29990:2010 certificate. The success of being awarded with the ISO standard, recognises and certifies that Opus Kinetic’s training courses in the field of professional development, are high quality and meet the international standard. - July 10, 2018 - Opus Kinetic Pte Ltd

Eric Haug, President of Manson Construction Co., Retires; John Holmes, Named as Successor

Eric Haug, President of Manson Construction Co., Retires; John Holmes, Named as Successor

Holmes assumed role as President on July 2, 2018; Haug remains on Board of Directors. - July 09, 2018 - Manson Construction Co.

Psychological Associates to Hold Leadership Through People Skills Workshop

Proven program focuses on behavioral styles in the work environment. - July 08, 2018 - Psychological Associates

Leonardo, Intelsat General & Rafael Announced as Latest Sponsors at the Airborne ISR Conference

SMi Reports: Leonardo, Intelsat General, and Rafael have joined this year’s 4th annual Airborne ISR conference as sponsors, which is taking place this October in London. - July 08, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Patient Organisations Role in Orphan Drugs Clinical Development

SMi Group reports: Exclusive interviews with Toni Mathieson - Niemann-Pick UK and Nicolas Sireau - AKU Society in the run up to the Orphan Drugs and Rare Diseases Conference taking place on the 17 - 18 October 2018 in London. - July 06, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Asia Pacific Nations to Deliver Briefings at Global MilSatCom 2018

SMi Group Reports: Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand and Australia to present at the 20th annual Global MilSatCom, this November in London. - July 06, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Global4PL Receives the Exporter of the Year Award from American Express and the President’s “E” Award

Global4PL Receives the Exporter of the Year Award from American Express and the President’s “E” Award

First Company to Have Been Awarded Both Distinguished International Honors - July 05, 2018 - Global4PL

Following £2 Billion Loan Facility Issue, Macquarie to Discuss Infrastructure and Sustainable Projects at Benelux Infrastructure Forum 2018

SMi Reports: After issuing a £2 billion loan facility earlier this month, Macquarie Group are set to provide attendees of this year’s Benelux Infrastructure Forum with key briefings on Benelux infrastructure and sustainable energy projects. - July 05, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Lieutenant Colonel Erik Rozema-Seaton, Royal Canadian Air Force Interview Released in Run Up to Military Flight Training Conference

SMi Reports: Interview with Military Flight Training expert speaker Lieutenant Colonel Erik Rozema-Seaton, Commanding Officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force has recently been released. - July 05, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Benchmark International's Luis Vinals Announced as Winner of the Winner of the 9th Annual Emerging Leaders Award

Benchmark International is pleased to announce Senior Associate, Luis Vinals, has been named an Emerging Leader by The M&A Advisor in their 2018 Awards cycle. - July 04, 2018 - Benchmark International

Agenda Released for Social Media in the Defence and Military Sector Conference This November

SMi Group Reports: The official agenda for the 8th annual Social Media in the Defence and Military Sector conference, which is taking place on the 28th and 29th November 2018 in London, UK, has been released. - July 04, 2018 - SAE Media Group

IAI Elta Systems, ThalesRaytheon Systems and Tetraedr Announced as Latest Sponsors to Air Missile Defence Technology 2018

SMi reports: IAI Elta Systems, Thales Raytheon Systems and Tetraedr announced as latest sponsors to Air Missile Defence Technology conference. - July 04, 2018 - SAE Media Group

BAE Systems Sign Up as Lead Sponsor of the Defence Safety Conference

SMi Group Reports: The Defence Safety Conference will take place in London on the 1st and 2nd October 2018. - July 04, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Benchmark International Facilitates the Sale of Residential Air Conditioning Services LLC to Coastland Enterprises LLC DBA Temperature Pro

Benchmark International's mergers and acquisitions specialists worked hard to bring this transaction through to the end. - July 03, 2018 - Benchmark International

Anthony Aquino Appointed President of TechFlow Mission Support

Aquino brings extensive operations and logistics experience built on a foundation of military training to this key position. - July 02, 2018 - TechFlow

Registration is Now Open for CIMdata’s PLM Road Map™ EMEA 2018

Take advantage of the best rates and register now. - June 30, 2018 - CIMdata

Wassenaar Arrangement, Latvian’s Export and Import Controls to be Discussed at Defence Exports Conference

SMi Reports: SMi releases seven key reasons to attend the 13th annual Defence Exports conference. - June 30, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Air-to-Air Refuelling Focus Day Announced for 19th Annual Military Airlift and Air-to-Air Refuelling Conference

SMi Group Reports: An Air-to-Air Refuelling focus day has been added to the 19th Annual Military Airlift and Air-to-Air Refuelling Conference agenda, taking place 3 – 5 December 2018 in Rome, Italy. - June 30, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Growmor Signs Producer Agreements with 2 Area Restaurants Wanting Real Organics

Growmor Signs Producer Agreements with 2 Area Restaurants Wanting Real Organics

Growmor, a Florida-based triple bottom line social impact company, has signed 2 agreements to provide local fresh organic produce to restaurants. - June 29, 2018 - Growmor

CIMdata Publishes PLM Trends Market Report

The second module of the 2018 PLM MAR report series is now available. - June 29, 2018 - CIMdata

SkySparc Hires Stellan Råberg to Launch Dedicated Nordic Murex Practice

SkySparc, an independent solutions provider, is now offering outsourced support and consulting services to Murex clients in the Nordic region following the recruitment of Stellan Råberg. - June 28, 2018 - SkySparc

Brand New CBRN Focus at Future Armoured Vehicles Survivability 2018 Conference and Focus Day

Brand New CBRN Focus at Future Armoured Vehicles Survivability 2018 Conference and Focus Day

SMi reports: The 4th annual sell-out conference and focus day Future Armoured Vehicles Survivability will have a brand new CBRN focus. - June 28, 2018 - SAE Media Group

CIMdata Publishes Executive PLM Market Report

First Module of the 2018 PLM MAR Report Series. - June 28, 2018 - CIMdata

KDG’s Custom Software Development Team Named One of Philadelphia’s Best Two Years in a Row

The custom software development team at KDG has been recognized by research firm Clutch for the second year in a row. - June 28, 2018 - The Kyle David Group, LLC

SKYNET 6 Updates at 20th Annual Global MilSatCom Conference

SMi Group Reports: British military satellite communications experts are set to present at the 20th annual Global MilSatCom conference in London on 6th – 8th November 2018. - June 28, 2018 - SAE Media Group

SMi’s Cell & Gene Therapy: An Experimental Gene Therapy for DMD Shows Positive Results in a Three-Patient Trial

SMi are delighted to welcome the expertise from a senior panel of big biotech's and pharma organisations, as well as regulatory bodies, at the inaugural Cell & Gene Therapy 2018 conference, taking place this October in the City of London, UK. Fun fact... the global gene therapy market is... - June 28, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Exclusive Insight from Experts in the Lyophilization Industry

SMi Group reports: Leaders in the lyophilization industry to share their expertise and knowledge at SMi’s 4th annual conference - Lyophilization USA, November 15 - 16, New Jersey. Recently, event organisers caught up with some of them to discuss key challenges within the lyophilization field. - June 28, 2018 - SAE Media Group

SMi’s 13th Cold Chain Distribution 2018 - Exclusive Interview Released from Pharma TeamUp

SMi are delighted to have interviewed their speaker Alan Kennedy, Founder and Executive Director, Pharma TeamUp regarding his throughts and experiences within the cold chain space. Alan Kennedy: With extensive cross-sector experience, Alan has been focused for the past six years on bringing... - June 27, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Your Latest Ophthalmology News for SMi’s Ophthalmic Drugs 2018

Fun fact... the global ophthalmic drug market is projected to reach £30 billion by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 5.3% from 2017 to 2023. Ophthalmic News: Elasmogen: Dr Caroline Barelle named “Rising Stars: Extraordinary Talent" The CEO of Elasmogen, Dr Caroline Barelle was named as... - June 27, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Registration Opens for 19th Annual Military Airlift and Air-To-Air Refuelling Conference

SMi Group Reports: Registration is now open for the 19th annual Military Airlift and Air-To-Air Refuelling conference, taking place 4 – 5 December 2018 in Rome, Italy. - June 27, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Elbit Systems Announced as Latest Sponsor for UAV Technology Conference 2018

SMi reports: Elbit Systems to sponsor UAV Technology conference in September. - June 27, 2018 - SAE Media Group

Dr. Alan Michelson to Advise LightIntegra Technology

Dr. Alan Michelson to Advise LightIntegra Technology

Platelet expert, Dr. Alan Michelson has begun consulting as a Scientific Advisor to LightIntegra Technology, the creators of the ThromboLUX System. - June 26, 2018 - LightIntegra Technology

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