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Within Health Care
Protech Sports Medicine Offers Rx for Stilettos - Sculptra ® Injections Creates Pillows for the Feet
It's a fact: Women love their high-end, high heel designer shoes. And while high heels are sexy and gorgeous, they make women around the world scream, “My feet are killing me” after a few hours of wear. Regardless, the fact remains; women love their shoes and will subject themselves to... - November 20, 2007 - Protech Sports Medicine
Freehold, NJ, Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Alan Nasar Presents the Next Free Public Lecture by the Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, Tuesday, 13 November
“The Female Knee Replacement” is the topic of the public lecture to be presented by Dr. Alan Nasar next Tuesday, November 13, from 7.30 to 8.30pm at the CentraState Healthcare Center in Freehold, New Jersey. This popular series of lectures is offered by the Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute in Freehold. Dr. Nasar will discuss the science behind the Zimmer® Gender Solutions™ Knee, the first and only knee replacement shaped to fit a woman's anatomy. - November 19, 2007 - Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, PC
BioCentury Editor Dr. Karen Bernstein Added to the Roster of National Speakers for The BioWest 2007 Conference and Expo
Karen Bernstein, Ph.D., Co-Founder, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of the BioCentury family of publications, including the well-read “The Bernstein Report on Biobusiness” has been added to the roster of national speakers for BioWest 2007 on Thursday, December 6 (12:15 – 1 p.m.) at the Grand Hyatt Denver. Dr. Bernstein replaces Colorado Governor Bill Ritter for the Thursday luncheon address. The Governor's commitments required his speech be rescheduled to the 2:30 – 3 p.m. time slot the same day. - November 19, 2007 - Colorado BioScience Association
The Newest Addition to Labs - The Alchemist’s Mask: Detox. D-Age. Hydrate. Illuminate.
Mod.Skin Labs, LLC has launched its newest member of its Eco-Luxury Skin Care Collection. This facial mask is sure to calm inflammation and soothe red, irritated skin, just in time for the winter. - November 18, 2007 - Labs, LLC
Tristan Loo of Interviews Relationship Expert Alex Blackwell
Life Coach, Author and Founder of the Synergy Institute, Tristan Loo, recently interviewed relationship expert Alex Blackwell. Blackwell owns the popular self improvement site, The focus of Tristan Loo’s interview with Blackwell was on creating and maintaining... - November 18, 2007 - Synergy Institute
Positive Air, Inc. ( Launches Forum to Assist Sleep Apnea and Oxygen Patients
Positive Air, Inc., a leader in the sleep apnea and portable oxygen industry, announced the launch of a forum to assist visitors. - November 18, 2007 - Sleep Restfully, Inc.
Uniform Advantage Gets Ready for the Holidays
Uniform Advantage, one of the largest e-tailer, retailer and manufacturers of Medical Scrubs & Nursing Uniforms, officially launched their new website on November 6th, 2007. With its wide variety, fast turnaround and low pricing, Uniform Advantage is very pleased to announce the rollout of this... - November 18, 2007 - Uniform Advantage
Gingerbread Contest Has $10,000 Top Prize
Create a gingerbread house and win a variety of prizes including a package at the Hyatt Regency Chicago valued at $10,000, Chicago Bears tickets and much more all while supporting Fox Valley Volunteer Hospice. - November 18, 2007 - Fox Valley Volunteer Hospice
New Jersey Cosmetic Dentist Launches New Website
Christopher J. Connolly, DMD PA launches new Family Dentistry website. - November 17, 2007 - Connolly Cosmetic & Family Dentistry
AnaSpec Introduces HiLytePlus™ Labeled Secondary Antibodies & Streptavidin
AnaSpec introduces a new collection of secondary antibodies and streptavidin labeled with the new HiLytePlus™ series of fluorescent dyes. - November 17, 2007 - AnaSpec, EGT Group
Newgen Software Takes Second Step in China, Goes Native with Local Sales Resources and Website
Newgen Software Technologies Limited, market leader in Business Process Management (BPM) & Enterprise Content Management (ECM), and one of the earliest movers into China is consolidating its presence into the market with the launch of a local language website aimed to boost the generation of business in a burgeoning technology market. - November 17, 2007 - Newgen Software Technologies
EPAM Systems Named Private Company of the Year
EPAM Systems, Inc., the leading global offshore software engineering outsourcing provider with development centers in Central and Eastern Europe, has been named Private Company of the Year by the New Jersey Technology Council (NJTC), a non-profit membership organization that provides networking opportunities to the state's technology businesses. - November 17, 2007 - EPAM Systems
White Dahlia Massage and Wellness Center Adds Three Massage Therapists
White Dahlia Massage and Wellness has added three new massage therapists in response to continuous growth and high service demand. - November 17, 2007 - White Dahlia
Mugu Baby Clothes Launches Fall/Winter Collection
Mugu Baby Clothes announced that Fall/Winter 2008 collection is available online at muguBaby recommends Weleda Baby care products. - November 17, 2007 - Mugu Baby Clothes
Fig. Brings Innovative Medical Body Shaping Solutions to Ohio; New Fig. Center to Help Columbus Residents Achieve Their Beautiful Shapes
Fig., the leading authority in medically supervised body shaping, today announced plans for the newest center in Dublin, Ohio. The new location will offer the latest medical technologies, services and procedures to help patients achieve their ideal body shapes. - November 16, 2007 - fig.
Acupuncture Weight Loss with AcuAids Proven Effective
Acupuncture Weight loss with AcuAids has been proven successful. In a recent study with ten participants, all 10 acupuncture participants (100%) reported a decrease in appetite, compared with only 1 in 10 in a control group (10%). Better yet, those who participated in the acupuncture group lost more than 3 times the amount of weight than those in the control group. - November 16, 2007 - AcuAids Features Houston Doctor John Bergeron MD features Dr. John Bergeron on their website as the "top doc" for SmartLipo in the Houston, Texas area. - November 16, 2007 -
November is National Pomegranate Month
FruitFast Makes this Exotic, Healthy Fruit Available All Year Long - November 16, 2007 - Fruit Fast
In Honor of World Diabetes Day: New HealthEngage Diabetes Release and 10% Off
In honor of World Diabetes Day, FireLogic is releasing a new version of its cross platform, feature rich, comprehensive diabetes management software and offering a 10% off discount through the month of November. - November 16, 2007 - FireLogic, Inc.
"Donde West Death Highlights Unnecessary Risk of General Anesthesia for Cosmetic Surgery," Asserts Dr. Friedberg
In 2004, Olivia Goldsmith, author of the First Wives’ Club, died during cosmetic surgery. More recently, Dr. Donde West, mother of rapper Kanye West, died following cosmetic surgery. “Aside from post-mastectomy reconstruction, there are no medical reasons for cosmetic surgery. Therefore, no avoidable anesthesia risks, like those associated with general anesthesia, are acceptable,” claims Dr. Barry L. Friedberg. - November 15, 2007 - Barry L. Friedberg, M.D., Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia
Twin Cities Physician, Dr. Elizabeth Hagberg, Participates in Nationwide Project with Fellow BOTOX® Cosmetic Injectors to Cure Blindness in Africa
Owner of Edina’s Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is the only physician in Minnesota chosen for unique fundraiser. - November 15, 2007 - Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, PA
Vote for Spa Person of the Year 2007
Votes Needed to Determine the Spa Person of the Year Award 2007. To be presented at the “Hearts for A Cure” Annual Awards & Charity Celebration Tuesday, February 5th, 2008 at the Sand’s Exposition Center, Las Vegas during the Day Spa Expo. The traditional “The Spa... - November 15, 2007 - The Day Spa Association
Campbell’s Nutrition Announces the Iowa Guide to Alternative Practitioners
Campbell’s Nutrition, a natural foods and organic grocery store based in Des Moines, Iowa, is pleased to announce their newest project – the Iowa Guide to Alternative Practitioners. The online guide, located on their website – – aims to provide Iowans with a simple, interactive way to find natural, alternative practitioners in the Des Moines area. - November 14, 2007 - Campbell's Nutrition
Baxa Corporation to Bring USP, ASHE and CAHED Together for a Joint Forum on USP 797 Compliance at the STAR Center
Baxa Corporation announces plans to launch new course offering with an industry forum on USP 797 compliance and facility design. The forum, held in the STAR (Skills Training, Academics and Resources) Center, will bring together industry leaders to better understand the requirements of USP 797 and their practical application for facility design and environmental control. - November 14, 2007 - Baxa Corporation
Clinical Trials in Russia, 3rd Quarter 2007
According to SynRG Orange Paper, in the 3rd Quarter 2007, the overall volume of the clinical trials in Russia and its basic parameters are generally the same as in the corresponding quarter of the last year. In the 3rd Quarter 2007 RosZdravNadzor (RZN) has issued 141 approvals for conducting new clinical trials, which is 2% more than in Q3 2006. - November 14, 2007 - Synergy Research Group Introduces Contour Paks® has long been in the pain management league and is known for consolidating pain relief tools from different manufacturers by way of ice wraps. - November 14, 2007 -
DRE Announces Launch of Enhanced Medical Equipment Website
DRE unveils an upgraded website with enhanced features that provide expanded resources and greater ease-of-use for the medical equipment industry. - November 14, 2007 - DRE Medical Equipment
Positive Air, Inc. ( to Provide Patient Software for Respironics’ CPAP, Auto CPAP and BiPAP Machines
Positive Air, Inc., a leader in the sleep apnea and portable oxygen industry, announced that Respironics’ has released Encore Viewer software for patient use. - November 14, 2007 - Sleep Restfully, Inc.
The Texas Wranglers and Easter Seals Central Texas Hold Up the City of Austin
The Texas Wranglers are proud to present the 10th Annual City Wide Hold Up. This important fundraising event will be held on November 17, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at major Austin intersections. The Wranglers, a University of Texas service-based organization, will collect donations in... - November 14, 2007 - Easter Seals Central Texas
Blue Ridge Acupuncture to Donate Entire Day of Treatment to Local Charity, Wine to Water
Blue Ridge Acupuncture and Herb Center will be holding a charity day in its office on Shadowline Drive, for Wine to Water on December 5th, 2007. Wine to Water provides clean water facilities, education and training to people in emerging nations around the world. - November 13, 2007 - Blue Ridge Acupuncture & Herb Center
Dr. Lisa Roberts to Participate in AAGL Global Congress
Gynecology and Laparoscopic Surgeons, P.C. (, has announced that Dr. Lisa Roberts, the practice’s owner, is participating in the 36th Global Congress of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, sponsored by the AAGL (formerly the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists). The... - November 13, 2007 - Gynecology and Laparoscopic Surgeons, P.C.
South Shore Elder Services & the Family Caregiver Support Program to Hold Caregiver 101 Series in November & December
South Shore Elder Services will hold free “Caregiving 101” programs on November 14th and December 5th, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at their offices at 159 Bay State Drive in Braintree. “Caregiver 101” provides information on community resources, support and respite services... - November 13, 2007 - South Shore Elder Services
South Shore Skin Center Announces “Paperless” Practice
South Shore Skin Center, one of Massachusetts’ most progressive dermatology practices offering a wide range of medical, surgical and cosmetic services to a vast clientele south of Boston, has recently gone “paperless” and integrated an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. - November 13, 2007 - South Shore Skin Center
Website on Home Remedies for Common Diseases Launched
A new website on home remedies for common diseases is all set to be officially launched in November 2007. - November 13, 2007 - Natural Cure Inc.
A Healing Launches a New Promotion for November and December for the Morfam Massager
With the growing price index of medical products for the professional and lay person A Healing has reduced the Morfam Jeanie Rub Massager (variable speed) during November and December. The Company wanted to give back to their customers and set an unprecedented sale for the Morfam at $200... - November 12, 2007 - A Healing Touch
Five Top Colorado Bioscience Company CEOs Present at This Year’s BioWest Mature Company Forum
CEOs from five of Colorado’s top bioscience companies will present at the BioWest 2007 Mature Company Forum on December 6th – registration is still open for the two-day BioWest event, which is the Rocky Mountain Region’s premier bioscience conference and expo. CEOs featured in the Mature Company Forum include Bob Conway, Array Biopharma; Greg Baldwin, Baxa Corporation; Jeff Probst, Blue Sun Biodiesel; Chris Smith, Cochlear Americas; and Bob Grieve, Heska Corporation. - November 12, 2007 - Colorado BioScience Association
Leading Medical Tourism Company Signs with Largest Hospitals in Panama
As Medical Tourism is booming in Panama, the two largest hospitals in the country sign with the leading medical tourism company. These alliances promise to have a great impact on this country's fast growing industry. - November 12, 2007 - Panahealth, Corp.
Autumn Graphics Selects Global Vision
Autumn Graphics, a prepress house specializing in a wide range of packaging graphics called on Global Vision, the leader in delivering automated inspection solutions, to help them ensure the accuracy of their production files during the inspection process. Handling all the artwork inspections... - November 12, 2007 - Global Vision
Natural Bodybuilding Competition Preparation Course Proves to be a Winner
Karoline Cerin-Stepic of Victoria, Australia has won her division at the recent Asia-Pacific Bodybuilding Championships. Karoline competed against almost 50 other women in the figure division, and took out first place in the tall class. She attributes much of her success to the IAPC Natural... - November 11, 2007 - Ironpower
Tony Award® Winner Bill T. Jones to Host "Dance from the Heart." A One Night Only Dance Experience Featuring 11 Dance Companies Benefiting Dancers Responding to AIDS
Sleek, percussive, engaging, and breathtaking all describe "Dance from the Heart" the yearly one night only dance experience benefiting Dancers Responding to AIDS. Dance visionary Bill T. Jones will host the evening that will feature performances by American Ballet Theatre, Atlanta Ballet, Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, Martha Graham Dance Company, Keigwin + Company, MOMIX, Paradigm, Wendy Seyb, Shen Wei Dance Arts, Jason Samuels Smith, and members of the cast of Disney’s The Lion King on Bway. - November 11, 2007 - Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS
Tony® Nominee John Tartaglia Returns to Broadway for One Night in "Johnny & the Sprites Live - A Magical Holiday" Benefiting Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS
Tony® nominee John Tartaglia returns to Broadway for two performances in "Johnny & the Sprites Live - A Magical Holiday" a holiday themed evening of songs and stories featuring faces familiar to fans of the popular TV show. The event will benefit Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS. - November 11, 2007 - Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS
AnaSpec Introduces Thirteen New Catalog Peptides
Today AnaSpec, one of the world’s largest providers of custom and catalog peptides, introduced thirteen (13) new catalog peptides. Bak BH3 (71-89)- Cat# 62261 This peptide is amino acids 71 to 89 fragment of the Bak BH3 domain .The BH3 domain plays a critical role in mediating the cell death... - November 11, 2007 - AnaSpec, EGT Group
Denmark, Kuwait, & Trinidad Discover RestoreMax Penis Skin Care
International orders from Denmark, Kuwait, and even Trinidad and Tobago have driven monthly sales records for RestoreMax Penis Skin Care Treatment by MensMax at: "We were not ready for so much international interest, and had to immediately adapt the order form to handle orders... - November 10, 2007 - Redu, Inc. (dba MensMax)
Old Colony Elderly Services Donates Caregiving Books to Libraries in 23 Towns
In honor of November as National Caregiver Month, Old Colony Elderly Services, Inc. (OCES) Family Caregiver Support Program is donating three caregiving books to each of the main libraries in towns throughout the Plymouth County area as well as in Avon, Easton and Stoughton. - November 10, 2007 - Old Colony Elderly Services
Book Release - Conjuring Black Funk: Notes on Culture, Sexuality, and Spirituality, Volume I by Herukhuti (Foreword by Samuel R. Delany)
The revolution is here, and it is funky. Conjuring Black Funk: Notes on Culture, Sexuality, and Spirituality, Volume I, by Dr. Herukhuti, published by Vintage Entity Press, is now available for purchase. About The Book Conjuring Black Funk is the critical social text for this millennium, a... - November 10, 2007 - Black Funk
Hand Sanitizer Manufacturer Responds to MRSA Outbreak; Soapopular Brand Reaches Out to Schools Throughout the US
MGS Soapopular, an affiliate of Mata Global Solutions and the exclusive United States distributor and marketer of Soapopular brand hand alcohol-free sanitizer products extends nationwide offer to schools systems and day care facilities throughout the United States to help protect against MRSA. - November 09, 2007 - Mischler Financial Group, Inc.
Two Moms See the New Color of Beauty as Green
Chemical-free crusade leads women to launch their own company. - November 09, 2007 - Caren Inc.
Colours Wheelchairs Launches an Innovation in Wheelchair Wheels
Colours Wheelchairs has announced the launch of the The Bite Laced Wheel. The Bite Laced wheel has a unique built-in brake. In Great Britain Colours products can be purchased from Kent Mobility the exclusive importer of Colours Wheelchairs in Great Britain. - November 09, 2007 - Med Services Europe GmbH
Mwcurtco is Remodeling will be remodeling its website during the next few weeks to provide its readers with easier access and navigation. - November 09, 2007 -
Mwcurtco Announces Its New Blog on Word Press launches its new blog The Practical Vegetarian on Word Press - November 09, 2007 -