Janice Hamilton Named to Enterprising Women National Advisory Board

Enterprising Women Magazine announces Advisory Board Member. - May 24, 2006 - Enterprising Women

New CallTower Commercial Real Estate Voice/Data Suite Gives Building Owners A Competitive Edge And A “Fourth Utility” for Today’s Business Tenants

CallTower’s New Commercial Real Estate Suite Provides “Plug-And-Play” Ease And Advanced IP Hosted Voice/Data For Tenants And Building Owners - May 24, 2006 - CallTower

Boomer Demo an Underserved Advertising and Media Force in Radio

Geezer Radio hosted by two broadcasting veterans targeting the boomer demo. Web site for show and blog is www.geezerradio.com. - May 24, 2006 - Geezer Radio

Gulf Stream Press Announces its Official Release of the Book "IT Service Management Foundations: ITIL(TM) Study Guide"

This book is being used as official course material at the University of Dallas in the first ever US graduate program in IT Service Management. The program includes three courses on the IT Infrastructure Library. Franklin Technology Strategies Inc. the parent company of Gulf Stream Press provides EXIN accredited course materials for the IT Service Management Foundations course. Gulf Stream Press provides the course book "IT Service Management Foundations: ITIL Study Guide." - May 23, 2006 - Gulf Stream Press

Westwood One and Twix Host The Ultimate Sports Party Package Sweepstakes

Thousands of Dollars in Prizes including a Big Screen Flat Panel HDTV for the “Chew it Over with Twix” Campaign. Sweepstakes launched May 29th on www.ChewitOverWithTwix.com. - May 23, 2006 - Westwood One

BankInfoSecurity.com Announces Content Partnership with the Nebraska Bankers Association

BankInfoSecurity.com has announced it will be providing content for the Nebraska Bankers Association for their human resources newsletter. - May 23, 2006 - Information Security Media Group

New Service Simplifies Scientific Trading

Dancing Bear Endeavors, publisher of stockblog.com, today announced the launch of Truth Trader trading service and investment newsletter. - May 22, 2006 - Dancing Bear Endeavors

Dave Christi with Cumulus Grand Junction Named as Finalist in National 2006 Radio-Mercury Awards

Creative Service Director’s ad chosen as finalist in prestigious award from the Radio Creative Fund which honors effective and creative Radio commercials. - May 21, 2006 - Dave Christi Productions

AllInfoAbout.com Sets New Standards for Online Content Networks

AIA provides free domains, a new back end system, new design, and friendly community. - May 20, 2006 - All Info About Ltd

Future In Technology, Inc. Launches System that Completely Eliminates “Spam”

Unsolicited and unwanted email messaging is the number one problem on the Internet and continues to grow. Future In Technology, Inc has made its goal to end this dilemma through its patent pending technology. The company has recently released the first phase of a revolutionary system that will completely eliminate “spam” as we know it today. - May 20, 2006 - Future In Technology Inc.

GROUPspark.com Reviews the Profile Analyzer (EPA) Tool for Dedicated Microsoft Exchange Sever 2003

Arguably the biggest improvement in Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2 is the efficient Public Folder Settings Wizard allowing for seamless system administration. The addition of this new software package is more than welcoming to the tech support team at GROUPspark.com, a leading exchange hosting... - May 20, 2006 - groupSPARK, Inc.

123Together.com Suggests Constant Upgrading to Effectively Manage Your Dedicated Exchange Server 2003

123together.com, http://www.123together.com/, an Exchange Hosting company, has gone far beyond their outstanding uptime and now offers numerous tips for all skill levels - from beginner to advanced system administrators. Visitors can do anything from upgrade to the latest exchange server technology... - May 20, 2006 - 123together

New Web Dialer Combats Surveillance; Eliminates Soft Phone Software

Unique Masking Ability Makes Web Dialer Immune to Detection, Assures Personal Security in Severely Controlled Regions; Elimination of Soft Phone Software Guarantees Portability. - May 19, 2006 - TalkFree

Launch a Complete World Wide Telephone Company

TalkFree’s ‘VoIP Solution in a Box’ Allows International Companies and Individuals Alike to Benefit from Premium and Economical Telephony. - May 19, 2006 - TalkFree

Can Anything stop AIDS?

AIDS is infecting our young people at an alarming rate. What can be done? The documentary film, Tracy's Choices, offers a solution. - May 19, 2006 - Max Books

First Afghan/Iranian Full Glossy Monthly Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine Released in U.S. Promoting Democracy and Modern Culture

For the first time Afghan and Iranian-Americans will have a magazine to call their own, Zeba Magazine, the Farsi word for beautiful. With the news stands filled with magazines that pertain to the mass American public with topics on American culture, Zeba Magazine, for the first time, will offer... - May 19, 2006 - Zeba Magazine

Webswell Inc. Enters European Market with its Open-source ebXML B2B Solutions

Webswell Inc. expands into European market, opening its first European office, located in Prague, Czech Republic. - May 19, 2006 - Webswell

NorthBoard.com to Support Web Sites Built with Ruby on Rails™

NorthBoard.com now supports Web sites created using Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails is an open-source framework which lets developers easily assemble rich and dynamic Web sites. Programming with Rails allows a Web designer to wrap applications easily around a database. It has been widely acclaimed... - May 17, 2006 - NorthBoard

Carmen Castillo Named to Enterprising Women National Advisory Board

Enterprising Women Magazine announces board member. - May 17, 2006 - Enterprising Women

Digital Short Film Selected for Screening at 2006 Cannes Film Festival

Engineering Firm Post-Produces a Digital Short Film that Will be Screened at 2006 Cannes Film Festival. - May 17, 2006 - Durrenberger Engineering, Inc.

FreeTEL System, freetelsystem.com Launches a New Multi-Language Website

FreeTEL System is pleased to announce that its new multi-language website is now live. This innovative multi-language website will help FreeTEL System to better serve the consumers. "Establish with the aim of helping our customers enjoy free internet telephone service with support, we would... - May 15, 2006 - FreeTEL System

The Park Guide Holds Monthly Breakfast Meeting

The Park Guide, a new quarterly publication highlighting companies in Research Triangle Park (RTP) and the surrounding area, will host a Breakfast in the Park for local executives and business owners on Tuesday, May 16 from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the Radisson Hotel at 150 Park Drive in the RTP. Chris LeGrand, president of the Health Sciences unit of Constella Group, LLC, will speak at the event. - May 15, 2006 - Business Leader Magazine

Boom! Magazine Announces Health Editor

Alan Kronhaus, M.D. Named Health & Wellness Editor. - May 15, 2006 - Boom! Magazine

Learn Marketing Strategies for your Small Business on StartupNation Radio June 3, 2006

Tina Aldatz, creator of Foot Petals, will reveal how to use testimonials and the power of influencers to build sales on StartupNation Radio, www.startupnation.com - May 13, 2006 - StartupNation

Mompreneur and Creator of Baby Einstein Shares Startup Business Smarts on StartupNation Radio June 10, 2006

Julie Aigner-Clark, of Baby Einstein and The Safe Side, will reveal her secrets for small business success on StartupNation Radio, www.startupnation.com - May 13, 2006 - StartupNation

Cardvio™ Provides Mother’s Day Solution for the Next Generation

Cardvio, the leading innovator in net-to-mail™ greetings solutions announces Version 2.0 of its online greeting card design studio at www.cardvio.com. Just in time for Mother’s Day, Cardvio has stocked its supply of themed cards and upgraded its capabilities to include features for design such as: enhanced drag and drop positioning for text and photos; an expanded font list to include most fonts found on standard PC’s or Mac’s; and the addition of thousands of cards to search through. - May 13, 2006 - Cardvio LLC

LoganBritton and Ultimate Technology Solutions Announce Merger

LoganBritton, leader in data intensive solutions including ETL, DW and BI announces merger with Ultimate Technology, a leading provider of IT consulting services. - May 13, 2006 - LoganBritton, Inc.

MacJournal 4 - Mac Journaling and Blog Software Released by Mariner Software

Mariner Software has released its newest version of MacJournal journaling and blog software. The new edition features a re-engineered blogging architecture, audio recording and podcasting functionality. - May 12, 2006 - Mariner Software

Check Out Artists Like Jay-Z, Kanye West, and Damian Marley at www.thehookny.com

New York’s premier hip-hop newspaper is now on the web at www.thehookny.com. - May 12, 2006 - The Hook Media, Inc

Just in Time for Mother's Day: BlogHer LLC Launches the BlogHer Advertising Network

Just in time for Mother’s Day, BlogHer LLC launches the BlogHer Advertising Network, a premium environment for contextual advertising to women, and a powerful new economic model for individual women bloggers. - May 12, 2006 - BlogHer LLC

Hostirian Awarded Top Five Winner by HostReview

HostReview Ranks Hostirian as one of the Top Five Fastest Growing Web Hosting Companies. - May 11, 2006 - River City Internet Group

Books for Summer Reading

Max Elliot Anderson grew up as a reluctant reader. Now he writes mysteries and adventures for others who may be struggling; especially boys. - May 11, 2006 - Max Books

Sarah Merians Photography & Company Celebrates 20 Years In Business

New York City’s Premiere Photography Studio Hosts Gala Celebration. - May 11, 2006 - Sarah Marians Photography & Company

Direct Grass Roots Marketing Impacts Indie Film

In an age where even the major studios are struggling for revenue, a small door has opened for independent filmmakers with well crafted, low cost and commercially targeted movies such as AWAKEN THE DEAD, a new high caliber horror-action movie from Silver Storm Productions LLC and writer/director... - May 11, 2006 - Silver Storm Productions

CBS Broadcaster Ira Joe Fisher Publishes New Poetry Book, "Some Holy Weight in the Village Air"

Ira Joe Fisher’s new collection of poetry, Some Holy Weight in the Village Air, published by Athanata Arts, Ltd. will be officially released on July 20, 2006. Fisher, a nationally recognized broadcaster with over forty years experience, known for his work as weather anchor for CBS on The Saturday Early Show, is an accomplished poet who gives voice and depth to small-town American experience in the tradition of Robert Frost. - May 10, 2006 - Athanata Arts, Ltd.

Message Music: More than Politics and Religion, Rockers Stereo Fuse Go for the Heart

Toucan Cove Entertainment's Stereo Fuse releases first single, "Beautiful" with a message of esteem and empowerment for youth and teens. - May 10, 2006 - Toucan Cove

Educational Television "Understanding Babies" Featured on "The Global Learning Series"

"The Global Learning Series" announced today the production of segments for the winter season on "Understanding Babies" as part of their ongoing programming. "We are honored to educate and inform the public and medical community with this visually and emotionally compelling program about the wonder of babies," explained John McGuire, Senior Producer for "The Global Learning Series." - May 10, 2006 - Global Television Studios Inc.

Team Remote ASP Debugger Addresses Key Web Development Issues

Spline Technologies (Montreal, Canada) announces the release of Team Remote ASP Debugger, a unique web development software tool that enables a team of web developers to easily edit and debug ASP (Active Server Pages) remotely and locally. Team Remote ASP Debugger fully supports native JavaScript and VBScript debugging languages for simple and complex local, remote and team remote ASP debugging scenarios. - May 09, 2006 - Spline Technologies

Seventeen New VAR’s in April Select E-backups for Wholesale Online Backup Solution

e-Backups (http://www.e-backups.net) a wholesale provider of branded remote back-up software was selected by seventeen VAR’s to be the remote back solution of choice to present as a value added service to their clients. - May 09, 2006 - River City Internet Group

Business Leader Breakfast Features Eaton Corporation Vice President

Suzanne Burns Speaks At May Business Leaders’ Event For Raleigh Executives. - May 09, 2006 - Business Leader Magazine

"Understanding Pediatric Medicine" Featured on "The Global Learning Series", Focus on Child Development Issues

"Understanding Pediatric Medicine" was announced by "The Global Learning Series" today for late fall programming. "We are focusing on important child development issues for families and the education and medical communities. Topics include emotional development, social skills, ADD, ADHD, Aspurger's Syndrome as well as others," said John McGuire, Senior Producer for "The Global Learning Series." - May 09, 2006 - Global Television Studios Inc.

MobiusPortal.com Creates Bird Flu Simulation Game

A real-time global map of the bird flu is used to create a pandemic simulation. - May 09, 2006 - MobiusPortal.com

BankInfoSecurity.com Announces New IT Risk Management Program Webinar

The FDIC updated its risk-focused information technology (IT) examination procedures for FDIC-supervised financial institutions in late 2005 and BankInfoSecurity.com will be running a webinar series on the topic. - May 09, 2006 - Information Security Media Group

Story Watchers Club ‘Keys To Imagination’ Receives the Bronze Award from Family Review Center

Family Review Center announced that StoryWatchers Club has been awarded the Bronze Award, for their DVD known as ‘Keys To Imagination’. - May 09, 2006 - Family Review Center

NorthBoard Launches New Site Featuring Professional Money Saving Internet Services

Already a leading provider of low cost Internet Services, NorthBoard.com is quickly establishing a new trend in domain and hosting services. Complete services with 24/7 Live phone support and superior rate plans NorthBoard.com is becoming a serious competitor in the web services industry. - May 08, 2006 - NorthBoard

Veteran Financial Writer Launches Stockblog.com

One of the financial media's foremost commentators today announced the launch of stockblog.com. - May 08, 2006 - Dancing Bear Endeavors

Jeep(R) Brand Sponsors Environmental Education on ''The Global Learning Series''

Today it was announced that the Jeep(R) brand will sponsor "The Global Learning Series" environmental education programming this spring airing on public television stations throughout the United States. - May 08, 2006 - Global Television Studios Inc.

VoxDomains.com Registrar Announces Improvements to their Hosting, Web-based Email, and Site Builder Products

VoxDomains.com Registar, the quality low-cost domain registration service and web hosting provider, now supports Web sites created using Ruby on Rails™ and rolled their Web-Based Email 4.0. The site builder application, WebSite Tonight®, now gives anyone the ability to automatically and instantaneously add fresh and attractive content to their site through RSS feeds. - May 07, 2006 - VoxDomains.com Registrar

SIPphone.com Joins DIDxChange.com

DIDx provides "Virtual Numbers" for Gizmo Project European VoIP customers; users of the popular Internet calling software benefit from local phone numbers. - May 06, 2006 - Super Technologies, Inc. DIDX

ghip systems Completes their Product Range with DWDM

ghip systems has complemented their popular passive "express" fiber optic multiplexer series with DWDM multiplexers and appropriate DWDM add/drop units. This concept now allows more than 40 data streams to be combined and transmitted over a single fiber optic connection, each one with a data rate of up to 10Gbps. Utilization and throughput of existing fiber optic infrastructure will again be optimized through usage of the express DWDM family. - May 06, 2006 - ghip systems GmbH

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