The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Best Badminton Racket

If you are involved in playing the great sport of badminton and are looking to choose the best badminton racket for your game then this new badminton blog will ensure you cover all the angles when choosing your new racket to suit your style of play and skill level. - July 19, 2013 - Lanarkshire Sports

Switch2Voip Releases VoIP Service for Call Centers

Switch2Voip, the premier Washington-based wholesale VoIP provider for call centers and business, today has announced a new VoIP service package for call centers and business customers at the same flat rate. Switch2Voip, which seamlessly integrates Carrier Grade Call Center solutions that allow... - July 19, 2013 - Switch2Voip Launches to Connect Consumers with Service Providers has gone live for the Dallas, TX market. with its unique features aims to be the go-to place for consumers to easily and confidently connect with service providers. Users can submit listings (getMeBookt) to express to human verified businesses what services they want. Businesses then compete for the new customers with customized offers. - July 19, 2013 - getbookt

Valley Filmmakers Turn to Kickstarter to Crowd-Fund Completion of Anthology Film

Ricky Schroder leads Academy, Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning cast and crew in Phoenix-made Locker 13. - July 19, 2013 - Brothers' Ink Productions

Awesome Kids Apps Shares Best Apps for Summer Learning

Application review site Awesome Kids Apps has made available it's list of top summer learning apps for children, that offer educational stimulation as well as being engaging. - July 19, 2013 - Awesome Kids Apps

International Charity Anthology "Twist of Fate" Now Available in Paperback and E-Formats. All Proceeds Donated to Charity.

Representing the Indies In Action group, 60 authors and poets have combined to contribute 78 different writings in a charity anthology called "Twist of Fate," to help tornado victims in Oklahoma. The authors represent people from all around the globe. Nine countries are represented. It is a grassroots, group effort to help those who need it the most. All proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated to the May Tornadoes Relief Fund, administered by the United Way. - July 19, 2013 - Indies In Action

Reality Today Forum Publishes "Moochers in Crime"

Reality Today Forum publishes books by the Minnesota author, Justice Gray, who has done an excellent job in creating her characters. What at first seems almost unbelievable happens every day. Look around you; you may know someone just like her characters. - July 18, 2013 - Reality Today Forum

Editor Kim Bond Launches Professional Christian Testimony Collection

"Never Forsaken: A Testimony Collection" bridges the gap between secular companies and the Christian community by providing a professionally bound journal appropriate for any pastor’s office. - July 18, 2013 - Kim Bond

Barking Rain Press Acquires Western Novel “The Treasure of Peta Nocona" from New Mexico Author Lee Pierce

Barking Rain Press, a non-profit fiction publisher, announced the acquisition of the worldwide print and electronic publishing rights for the Western novel “The Treasure of Peta Nocona” from Dos Caballos, New Mexico author Lee Pierce. Mr. Pierce’s other novels include the Westerns... - July 18, 2013 - Barking Rain Press

FiberStore Unveiled the New 40 Channel DWDM EDFA Optical Amplifier

FiberStore annouced the availibility of the new DWDM EDFA optical amplier which features high power excellent gain flatness and low noise figure. - July 18, 2013 - FiberStore Co., Limited

Mobile Mark (Europe), Ltd. Opens Newly-Expanded Facilities in Hednesford, England

MobileMark has moved to Hednesford, England to expand its products and operations, which also offers quick turnaround time for large production volumes and an expanded range of related accessories. - July 18, 2013 - Mobile Mark, Inc.

Dr. Anna Faktorovich Examines the Rebellion Novels of Britain’s Best-Loved Authors

Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Dr. Faktorovich’s first literary reference text, Rebellion as Genre in the Novels of Scott, Dickens and Stevenson. - July 18, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Book Production Guide is an Essential Tool for Self-Publishers and Industry Professionals Alike

Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote the Third Edition of its Book Production Guide. - July 18, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Studio Brand Collective Refines Their Brand to Capture Who SBC Really is

Houston integrated marketing and branding firm Studio Brand Collective redesigns their website with new interactive features allowing potential clients to really get to know SBC. - July 18, 2013 - Studio Brand Collective

Aesthetic VideoSource Presents "Cellulite Massage" DVD - Cellulite Massage is a Massage Treatment That Will Provide Clients with Satisfying Results

With step-by-step instruction, Cellulite Massage gives the massage therapist a lucrative way to help clients get the "bikini body" they want. This intensive work promotes dimensional inch loss, smoothes dimpled skin and flushes toxins. - July 18, 2013 - Aesthetic VideoSource

ESL and JSR Micro Co-Exhibit Wave Energy Harvesting Technology at 2013 Energy Ocean International Conference

Electro Standards Laboratories in conjunction with JSR Micro exhibited Wave Energy Harvesting Technology at the 2013 Energy Ocean International Conference. - July 18, 2013 - Electro Standards Laboratories

Diane Leone Certified as Elite National Time to Teach Trainer Over Twelve Years of Education Experience

Diane Leone is a National Trainer for The Center For Teacher Effectiveness and their Time To Teach Program. Having completed extensive training, Leone received the certification this month in Orlando, Florida. The Time To Teach program offers successful classroom management strategies for school... - July 18, 2013 - Diane Leone Marketing & Design

Bad Bull Entertainment and Huntin' With Honor

Bad Bull Entertainment brings you "Huntin' With Honor," showcasing U.S. military heroes in the outdoors. 'Huntin' With Honor' will air on the Sportsman Channel on Sundays at 3:30 p.m. ET and Wednesdays at 8 a.m. - July 18, 2013 - Fat Chimp Studios

Opening & Closing Night Galas Announced for Topanga Film Festival

The 9th Annual Topanga Film Festival (July 18th - 21st) presents the Los Angeles community with an exciting combination of socially relevant films, engaging panel discussions, and unique special events. The weekends films and events are certain to inspire and entertain. - July 18, 2013 - Topanga Film Festival

Live Coverage of Ramadan for Muslims / Islamics Now Available for iPhones and Android Phones, Laptops and Internet Televisions: Portable TV Accessibility by WhereverTV

Muslims / Islamic interested in viewing live coverage of Ramadan in the native Arabic language while on the go to their smart phones or portable devices, or who want to watch at home via their computers now have access through new technology offered by Wherever TV. - July 18, 2013 - WhereverTV

Stan’s Garage Wins Three Consecutive Talk of the Town Customer Satisfaction Awards

Family-owned auto repair shop earns high customer satisfaction marks, winning it three Talk of the Town Awards in three years. - July 18, 2013 - Celebration Media U.S.

M. V. Montgomery’s Latest Publication Integrates Poetry and Experimental Fiction

Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to promote this much-lauded poet’s most recent collection, The Island of Charles Foster Kane. - July 17, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

A Beauty Queen to Grace the Triangle - Miss Raleigh-Durham USA

Executive Director, Marina Montes, will host the first annual Miss Raleigh-Durham USA pageant, taking place at the PSI Theater of the Durham Arts Council on July 27, 2013 at 4pm. The Miss Raleigh-Durham USA is an official preliminary to the Miss North Carolina USA®. The winner will go on to... - July 17, 2013 - Miss Raleigh Durham USA

Adobe And EditShare Wrap Up the Last Editors' Lounge of the Season

Production and post-production professionals were given the opportunity to get an up close look at all the latest editing tools with one lucky winner at the evening receiving a year’s subscription to Adobe’s Creative Cloud. - July 17, 2013 - Alpha Dogs Post Production

"How To Save Your Relationship...From Yourself" Now Available in eBook & Paperback Editions

Melissa Smith Baker, author of "How To Save Your Relationship...From Yourself: A Myth-Busting Guide To Successful Love," and Loose Cannon Enterprises announce the release of both her Kindle and trade paperback book. - July 17, 2013 - Loose Cannon Enterprises

They Live Among Us to Release New Episodes

Cult favorite web-based serial drama “They Live Among Us” to release new installations beginning July 17. - July 17, 2013 - Apogee Entertainment

American Empire Occupies AlphaDogs Domain

The hard-hitting documentary looks at the Federal Reserve and the American food and pharmaceutical industries, and investigates connections between federal financial policy, corporate lobbying, legislative agricultural policy, the genetically modified food business, copyright law and more. - July 17, 2013 - Alpha Dogs Post Production

"Is There a Jewish Way to Write Science Fiction Movies and Books?" Asks Yonatan Gordon, Founder of Kabbalah Site

As Jewish educators seek to interest today’s youth, they are awakening to the need to reach kids with topics they are already interested in. With the success of Jewish takes on the cinema, from’s Jewlarious section, to’s “Cinema: The Jewish... - July 17, 2013 - Community of Readers

S. Thomas Summers Releases the Second Title in His Civil War Series

Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to once again work with poet S. Thomas Summers on his latest publication, “The Journals of Lt. Kendall Everly: A Story of the American Civil War.” - July 17, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Soundview to Host Webinar with Mark Kaplan & Mason Donovan

Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on July 23rd with best-selling authors Mark Kaplan & Mason Donovan, to discuss the concepts in their latest book, The Inclusion Dividend. - July 17, 2013 - Soundview

2012 Pushcart Prize Nominee Captures an Integral Moment in American History

Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to promote Dr. Anna Faktorovich’s latest collection of poetry. - July 17, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Irish Memorial Cards Website Offers a Helping Hand

It’s an unlikely partnership but Heaney Funeral Services in Ireland, and Web and App Designer, Dionne McCabe have come together and created an innovative way of helping people up and down the island pay their respect for someone who has passed away with their new website, - July 17, 2013 - Irish Memorial Cards

LifeSpan Announces Specialized Services for Enterprise Tablet Disposition

LifeSpan Announces Specialized Services for Enterprise Tablet Disposition

Data Erasure Process Ensures Compliance and Security - July 16, 2013 - LifeSpan

Money Journal Survey Shows Huge Majority Feel Ripped Off

A huge majority feel they have been ripped off by banks, according to a new survey just completed by - July 16, 2013 - Money Journal

Sexy Legal Tale Blurs the Line Between Truth and Fiction

Every writer knows that there is a little bit of truth in every piece of fiction. And author Parker Paige is no different in her attempt to carve out a fictitious tale with sprinkles of truth interspersed throughout. The author's new book, "Whitley & Austin" takes place in the... - July 16, 2013 - Pluto Books

Electronic Dance Music Producer/DJ, UpperCase 5ive Launches New Website

Miami, Florida EDM DJ and Producer UpperCase 5ive launches website at, that caters to his fans. - July 16, 2013 - Sewer Ratz Digital Music, LLC

BBS, Inc. Boston Hosts Wing Fest 2013 for Charity

BBS, Inc. Boston raises money for Operation Smile through a companywide chicken wing eating competition. - July 16, 2013 - BBS, Inc. Boston

BBS, Inc. Employee Earns Leader’s Circle Director Award

BBS, Inc. Boston is proud to announce that one of their employees has earned the prestigious Leader’s Circle Director Award for the month of May. - July 16, 2013 - BBS, Inc. Boston

HPT Media Announces Casting Call for the 40'z Rock Calendar

Casting Call for beautiful women in their 40’s to grace the 2014 40z Rock Calendar and other marketing materials. On July 28th select judges along with KHOU Debra Duncan and will choose 12 ladies. - July 16, 2013 - HPT Media

Overland Journal and the Expeditions 7 Team Commences Crossing of Fourth Continent on Their Record Setting Expedition

Expeditions 7 team updates progress on their record-setting two-year, seven-continent overland adventure. - July 16, 2013 - Overland Journal

Startup and New Media Mastermind Summit to Shine Spotlight on Growing High Tech Business Community on Long Island

Entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, marketing consultants, business journalists and new media celebrities are joining together to showcase and promote Long Island’s dynamic startup and new media community at 6:30 p.m. this Thursday, July 18 at the Woodbury Country Club. “Long Island is... - July 16, 2013 - Startup and New Media Summit

New Children's Book Project, "The Fable of the Flying Friends" Has Launched on Kickstarter

This unique children's picture book features a companion activity guide featuring fun, age-appropriate educational activities. Backers have the opportunity to have their child's face illustrated and printed in the actual book. - July 16, 2013 - The Fable of the Flying Friends

General Purpose vs. Personalized Noise Cancellation Technology in Telephony

SoliCall to demonstrate the inherent difference between two different approaches for noise reduction in telephony, the general-purpose approach vs. the personalized approach. Noise control in telephony is an exciting research field that keeps providing improvements every year. This is especially... - July 16, 2013 - SoliCall

2spicy Entertainment Announces the Next We Love Asia Music Festival to be Held in September This Year

2spicy Entertainment Announces the Next We Love Asia Music Festival to be Held in September This Year

Event & entertainment agency 2Spicy Entertainment based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia today announced their upcoming "We Love Asia 2.0" music festival to be held on the 6th and 7th of September 2013 at Sepang International F1 Circuit, Kuala Lumpur. Featuring international superstars such... - July 15, 2013 - 2Spicy Entertainment Sdn. Bhd.

Taquarius Ford Launches and New Management Company

Taquarius Ford Launches and New Management Company

Millionaire and Philanthropist Taquarius Ford launches a new and trendy music management company in Beverly Hills. - July 15, 2013 - Taquarius Ford

Newly Founded Brooklyn Apache Press Releases First Novel

Carlton Kenneth Holder, an African American Hollywood screenwriter and founder of Brooklyn Apache Press, the publishing division of his entertainment company, plans on creating novels that cater to a niche audience interested in horror, sci-fi, action and adventure. "While watching studio project after studio project become homogenized for a young White male audience, I noticed that there were major demographics interested in genre fare who were and are being largely ignored," stated Carlton. - July 15, 2013 - Brooklyn Apache Press

Spaced Out Magazine Takes Over B.E.T. Weekend

Spaced Out Magazine gives an update to the media about how the magazine took over B.E.T. weekend their own style. - July 15, 2013 - Spaced Out Magazine

Talk of the Town News & Awards Honor Businesses for Outstanding Customer Satisfaction

Ten most recent winners of the Talk of the Town Award are honored for high customer satisfaction ratings. - July 15, 2013 - Celebration Media U.S.

French Institutions Show More Interest in Hedge Funds - France Roundtable

For the last five years, hedge fund performance has been below its historical average, and most institutions in France did not increase their allocation. - July 14, 2013 - Opalesque Ltd

Privacy-Centric Search Engine Blippex Launches with a New Twist on Ranking — Tech News and Analysis

Crowd-sourced search engine, Blippex, launched. archify launches Blippex, the "Wikipedia of search," aiming to make search human again. - July 14, 2013 - Archify

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