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Within Publishing
St. George Book Festival Announces Its 2nd Annual Literacy Charity Dinner in St. George, Utah
The St. George Book Festival is hosting its 2nd annual Literacy Charity Dinner at the Arts Community Building (also known as the Children's Museum) on October 24, 2014 at 6pm. - September 26, 2014 - World of Ink Network
Exciting New Book Release for History and Horror Fans Alike - "The Legion of Blood"
Today an exciting new book from the emerging UK fantasy writer Wayne Schreiber enters the market with an interesting new slant on the truth behind one of England’s most historical figures. He portrays the story of Queen Boudicca not as the rebellious queen who almost forced the Romans out of... - September 26, 2014 - Wayne Schreiber
TAG Announces Executive Promotion and Expanded Role
Anneke Stender Named Executive Vice President and Head of Corporate and Family Outsourced Accounting Division - September 26, 2014 - TAG
New Article on HAGA Blog; Expert Says Victory Gardens Could Fix Broken Food System
The key to fixing the broken food system may lie in the backyard, if the words of Dr. Mercola are correct regarding the benefits of a home garden. Growing one's own food has long been abandoned, by most people, in favor of fast food chains and easy frozen meals. But, are there more benefits to... - September 26, 2014 - Home and Garden America
The Girls with Glasses Help You Turn Your Home Into Something to Celebrate, in the New Digital Video Series, Holiday Decorating
The new show premieres on The Design Network. ( - September 25, 2014 - The Design Network
Cigar & Spirits Magazine Launches a Newly Designed and Fully Interactive Companion Website, a product of Top Hat Media, Unveils a Restyled Design with Mobile Features and a More Enhanced User Experience for Readers and Advertisers - September 25, 2014 - Cigar & Spirits Magazine
New Jersey Stage Releases Giant September Issue
New Jersey Stage releases it's third issue -- packed with 136 pages of arts coverage for the Garden State. - September 24, 2014 - Wine Time Media
"She’s Not Herself" by Linda Appleman Shapiro Released in Trade Paperback and E-Book Editions by Dream of Things
Indie press Dream of Things releases a new memoir about the effects of multi-generational traumas, as told by a seasoned psychotherapist who has examined human vulnerability in its many disguises and has moved through it all with dignity and hope. - September 24, 2014 - Dream of Things
Permuted Press Publishes First Book in New Sci-Fi Epic
"Torrance," from Bestselling Author Tom Calen Hits e-Bookstores Today - September 24, 2014 - Permuted Press
Soundview to Host Interactive Webinar with Aaron Hurst
Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on September 30th with business author Aaron Hurst, to discuss the concepts in his most recent book, The Purpose Economy. - September 24, 2014 - Soundview
HAGA to Add New Image to Product Description on Product Page
Home and Garden America will soon be adding a survival seed vault image to their existing product description. While most product descriptions on are strictly made up of text, the Company will add a descriptive image to their product description to make it more appealing to people who... - September 24, 2014 - Home and Garden America
JNT Company Hires Account Director
Former Kansas City Brand Strategist Joins Manhattan Agency - September 24, 2014 - JNT Company
Bryce Cullen Publishing Releases Teachers' Children's Book on World Culture
First installment in the Mr. Peppercorn series teaches children about the many beautiful places and cultures around the world. - September 24, 2014 - Bryce Cullen Publishing
Over 70% of Live Insurance News Readers Ask for Health Care Reform Repair
As we all know, new health care reform regulations mandated from the Affordable Care Act are almost one year old now. Results from a survey from has revealed over half their readership is showing signs of discontent with new healthcare reform. - September 23, 2014 - Live Insurance News
Connecticut Author Signed to Release Poignant Book with Major Publisher
Local author Michelle Williams recently teamed up with Tate Publishing to begin the publication process of her new book My Name is Ruth. A poignant book based on Williams’ life experiences, the author shares how she was delivered from her circumstances and how she can help other women come... - September 23, 2014 - Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC
Local Authors Signed to Publish Inspirational Photography Book with Major Publisher
Local authors Dr. Carl and Jennie Robinson recently teamed up with Tate Publishing to kick-start the publication process of their new photography book Still Above Ground. Still Above Ground is a pictorial look at one of New Orleans fascinating tourist attractions, highlighting some of the greats... - September 23, 2014 - Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC
Colorado Author Signed to Publish New Book
Local author Matthew Vogan recently signed a contract with Tate Publishing to kick-off the publication process of his new book Nicholas and the Bullies. An imaginative book about a boy who possesses super powers, Nicholas and the Bullies explores the world of young Nicholas and how he teams up... - September 23, 2014 - Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC
Predictive Analytics, Registries Helping to Reduce Avoidable Emergency Room Visits
A trio of tech tools is bolstering healthcare's efforts to foster more appropriate use of hospital ERs, according to a new 2014 HINtelligence report. - September 23, 2014 - Healthcare Intelligence Network
Stage IV Parkinson's Disease Patient Releases Audiobook About His Experiences
"Put On Your Parky Face" tells the story of Bill Schmalfeldt's search for a diagnosis in 2000, through his participation in an experimental brain surgery, through his retirement in 2011, to his current status with this progressive neurological disorder. - September 23, 2014 - Bill Schmalfeldt
October 15 Webinar: Adventist Health-Blue Shield Specialists Telehealth Collaboration
Specifics of a multi-speciality telehealth network that improves access to specialist care for patients in remote areas will be shared during an October 15, 2014 webinar. - September 22, 2014 - Healthcare Intelligence Network
Soundview to Publish Summary of "Thanks for the Feedback" by Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen
Soundview Executive Book Summaries has chosen "Thanks for the Feedback" by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen as one of the 30 best business books of 2014. Soundview summaries can be viewed on any computer, tablet or smartphone. - September 22, 2014 - Soundview
The Speak Up Talk Radio Network Project – Calling All Radio Hosts
New radio network offers an outlet for current hosts and shows, with proceeds funding homeless shelters. - September 22, 2014 - Speak Up Talk Radio Network
Following $1.2MM Funding, Revolutionary 1-Click Video App Takes Launches September 21st
Revolutionary 1-click video capturing iPhone and Android app Takes teams up with 12 influential social media personalities to launch its latest version and create a documentary examining the cultural trend of “Living Online.” - September 21, 2014 - Takes
HAGA Expert Predicts People Without Survival Seeds May be Ill Prepared for Coming Hardship
An expert at Home and Garden America today predicted that people who don't have a survival seed bank may be ill prepared for many of the coming hardships that America will face in the near future. Many people today think that there is some kind of looming disaster awaiting the world because there... - September 21, 2014 - Home and Garden America
Randy Jernigan Set to Release "Stars" Book Mid October
Randy Jernigan and Creative Partners Publishing is set to release "Stars That Make A Difference" book mid October, following final edit. - September 21, 2014 - Creative Partners Publishing
PDF417, MacroPDF417, PatchCode & QR Barcode Recognition & Reading are Enhanced
This new release of Aspose.BarCode for .NET 6.5.0 much improved recognition and quick reading capabilities for PDF417, MacroPDF417, QR and PatchCode symbologies. The Aspose.BarCode API is handy because it can also encode and decode these codes too. This new release also includes a number of key fixes such as inaccurate recognition of PDF417 from TIFF, PNG, PDF and JPG formats along with inaccurate and recognition failure cases of MacroPDF417 from BMP and PNG formats and many more. - September 20, 2014 - Aspose Pty Ltd
HAGA Adds New Image to Product Description Page on
Home and Garden America recently added an image to their existing product description which now does a much better job of depicting the product for a potential customer. Most product descriptions on are strictly made up of text, so the Company has added an image to their product... - September 20, 2014 - Home and Garden America
Local Author Inks New Publishing Deal with Major Publisher
Local author Gary Callahan recently joined forces with Tate Publishing to begin the publication process of his new parenting book "How to Raise a Child (NOT to be a Mass Murderer)." “We are so thrilled to welcome Gary into our prestigious Tate author family. His book will be a... - September 19, 2014 - Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC
October 1 Webinar: Preparing for Value-Based Reimbursement Models
HIN examines the benefits of PHO development in healthcare's value-based payment models like ACOs, Bundled Payments and Direct Contracting during an October 1, 2014 webinar. - September 19, 2014 - Healthcare Intelligence Network
Underground Voices to Release Vicki Salloum's Novel, Faulkner & Friends (September 21st, 2014)
Underground Voices will release Vicki Salloum's novel, set in New Orleans. William Greenway, Ph.D., Author of Everywhere at Once, writes: "If I didn't know better, I'd swear there's something in the water coming down the river that blooms good writers in New Orleans like magnolia blossoms: Faulkner, Rice, Percy, Toole, etc. And now here's the newest one to squeeze the heart to offer up its secrets. Faulkner & Friends is a wonderful read; that it's set in New Orleans is lagniappe." - September 19, 2014 - Underground Voices
Remarkable Success for ubivent for the Virtual Career and Education Fairs "Trained in GermanY" in Africa, Asia and South America
The key word is “international.” The Almuniportal Germany actively promotes the networking and the exchange of knowledge amongst its international members. In this network the talents, which were “Trained in GermanY,” can be placed in all regions of the world efficiently. - September 19, 2014 - ubivent GmbH
"Alaska be Damned!" by Robert Hatting Stirring Towards the Shores of the International Bestseller
“Alaska be Damned!” by Robert Hatting - another bestseller from an independent author. - September 19, 2014 - HerEthics Books
Expert Predicts Increase in Survival Seed Banks as Result of World Turmoil
HAGA expert Chuck Harmon, today predicted a massive increase in sales of survival related gear and survival seeds as people become more convinced that there is some sort of looming doomsday event in the making. - September 19, 2014 - Home and Garden America
High-Energy Gourmet Lunch Served to Hospital Marketers at SHSMD 2014
Baldwin Publishing sponsors the networking lunch at SHSMD 2014, serving gourmet dishes from the award-winning Health eCooking® recipe collection. - September 18, 2014 - Baldwin Publishing
Stratifying High-Risk, High-Cost Patients: Benchmarks, Predictive Algorithms and Data Analytics
A new report from the Healthcare Intelligence Network presents a range of risk stratification practices to to identify and manage super utilizers, improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare spend. - September 18, 2014 - Healthcare Intelligence Network
Case Sensitive String Searches in PST & Saving TNEF Calendar as EML in Java Apps
This month’s release brings improvements to the API’s existing features and includes embedding of messages to Microsoft Outlook messages and searching PST files with a new case sensitivity option. It also includes a feature that allows users to specify a case sensitivity option when searching a PST using a string query. The overloaded string comparison method allows to set a case sensitivity flag. Moreover, Outlook messages can be embedded and not just added as a regular attachment. - September 18, 2014 - Aspose Pty Ltd
September 25 Webinar: Profiting from Embedded Case Management in Primary Care and Work Sites
A Caldwell Memorial Hospital case management initiative that has helped to halve 30-day Medicare readmissions is the focus of a September 25, 2014 webinar from the Healthcare Intelligence Network. - September 18, 2014 - Healthcare Intelligence Network
You Are at Risk 24/7 in This Always Connected Digital World! Stealth Grid Announces Applications That Eliminate Data Breaches and Intrusions.
Stealth Grid announces pre-registration for Stealth Clouding. The Stealth Grid products will provide consumers with complete control of their digital privacy, and security. The application creates an invisible digital footprint for consumers and enterprises. The new technology is focused on... - September 18, 2014 - Stealth Grid Corporation
The Indie Chicks, Inc. Reach Fundraising Goal to Keep Magazine on Shelves
Self Empowerment Magazine for Women Remains on Shelves with Aid of Public Donations, Celebrity Support - September 18, 2014 - The Indie Chicks
Brownstone Poets presents Michael Broder and Richard Loranger at Park Plaza Restaurant, Saturday, October 4 at 2:30 p.m.
Brownstone Poets presents Michael Broder and Richard Loranger, Saturday, October 4 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Enjoy the varied menu at this affordable family-run diner while listening to great poetry. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights and there's an open mic... - September 18, 2014 - The Brownstone Poets
Follow the Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final on the New Practical Horseman World Cup Microsite
Practical Horseman launched a new microsite dedicated to the Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final, which returns to the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, April 15–19, 2015, for the first time since 2009. The site offers all the latest news, photos and stories as well as the chance... - September 18, 2014 - Equine Network, LLC
Follow the Reem Acra FEI World Cup™ Dressage Final on the New Dressage Today World Cup Microsite
Dressage Today launched a new microsite dedicated to the Reem Acra FEI World Cup™ Dressage Final, which is returning to the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, April 15-19 for the first time since 2009. The site offers the latest news, photos, and stories, as well as the chance to win a... - September 18, 2014 - Equine Network, LLC
Your Horse & Your Dog, Together: A Perfect Fit for EQUUS Magazine’s 2014 Best Friends Photo Contest
You love your horse, you love your dog, and every day they share adorable moments that enrich your life. Now you can share one of those moments and have the chance to enrich theirs, by entering EQUUS magazine’s Best Friends Photo Contest. To enter, just visit... - September 18, 2014 - Equine Network, LLC
Oscar-Winning Screenwriter, Biographer, Short-Story Writer and Critic Frederic Raphael Celebrates His 83rd Birthday
As novelist, Oscar-winning screenwriter, biographer, short-story writer and critic Frederic Raphael celebrates his 83rd birthday, Web of Stories is proud to release over 100 insightful recordings recounting his life and work. - September 18, 2014 - Web of Stories Ltd
The West’s Biggest Fall Boat Show Unveils Sailboat Row
The show’s all new ‘Sailboat Row,” that features a variety of sailboat manufacturers, distributors and some of the best new and previously owned sailboats on the West Coast, will be unveiled during the show at Lido Marina Village in Newport Beach Sept. 18-21, 2014. - September 18, 2014 - Duncan McIntosh Co Inc
To Reduce Medicare Readmissions, Healthcare Embraces Post-Acute Partnerships
More than half of healthcare companies surveyed partner with post-acute facilities as a strategy to curb 30-day rehospitalizations, according to the fourth annual HINtelligence report on reducing hospital readmissions. - September 17, 2014 - Healthcare Intelligence Network
Soundview to Host Interactive Webinar with Jeremy Eden & Terri Long
Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on September 23rd with business authors Jeremy Eden & Terri Long, to discuss the concepts in their most recent book, "Low-Hanging Fruit." - September 17, 2014 - Soundview
Sales in German Machinery Industry Slightly Above Multi-Year Average in July 2014 – New Report in the Quest Trend Magazine
The report puts sales in July into the context of the six-year-old development since 2008. This long-term analysis identifies structures and prospects that may disappear in comparisons with previous years. - September 17, 2014 - Quest Trend Magazine
Slot-1 Achieves Net Zero Carbon Emissions & Celebrates Electric cars on Record Breaking 100% Electric Vehicle Tour
Alt. recording artist Rick Denzien inspires others to engineer their own jail break from fossil fuel on the “No Gas EV-olution” music tour. - September 16, 2014 - Slot One Entertainment, Inc.
Grand Comics Database Hits 1,000,000 Issue Milestone
The Grand Comics Database reached 1,000,000 issues as it celebrates its 20th Anniversary. Over 1,000 international volunteers have contributed information about comics from 53 countries to create the largest, authoritative comics database on the web used by fans comic shops, scholars, and eBay. - September 16, 2014 - Grand Comics Database