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Executives Release New Book, "Snatch Your Dreams," Geared Toward Helping People Find and Achieve Their Sought After Dreams
The Authors of “Stardom Dreamers” and “Music Business: It’s All About Music. Right?” release another book with Lo Jaye Publishing. A. Jaye Grant and Lo Rene` have now released another book worldwide. This book called, “Snatch Your Dreams” is another easy practical guide directed towards helping people from all business fields realize their dreams. - October 26, 2013 - Lo Jaye Publishing
Omega Psi Phi and Critical Thoughts Publishing Sponsors Booking Signing and Book Donation in Orange, NJ
The Eta Pi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc, and Critical Thoughts Publishing LLC., is sponsoring “Meet the Authors” Symposium, Publishing workshop and Book donation drive on Saturday, November 16th, at the Park Avenue Elementary School, 231 Park Ave., Orange, New Jersey as a... - October 25, 2013 - Critical Thoughts Publishing
Author Amy Lignor Releases Her Next Book in Her Tallent & Lowery Series "The Hero's Companion"
Author Amy Lignor comes out with her latest book in her Tallent & Lowery series, "The Hero's Companion." This is her third book in the series and picks up where the last book "Sapphire Storm" left off. "13" was the first book in the series. - October 25, 2013 - Suspense Publishing
A Key Resource for Physical Therapists
"Traumatology for the Physical Therapist," by Dr. Gert Krischak, recently published by Thieme, is a focused, easy-to-use guide to general and specialized traumatology specifically geared to physical therapists and students. Covering soft tissue injuries, fractures, skull injuries, spine... - October 25, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
Thieme Announces First Issue of the "International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology"
The open access publishing program at Thieme continues to flourish, as the group announces a new agreement to take over publication of the "International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology" (IAO). Already in its 17th year of publication, this is one of the world’s oldest open access... - October 24, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
GNEX 2014 Conference Announces Captain Richard Phillips as Keynote Speaker
GNEX 2014 Conference Announces Captain Richard Phillips as Keynote Speaker. - October 24, 2013 - Perspective Magazine
Soundview to Host Special Video Seminar with Joseph Grenny
Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive video seminar on October 30th with NYT best-selling author Joseph Grenny, to discuss the concepts in his latest book, "Crucial Accountability." - October 24, 2013 - Soundview Founder Endorses Dr. Pam Barlow for U.S. Congress
Dr. Pam Barlow for U.S. Congress in Texas Congressional District 13 endorsed by founder against incumbent Mac Thornberry. - October 23, 2013 -
A New Edition of a Classic Pediatric Audiology Reference
"Pediatric Audiology, Second Edition," by Dr. Jane Madell and Dr. Carol Flexer and recently published by Thieme, is an updated and expanded edition of a classic audiology text that focuses on the practical application of audiology principles and protocols that audiologists and graduate... - October 23, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
Soundview to Publish Summary of "Engaged!" by Gregg Lederman
Soundview Executive Book Summaries has chosen "Engaged!" by Gregg Lederman as one of the 30 best business books of 2013. Soundview summaries can be read and listened to on any computer, tablet, smartphone or e-reader. - October 23, 2013 - Soundview
Old Lions Still Roar Inc and Wabi Sabi Productions Inc. Launches Innovative Funding Initiative for Musical Theater Through the New JOBS Act
Old Lions Still Roar Inc. a Florida based Musical Theater and Entertainment Content production company and Wabi Sabi Productions Inc a NY based Not For Profit launches its sale of Old Lions Still Roar Inc common stock through the recent new JOBS act change. The sale is only available to Accredited Investors and the raise is handled through - October 23, 2013 - Wabi Sabi Productions Inc
California Writers Club Self-Publishing Boot Camp
Karl Palachuk, Author of Publish Your First Book, to Speak at California Writers Club Self-Publishing Boot Camp - October 23, 2013 - Small Biz Thoughts
nvisionMedia Signs Promotion Deal for Recap Show
nvisionMedia, a product placement and branding company, has brokered a deal with Polish and Company, a nail polish company, and Kernel Encore, a gourmet popcorn company, to sponsor The Alison and Zabs Recap Show, an online program that recaps shows like The Bachelor and Top Chef. - October 23, 2013 - nvisionMedia/streetlevel
Unspoken Cures Radio Show to Validate Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cure Information
Unspoken Cures Radio, the number one talk show on The Arena Sports Network, is set to investigate and validate natural health claims that Kevin Trudeau has made in the past. “I used to work with Kevin and I am a believer in the information he was trying to disseminate,” said Donald... - October 22, 2013 - Unspoken Cures Radio
Hurix Launches Breakthrough Technology for 100% Automated PDF to ePub3 Fixed Layout Conversion at FBF 2013
Hurix launched a major new feature to its market leading KITABOO® digital publishing platform that fully automates the conversion of PDFs books and documents to fixed layout ePub3 output. In July 2013, the Association of American Publishers announced the EPUB3 Implementation Project, with a... - October 22, 2013 - Hurix Systems Private Limited
Nonsense and No Sense and Somewhere in Between is the New Book Release from Whimsical Words Publishing
Whimsical Words Publishing has just announced the new book publication of author Cindi Walton. "Nonsense and No Sense and Somewhere in Between" is a collection of poems and short stories in verse for the ages five through nine. - October 22, 2013 - Whimsical Words Publishing
Sea Level Publishing Releases First Children's eBook
Sea Level Publishing has released this new children's eBook on the subject of electronics to "spark" an early interest and understanding of this important field. Sparky and the Carnival Circuit is the tale of a resourceful electron named Sparky, who dreams up a way to free his electron... - October 21, 2013 - Sea Level Publishing
An Updated Edition of an Outstanding Clinical Reference on Operative Gynecology
"Atlas of Gynecologic Surgery, Fourth Edition," by Diethelm Wallwiener and Sven Becker, recently published by Thieme, is an outstanding clinical reference that continues the tradition of earlier editions by providing unparalleled coverage of the entire field of gynecologic surgery. This... - October 20, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
A Best Evidence Approach to Controversies in Neuro-Oncology
"Controversies in Neuro-Oncology: Best Evidence Medicine for Brain Tumor Surgery," by Dr. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa and Dr. Shaan M. Raza and recently published by Thieme, is a comprehensive reference that takes a best evidence approach to key topics in brain surgery, emphasizing... - October 20, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
MLC Ventures Publishes Its First iStory eBook: The iStory of the Three Little Pigs
Honestly, is this ebook “en-titled” to be an iStory? This highly interactive “picture & video” ebook for the iPad is a brazen attempt to earn the “entitlement” to the iStory label. - October 19, 2013 - MLC Ventures
New Agency Aligns Brands with Top Influencers on Vine
Boomopolis, a social media marketing company has launched a new division which will align brands and startups with top influencers on the social network, Vine. A mobile app which allows users to upload 6 second videos, Vine is one of the fastest growing social networks of all time – landing 40,000,000 users in just 9 months. Brands seeking to reach this 13 to 25 year old demographic hire Boomopolis to organize the best Vine influencers to do sponsored posts, contests and events on their behalf. - October 19, 2013 - Boomopolis
Latitude 34 Takes Travel Blogging to the Next Level
Latitude 34, a fast growing travel blog based in Phuket, Thailand inspires people to see the world, motivates them to make a change in their lives and helps travelers everywhere to better enjoy and get in touch with the world around them. - October 19, 2013 - Latitude 34
Herding, Performance Chasing and Committee Structures: The Three Maladies of Institutional Investing - Opalesque Roundtable
The other malaise that affects investors more often than not is performance chasing. If you go beyond the surface, investors' reasons to invest or not to invest with a certain manager in many cases boils down to chasing past performance. - October 19, 2013 - Opalesque Ltd
Soundview Executive Book Summaries to Host Webinar with Cy Wakeman
Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on October 24th with best-selling author Cy Wakeman, to discuss the concepts in her latest book, The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace. - October 19, 2013 - Soundview
EPMG Elevates Industry Thought Leadership with Launch of Hispanic Print: Alive and Thriving
Special insight initiative from EPMG showcases power of leveraging local Spanish-language newspapers. - October 18, 2013 - EPMG
Brownstone Poets Presents Karl Roulston and Frank Simone on Tues, 11/12 at the New Time of 7:30 p.m. at Café Dada
Brownstone Poets presents Karl Roulston and Frank Simone on Tuesday, November 12 at the new time of 7:30 p.m. at Café Dada. Enjoy the Old World ambiance in Park Slope that’s near several subways. Feast on French-Hungarian cuisine and delectable pastries. Relax with some wine or beer, a cup of coffee or tea while listening to great poetry. There’s an open mic as well. Poetry does grow in Park Slope, Brooklyn. - October 18, 2013 - The Brownstone Poets
Pearls of Hope® to Benefit from Stress Out Book
Self Investment Publishing has published a special edition of best-selling book "Stress Out, show stress who’s the Boss," to benefit Pearls of Hope®. Stress is a constant in our lives - such a constant that we actually don’t realize we are under stress, we think it’s... - October 18, 2013 - Self Investment Publishing
Soundview to Publish Summary of "The Fearless Front Line" by Ray Attiyah
Soundview Executive Book Summaries has chosen "The Fearless Front Line" by Ray Attiyah as one of the 30 best business books of 2013. Soundview summaries can be read and listened to on any computer, tablet, smartphone or e-reader. - October 18, 2013 - Soundview
Everyone Should Publish Their Memoir and Leave a Legacy for the World
Book Marketing International announced today a new self publishing memoir service. Everyone has a story to tell, and more and more people are writing their memoir as a way to leave behind their legacy. Book Marketing International is offering an easy and affordable solution through... - October 17, 2013 - Book Marketing International
Southern Gospel Magazine's 2nd Annual "Front Porch Singing" Will be Nov 2, 2013 at the GAP in Oxford, NC
Southern Gospel Magazine's 2nd Annual" Front Porch Singing" will be Nov 2, 2013 at the GAP's Amphitheater in Oxford, NC. The GAP (Granville Athletic Park) is located just off Highway 85 north of Durham. - October 17, 2013 - Southern Gospel Magazine
eBgenius Introduces Search Engines Parser to Public
After months of development and careful testing, electronic business pioneers at eBGenius introduced a revolutionary data scraping and extraction software - Search Engines Parser - to the public. Founded in 2006, eBGenius offers fully automated website creation, backlinks building, and social marketing solutions to customers from almost 100 countries in the world, and their latest product is not an exception. - October 17, 2013 - eBGenius
WKYXZ Now Has Exclusive Sponsorship Opportunities Available
WKYXZ - The Total Music Mix! now has a few exclusive sponsorship opportunities available for specialty programming they now offer to their listeners. - October 16, 2013 - WKYXZ - The Total Music Mix!
Soundview Executive Book Summaries to Host Webinar with Jones Loflin
Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on October 22nd with best-selling author Jones Loflin, to discuss the concepts in his latest book, "Getting to It!" - October 16, 2013 - Soundview
Fusion Power Hour Discusses Tom Hanks and Rise of Type 2 Diabetes
Fusion Power Hour: Real Health Talk, the number one talk show on The Arena Sports Network, is set to discuss the American epidemic of diabetes, Saturday, October 19th at 9am EST. “115 million people are affected with type 2 diabetes, including a majority of my family and with Tom... - October 15, 2013 - Unspoken Cures Radio
Now Free Online, "A Time to Live: Surviving Suicidal Thoughts" by Kimberly Andry
"A Time to Live: Surviving Suicidal Thoughts" by Kimberly Andry is now available free online at The author has made this recommended resource available so that a greater number of individuals suffering with depression and suicidal thoughts can... - October 15, 2013 - Kim Andry
LJM Publishing, LLC Reaches Milestone with the Release of Janice Limb Myers' 37th Children's Book
LJM Publishing, LLC, a Dallas-based publishing company assisting self-publishing authors, has reached a new level of books published with a single author as they publish the 37th children’s book by Janice Limb Myers. - October 14, 2013 - LJM Publishing LLC
Southern Gospel Magazine is pleased to announce they are partnering with Gospel 45 Now Digital Direct for their marketing and advertising for their new name change.
Southern Gospel Magazine is please to announce the partnering with Gospel 45 Now Digital Direct in their new advertising and marketing campaign for their new name change. Gospel 45 Now has changed the name of their business to Gospel 45 Now Digital Direct. The name change reflects that the cutting... - October 14, 2013 - Southern Gospel Magazine
Dr. Angela Chester New Book Exposes the Emotion of Breast Cancer, Stories of Survivorship Increase
For Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Increases in Rates of Success Become More Important Than Ever Before. Women reaching women is an important step in the healing process. - October 13, 2013 - Angela Chester International
Scope Collaborates with Taylor & Francis to Create MARC Records
Scope e-Knowledge Center (Scope), a leading provider of content enhancement and knowledge services, recently completed an assignment with Taylor & Francis (T&F) to create MARC records for XML archives across 15 categories of publication types, including journals, books, reports and acts based on RDA guidelines for their cutting-edge digital resource, the South Asia Archive. Scope employed its mARCat™ platform to efficiently execute the assignment and meet the expectations of T&F. - October 13, 2013 - SPi Global
Thieme Bookshelf App for Android Now Available
The Thieme Bookshelf app, an e-book reader, is now available for download to Android devices via Google Play: Android users can choose from among hundreds of Thieme’s e-books, quickly and easily... - October 12, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
Comprehensive Spine Care Resources at Your Fingertips
Thieme is proud to announce the launch of Thieme eSpine, a unique online resource that gives spine care professionals unprecedented access to Thieme’s entire spine collection. This powerful platform includes more than 250 surgical procedures, with illustrated steps and detailed techniques;... - October 12, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
Music Executives Release New Updated Book Giving Up-Coming Artists a Competitive Advantage in Music
Authors, A. Jaye Grant and Lo Rene now release worldwide, a practical easy guide to understanding the steps it takes to get noticed in the music industry. This book helps the reader to see their dream to stardom become an obtainable reality. - October 11, 2013 - Lo Jaye Publishing
Prolific Imagination Publishing Announces “Up, Up In The Air” Book Release
Announcing the book release of “Up, Up In The Air” published by Prolific Imagination Publishing Author and Sole Proprietor Adrian Powell is enthused by the book’s insightful premise. - October 10, 2013 - Prolific Imagiantion
Soundview Executive Book Summaries to Host Webinar with Ray Attiyah
Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on October 17th with best-selling author Ray Attiyah, to discuss the concepts in his latest book, "The Fearless Front Line." - October 10, 2013 - Soundview
Layer2 Business Data List Connector for SharePoint V5 Released to Close Gaps ith External Data Integration
Layer2 has announced version 5 of the SharePoint Business Data List Connector (BDLC) that connects almost any external corporate data source with native SharePoint lists and closes many gaps that still exist with SharePoint data integration. - October 10, 2013 - Layer 2 GmbH
Brownstone Poets Presents Patricia Eakins, Nicholas Johnson, and Chad Parenteau, Saturday, November 2 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant
Brownstone Poets presents Patricia Eakins, Nicholas Johnson, and Chad Parenteau, Saturday, November 2 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Enjoy the varied menu at this affordable family-run diner while listening to great poetry. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights and... - October 10, 2013 - The Brownstone Poets
Northeast Manufacturing Continues to Gain Speed & Accuracy Using Estimating Program
Costimator helps Massachusetts manufacturer significantly improve their cost estimating process helping them leapfrog the competition. - October 09, 2013 - MTI Systems, Inc.
Fusion Power Hour Debuts as the Number One Talk Show on The Arena Sports Network
Fusion Power Hour: Real Health Talk debuted on October 5, 2013 and is now the leading talk radio show on The Arena Sports Network. - October 09, 2013 - Unspoken Cures Radio
De Sales Press Launches New Book: "1001 Questions to Ask Before Having a Baby"
New book promises to prepare future parents for the delights and disasters that come with delivering and raising a child. - October 09, 2013 - De Sales Press
For Those Too Busy to Slow Down, This is the Book to Get and It’s Free for a Limited Time - Free on Kindle October 7 Through October 9
“In His Footsteps: How I Gave My To-do List to God and Got More Done, More Sleep and Less Stress” will be available for free from October 7 to 9 on ( This book, by author Margaret Agard, and published by Parker Wentworth Publishing is... - October 09, 2013 - Parker Wentworth Publishing