Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Get In Touch: With Your Public Voice: A Guide to Wealth Through a Love of Public Speaking" by Peter Bull MBE

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Get In Touch: With Your Public Voice: A Guide to Wealth Through a Love of Public Speaking" – by Peter Bull MBE. - November 10, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Joe, Al, the Alien and the Girl with the Thistledown Hair" by Meg Barber

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Joe, Al, the Alien and the Girl with the Thistledown Hair" – by Meg Barber. - November 10, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Texan Who Sailed Around the World with a Veteran Releases Debut Short Story Collection

Unsolicited Press, a small publisher in Portland, is releasing the debut book by Stephen J. O'Shea, a documentarian who sailed around the world. - November 10, 2020 - Unsolicited Press

Glagoslav Publications Brings Out Russian Lord of the Rings, Mebet by Alexander Grigorenko, Into English for the First Time

Summary: Mebet concerns a man of the taiga, a hunter, in a moving narrative that blends ethnographic detail, indigenous mythology, and the snowy landscapes of the Arctic. The protagonist is a Nenets, a member of one of the peoples who call far northern Russia home. Dubbed “The Gods’... - November 09, 2020 - Glagoslav Publications

New Book by Barbara Borst: "Comrades"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the novel, "Comrades." - November 08, 2020 - Adelaide Books

New Book by Cynthia A. DiTaranto: "Born Still But Not Silent"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the collection of poems "Born Still But Not Silent." - November 08, 2020 - Adelaide Books

New Book by Edward Bonner: "Beauty and Wickedness"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the collection of poems "Beauty and Wickedness." - November 08, 2020 - Adelaide Books

Presence of CDC Risk Factors Associated with Increased Risk of Death from COVID-19

New JHEOR research on hospitalized COVID-19 patients with multiple Centers for Disease Control risk factors were significantly more likely to die. - November 07, 2020 - Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Announcing the Release of "What Nell Dreams" by Anne Leigh Parrish

"What Nell Dreams" by Anne Leigh Parrish is an instant success; Parrish writes fiction with a delicate hand. - November 03, 2020 - Unsolicited Press

Histria Books Announces the Release of the Lost Diary of Anne Frank by Johnny Teague

Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of The Lost Diary of Anne Frank by Johnny Teague. The book is published by Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works of fiction. The Diary of Anne Frank is a seminal piece of twentieth century... - November 03, 2020 - Histria Books

The Personal Story Publisher, Legacy Book Press LLC, Releases Hopeful Memoir

Legacy Book Press LLC has released its latest personal story, a memoir by Ken Lefkowitz. Weave of Destiny relates the tortuous journey over a jagged road that the author and his wife traveled to have a family of their own. It is available for sale online on Amazon or wherever books are sold. The... - November 03, 2020 - Legacy Book Press LLC

Armin Lear Launches The Coherence Effect

Armin Lear Launches The Coherence Effect

Author team is experts in Ayurveda, Vedic health practices, and meditation, with a Foreword by Dr. Tony Nader. - November 02, 2020 - Armin Lear Press

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Vampire Island and the Battle for Malikperse" by Keith Armstrong

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of" Vampire Island and the Battle for Malikperse," a fantasy by Keith Armstrong. - November 02, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

The Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research Now Fully Indexed in PubMed

The Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research (JHEOR) is now fully indexed in PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=J+Health+Econ+Outcomes+Res JHEOR is an international high-quality journal covering all fields and methodologies related to health economics and outcomes research. - October 30, 2020 - Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research

City Council Declares October 26 San Diego Writers and Editors Guild Day

City Council Declares October 26 San Diego Writers and Editors Guild Day

The San Diego City Council honor the San Diego Writers and Editors Guild for their contribution to the arts, coinciding with the launch of the 2020 Anthology, The Guilded Pen - Strange Happenings. - October 26, 2020 - San Diego Writers and Editors Guild

New Book: "Violence: Metamorphosis" by Kyle Doty

Adelaide Books announces the Release of the collection of poems, "Violence: Metamorphosis." - October 26, 2020 - Adelaide Books

New Book by Donny Barilla: "Pregnancy of the Earth"

Adelaide Books announces the Release of the collection of poems "Pregnancy of the Earth." - October 26, 2020 - Adelaide Books

New Book by Paul Drewitt: "Karinya"

Adelaide Books announces the Release of the novel "Karinya." - October 26, 2020 - Adelaide Books

Samuel L. Boyd is Honored by the Top 100 Registry as the 2020 Attorney of the Year, and is Due to be Featured on the Front Cover of  Top 100 Lawyers Magazine's Q4 Edition

Samuel L. Boyd is Honored by the Top 100 Registry as the 2020 Attorney of the Year, and is Due to be Featured on the Front Cover of Top 100 Lawyers Magazine's Q4 Edition

Samuel Boyd is featured on the front cover of Top 100 Registry's quarterly Top 100 Lawyers publication. Samuel is a practicing Attorney and Founder of Boyd & Associates, in Dallas, Texas. His firm concentrates their practice in Whistleblower & Business Fraud Cases. - October 23, 2020 - Top100 Registry Inc.

Double Heart and Kidney Transplant Recipient Reveals Secrets to Survival During Difficult Times in New Book

Double Heart and Kidney Transplant Recipient Reveals Secrets to Survival During Difficult Times in New Book

At a time when people are struggling with uncertainty and disharmony in their daily lives, along comes a story of against-the-odds survival and hope. "Roasting Karma" is a memoir about resilience and strength in the face of repeated trials which also includes the loss of two spouses to breast cancer. - October 23, 2020 - Healing Digest Ltd.

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Born to Conquer" by Sherene Rutherford

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Born to Conquer," a collection of short stories by Sherene Rutherford. - October 23, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Histria Books Announces the Release of "The Downfall of China or CCP 3.0?" by Niklas Hageback

Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of "The Downfall of China or CCP 3.0?" by Niklas Hageback. The book is published by Gaudium Publishing, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works of non-fiction in a variety of fields. "The Downfall of China or CCP... - October 22, 2020 - Histria Books

Kyanite Publishing Selects Urban College of Boston as “Giving Tuesday” Partner

Kyanite Publishing LLC will be partnering with Urban College of Boston for Giving Tuesday to support the college’s mission and students. Kyanite Publishing will donate all proceeds of eBooks sold through the Kyanite Publishing website to Urban College of Boston during Giving Tuesday, which takes place on December 1, 2020. - October 20, 2020 - Kyanite Publishing LLC

Whistleblower Brings Light to Phone Addiction in New Children’s Books

Erin Go Bragh Publishing is proud to present a new collection of children's books written in conjunction by two authors, Tarif Youssef-Agha and Kathleen J. Shields. "A Tale of Seven Phones" is not only entertaining but brings light to a very serious issue that all of our children are facing. Congratulations to these authors for their successes. - October 19, 2020 - Erin Go Bragh Publishing

New Book by Claudia Piepenburg: "Letting Go"

Adelaide Books announces the Release of the novel "Letting Go." - October 19, 2020 - Adelaide Books

New Book by Bettina Rotenberg - "The Face I Never Saw"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the collection of poems, "The Face I Never Saw." - October 18, 2020 - Adelaide Books

New Book by Linda Boroff: "All I Can Take Of You"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the collection of short stories, "All I Can Take Of You." - October 17, 2020 - Adelaide Books

Histria Books Announces the Release of "The Life and Times of Fuzzy Wuzzy"

Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of "The Life and Times of Fuzzy Wuzzy," written by Craig Sidell and illustrated by Evgeniya Kozhevnikova. The book is published by Histria Kids, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works for children, that both educate and... - October 17, 2020 - Histria Books

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "MOONSHINE: Eliza’s Story – Her Long Walk West" by Amanda Malben

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "MOONSHINE: Eliza’s Story – Her Long Walk West" – a historical novel by Amanda Malben. - October 13, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Notes on the Piano: A Series of Essays on the Playing and Teaching of the Piano" by Christopher Russell

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Notes on the Piano: A Series of Essays on the Playing and Teaching of the Piano" by Christopher Russell. - October 11, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Roots of Corruption in Southern Africa: A Case Study: Zimbabwe" by Roben Pfumayi Mutwira

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Roots of Corruption in Southern Africa: A Case Study: Zimbabwe" – by Roben Pfumayi Mutwira. - October 11, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Dead Shall March" by Tim Callanan

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Dead Shall March" – a fantasy by Tim Callanan. - October 11, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Siak River: Escape from the Killing Fields" by Patrick Burgess

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Siak River: Escape from the Killing Fields" – a thriller by Patrick Burgess. - October 11, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Craig Lemasters Tells How He Helps Companies Become "Unstuck" - Pandemic or No Pandemic

In "Unstuck," Craig Lemasters shares techniques he has used in a lifetime of helping Fortune 500 companies fill their knowledge gaps - using reciprocity, strategic planning, rapid cycle learning and make-it-happen coaching through direct connections with enlightened resources. - October 08, 2020 - Front Edge Publishing

New Book for Teens and Parents, "What They Don't Teach Teens," Protects Families from 21st-Century Dangers

New Book for Teens and Parents, "What They Don't Teach Teens," Protects Families from 21st-Century Dangers

New book "What They Don't Teach Teens" provides teens and parents with modern safety tips to protect against modern dangers, such as sexting, cyberbulling, revenge porn, mass shootings and more. - October 07, 2020 - Linden Publishing

A Fresh New Look on How to Succeed at Online Dating, Even During a Pandemic

A Fresh New Look on How to Succeed at Online Dating, Even During a Pandemic

Despite Fears, Singles Flock to Dating Sites with the Goal of Finding Love - October 07, 2020 - East Side Capital Ventures, LLC

Booklist Starred Review for "Garden of Thorns and Light"

Shylah Addante’s YA debut receives coveted honor. - October 07, 2020 - Shylah Addante

New Book by P. David Hornik: "And Both Shall Row"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the novel, "And Both Shall Row." - October 06, 2020 - Adelaide Books

New Book by Gary Pedler: "Gaydonia"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the novel, "Gaydonia." - October 06, 2020 - Adelaide Books

Histria Books Announces the Release of the "All Rise!: The Libertarian Way with Judge Jim Gray"

Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of All Rise!: The Libertarian Way with Judge Jim Gray by 2012 Libertarian Vice-Presidential Candidate Judge James R. Gray (ret.). The book is published by Gaudium Publishing, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works of non-fiction... - October 05, 2020 - Histria Books

Armin Lear Releases Music vs The Man by Acclaimed Filmmaker Peter Rowe

Armin Lear Releases Music vs The Man by Acclaimed Filmmaker Peter Rowe

Filmmaker Peter Rowe's new book, Music vs The Man, is now available in English worldwide in digital and print format. Published by Armin Lear Press, the book is supported by a 90-second video, posted on the Armin Lear website, giving potential readers a taste of the action. - October 03, 2020 - Armin Lear Press

Histria Books Announces the Release of the "Betrayal of a Republic" by Joost Douma

Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of "Betrayal of a Republic: Memoirs of a Roman Matrona" by Joost Douma. The book is published by Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works of fiction. Based on historical facts,... - October 03, 2020 - Histria Books

New Book Accuses Science Elites of Suppressing Research Findings They do Not Like

New Book Accuses Science Elites of Suppressing Research Findings They do Not Like

A new book entitled, “Taboo Knowledge: What Leaders of Science, Religion, & Politics Don’t Want You to Know” presents research findings that show the basic tenet of Scientific Materialism is false. The Kindle edition will be free to download October 2, 3, and 4. - October 02, 2020 - The Oaklea Press

Tech Magnate and Author Releases Hard-Hitting Political Satire

Web Augustine offers a witty, timely retelling of what it’s like to work with the current U.S. Administration. - October 02, 2020 - Bublish

Albuquerque's Artemesia Publishing Wins Big

Albuquerque's Artemesia Publishing Wins Big

Eight Authors Recognized in 2020 NM-AZ Book Awards - October 01, 2020 - Artemesia Publishing

"The Only hope": Author Ravi R Naik's Next Novel to Release in October

The book's title, "The Only hope," and its cover were revealed by the author on Monday. It will be Ravi R Naik's second novel and 3rd book overall. His last release was The New D Street which was a suspense thriller. The Only hope is a love story set in a 1994's style. The story is about... - October 01, 2020 - Beesquare Media

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of The Making of Wally by Kevin Morris

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of The Making of Wally – a colour-illustrated children’s creative adventure story by Kevin Morris. - October 01, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Crazee Comics Launches First Kickstarter for New Comic Series Catch The Crazees

Crazee Comics Launches First Kickstarter for New Comic Series Catch The Crazees

When two podcasters make a deal to make their podcast the number one podcast in the world, they summon the help of something supernatural and quickly learn the truth to the old adage: be careful what you wish for, lest it come true. - September 29, 2020 - Crazee Comics

Travel Writer Jim Santos Turns to an Inner Journey in Latest Book

Author Jim Santos is touching the hearts of his readers in his latest book, “An Uphill Climb – Survivor’s Guilt and the Inca Trail.” Already a successful author in the travel and retirement fields with work published in venues like The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington... - September 27, 2020 - Jim Santos

HPC International, Inc. Receives Supplier Diversity Award from Premier Inc.

HPC has been nationally recognized for supporting supply chain diversity. - September 27, 2020 - HPC International, Inc.

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