Recent Headlines
"Baba Summer: Part Two," a Memoir Judy Hogan
Adelaide Books is proud to offer the latest work by Judy Hogan, "Baba Summer: Part Two," hitting stores everywhere now. - April 12, 2021 - Adelaide Books
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "U Can Do It" by Mark Wood
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "U Can Do It," an inspirational memoir for students by Mark Wood. - April 12, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
"The Auschwitz Volunteer" - Now Available in Japanese
A Japanese edition of "The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery" by Captain Witold Pilecki is now available. Japanese-language rights were acquired by Misuzu Shobo Publishers in Tokyo, from Aquila Polonica Publishing, Los Angeles. Aquila Polonica was represented in the transaction by Eriko... - April 07, 2021 - Aquila Polonica Publishing
New Business Management Book "Managing Generation Z" Gives Expert Advice on Getting the Most from the Next Generation of Workers
The new business book "Managing Generation Z" gives supervisors, managers and executives expert advice in training, retaining and succeeding with Generation Z, the newest age cohort in the workforce. - April 06, 2021 - Linden Publishing
Bellatrix Releases Final Sequel to Medical Detective Series Set on Vancouver Island
Bellatrix today released the last book in the Doctor Sababa medical detective series, by acclaimed writer Lawrence Winkler. Few current novels accurately portray the professional life of the Internal Medicine specialist. Set in the fictional coastal community of Harbour City, "The Last Casebook of Doctor Sababa" follows on from the first three volumes in "The Casebook of Doctor Sababa" and "The Next Casebook of Doctor Sababa," already on their way to becoming new literary classics. - April 06, 2021 - Bellatrix
"Omega" Light Novel Will be Delisted April 21
The print and ebook editions of “Omega: Volume 1: Destiny Awaken,” a light novel by Jougo Chihaya and distributed by Vic’s Lab, LLC, will be delisted from all retailers April 21 due to license expiration. “The author is working on a new light novel series, and we look... - April 04, 2021 - Vic's Lab, LLC
Histria Books Announces the Release of The Oar of Odysseus by Richard M. Bank
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of The Oar of Odysseus by Richard M. Bank. The book is published by Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works of fiction. The Oar of Odysseus centers around Penelope Bauer, a young graduate... - April 04, 2021 - Histria Books
Brand New Children’s Book Series from Higher Ground Books & Media
Now Available for Pre-Order. The Adventures of Woody & Butch by Arlene Nichting. Two awesome books in a great new children’s series are now available for pre-order in the HGBM Shop. The first, The Adventures of Woody & Butch: Woody’s Slippery Beginnings, introduces us to Woody,... - April 03, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media
New from Higher Ground Books & Media: The Farmer’s Wandering Heart by Shaleen
Now Available: The Farmer’s Wandering Heart by Shaleen. Orphaned at an early age, Donovan takes on the responsibilities of raising his younger siblings and running the family farm. As soon as he is free, he decides he needs a fresh start. Saying goodbye to his now grown brother and sister,... - April 03, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Make a Difference A Leader’s Reflections" by Dr Matthew Pawson
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Make a Difference," a leadership guide by Dr Matthew Pawson. - March 31, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Where Do I Go From Here?: A Student Guide to Kick Start Your Next Steps" by Chris Webster
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Where Do I Go From Here?" – a student’s self-help career guide by Chris Webster. - March 30, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
New Book Out: "Peter Pike and the Revenge of the Romanovs" by Neal W. Fandek
The third book in the exciting and thought-provoking Peter Pike series, "Peter Pike and the Revenge of the Romanovs," is here. - March 27, 2021 - Neal W. Fandek Books
Futuristic Novel Tackles Euthanasia for Population Control
Award-winning novelist to release third sci-fi thriller. Advance copies are available for media review. - March 26, 2021 - Komodo Dragon, LLC
Frankenbots Creates Captivating Stories for Children with Inventive and "Riveting" Illustrations
When a planet of friendly robots faces a galactic takeover, they learn to work together with kindness. Steampunk meets junk art in the inventive and “riveting” illustrations of this heartwarming story. - March 26, 2021 - Frankenbots
New Fantasy Novel Full of Magic, Machines, and Adventure in the Old West to be Released by 5310 Publishing
A new dystopian fantasy from Sara Bushway will be released in June. Honey Beaumont is the first dystopian fiction from 5310 Publishing, and Sara's debut novel. - March 26, 2021 - 5310 Publishing
New from Higher Ground Books & Media: "Fill Your Cup" by Deborah Armstrong Bryant
Do you spend a large portion of your energy caring for others? Do you find that your days are so filled with tasks and responsibilities that your own self-care is often neglected? Now Available for Pre-Order. "Fill Your Cup: Transform Your Daily Life Experience Through the Purposeful Focusing of Your Thoughts" by Deborah Armstrong Bryant. - March 25, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media
Community Advancement Initiative, Inc. and Calling Card Books Announce the Release of "Black Moms Can: Organizing for Economic Empowerment" by L'Fonzo Cameron
"Black Moms Can," released today, focuses on fighting for the economic and social sustainability of Black families. Black Americans have consumed centuries fighting against the horrors of racism. "We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know that we will win. But I've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house." - Martin Luther King This book serves as both an apology to and support of Black Moms. - March 23, 2021 - M.P. Zarrella Books, Inc. DBA Calling Card Books and Z Girls Press
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Out of Order" by Geoff Lambton
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Out of Order" by Geoff Lambton. - March 23, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Picnic with a Giraffe" by Sarah Robinson
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Picnic with a Giraffe" – a children’s illustrated story written by Sarah Robinson and illustrated by Tom Burchell. - March 23, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
North Carolina Author's Debut Novel Already Looking Like a Bestseller
Unsolicited Press releases Thomas Calder's "The Wind Under the Door." - March 23, 2021 - Unsolicited Press
"It's Already a Success." 5310 Publishing is Translating Cori Nevruz's Suspense Thriller.
Influential authors are reviewing Nevruz's debut novel, "Dirty Laundry." It got so much hype, it will now be translated to multiple languages. - March 20, 2021 - 5310 Publishing
Domestic Terrorism Stole the Lives of Her Son and Father; Now, Mindy Corporon Shares Her Journey of Grief and Courageous Kindness in an Inspiring New Memoir
In "Healing a Shattered Soul," Mindy Corporon invites readers to join her search for inspiration and hope after domestic terrorism took the lives of her father and son. Headlines about the attack circled the world. Now, Mindy takes readers inside her family’s struggle, the support... - March 19, 2021 - Front Edge Publishing
LaTribuna Christian Publishing Anounces the Release of "Healthcare an American Heartache"
Chaplain Paul has been serving in nursing home ministry for almost 12 years now and he has seen firsthand the need for change in American healthcare. Chaplain Paul has also been a health care activist for over 25 years now fighting for a better healthcare system in America. Chaplain Paul was... - March 18, 2021 - LaTribuna Christian Publishing
Portland Trainer Attempts to Break World Record for Heaviest Weight Lifted by Kettlebell Swing
To demonstrate the incredible power of consistency and the body's ability to heal, Portland-based personal trainer and life enhancement enthusiast Steven Herrera will be continuously swinging a kettlebell through a full range of motion for an hour straight. Herrera is taking on this challenge in an effort to break the current Guinness World Record and also hopes to raise awareness for diabetes. - March 18, 2021 - Stick-To-It Fitness
An Inspiring Look at Relationships in This Heartwarming Romance by Darren Finney Will be Released by 5310 Publishing
An exciting and romantic journey in this heartwarming romance. "Faithfully Addicted" is about overcoming trust issues and emotional damage. - March 18, 2021 - 5310 Publishing
Burning Soul Press Announces Teen Writing Program, IGNITE
IGNITE, a new program offered by Burning Soul Press, helps teen writers find their authentic voice, write their unique story, and become a published author. - March 17, 2021 - Burning Soul Collective
Burning Soul Press Announces Children’s Writing Program, SPARK
SPARK, a new program offered by Burning Soul Press, helps young writers find their authentic voice, write their unique story, and become a published author. - March 14, 2021 - Burning Soul Collective
Ponto Alto's Latest Release "Journey to Success" is Now Available on Amazon
"For me, it's about growing my team and growing personally...I love this book because it gives me a concrete (or yellow brick) road map to get to where I want to go -- financial and emotional success! It is easy to follow and the pace of a weekly habit is so much easier and more adoptable than a daily thing...I highly recommend the Journey to Success - 52 Weekly Habits to anyone ready and willing to "bust a move" on their life!" - Dr. Marisha Chilcott, MD - March 09, 2021 - Ponto Alto Publishing LLC
New Book "The Dirt Court" by Johnny Bell
Adelaide Books announces the Release of the novel "The Dirt Court. - March 09, 2021 - Adelaide Books
New Book "The Aftermath" by Lyn Coffin
Adelaide Books announces the Release of the novel "The Aftermath." - March 09, 2021 - Adelaide Books
New Book "Asteroidea" by Stephanie A. Smith
Adelaide Books announces the release of the novel "Asteroidea." - March 09, 2021 - Adelaide Books
Glagoslav Publications Opens a New Direction in Their Publishing Programme, with the First Translated Work from Slovak, Slavdom by Ľudovít Štúr
Summary: Ľudovít Štúr (1815 – 1856) is poet, publicist, and patriot. But patriot for whom? His native Slovakia? An autonomous federation of Slavic nations under the Habsburg crown? Or Tsarist Russia? While constituting the largest, numerically speaking, ethnic group in... - March 06, 2021 - Glagoslav Publications
New Release from Higher Ground Books & Media and Author, Kerry Olitzky
What happens with older siblings when a child is born? Jealously--then unconditional love. Springing out of the tradition of planting a tree when a baby is born, this is a spiritual story of gratitude by an older brother. - March 05, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media
Histria Books Announces the Release of "Percy St.-John and the Chronicle of Secrets" by E.A. Allen
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of Percy St.-John and the Chronicle of Secrets, by E.A. Allen. Kirkus Reviews call it “A fast-paced and engaging historical mystery.” The book is published by Histria Kids, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works for... - March 04, 2021 - Histria Books
Keb’ Mo Says Just Say No... to Plastic; If We Care a Little More, We Can Use a Little Less
Imagine if the entire country wanted to weigh itself all together, all 330 million Americans on one massive scale. How big would that scale need to be? How much would everyone weigh? Well, more plastic than that is thrown away every year in the United States. The United States generates more than... - March 03, 2021 - Flowerpot Press
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Nump - The King’s Journey" by B.P. Purll
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Nump - The King’s Journey" – a children’s illustrated story written by B.P. Purll. - March 03, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Author Matthew J Meads Launches Campaign to Crowdfund Debut Novel on Kickstarter
As the publishing landscape changes with the Internet bringing consumers and creators of content together in near real-time, it is perhaps no surprise to see debut authors utilising creative new ways of connecting with prospective readers. The Chinese Room project launches today on Kickstarter and... - March 03, 2021 - Matthew J Meads
Higher Ground Books & Media Releases Brand New Resource on Domestic Abuse
From a respectable police officer to sitting in jail, H.S. Daniels shares his powerful true story of living in a relationship filled with abuse, manipulation, and addiction. - March 03, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of Arlington Terrace by Tracy Martin-Summers
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Arlington Terrace – a thriller by Tracy Martin-Summers. - March 02, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Hayley Had a Secret" by Lorraine Hanley
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Hayley Had a Secret," an illustrated safeguarding resource book by Lorraine Hanley. - March 02, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Inner World Movement Announces Book Detailing How Scientist’s Multiple Experiences of Heaven Reveal a Multicultural Role in Bringing Heaven Home
The Inner World Movement announced today the release of Dr. Brent C. Satterfield's second book. "Bringing Heaven Home" is a personal account of the author's multiple encounters with heaven where he was led to see how much bigger heaven is than anything he was ever taught or imagined. - March 01, 2021 - Inner World Movement
"Son of Sam" Survivor Reveals Berkowitz Didn’t Act Alone in True Crime Memoir From WildBlue Press
Survivor Carl Denaro’s Search for Truth Ends in Shocking Conclusion; "The Son of Sam and Me: The Truth About Why I Wasn’t Shot by David Berkowitz" will be published on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, by WildBlue Press in ebook and trade paperback formats, with an audiobook in the works. The true crime memoir includes never-before-published correspondence between the author and Berkowitz. - March 01, 2021 - WildBlue Press
Histria Books Announces the Release of "The Knights of the Golden Circle in Texas" by Randolph W. Farmer
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of "The Knights of the Golden Circle in Texas" by Randolph W. Farmer. The book is published by Vita Histria, an academic imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding scholarly works in a variety of fields. "The Knights of the... - February 25, 2021 - Histria Books
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Reinecke Conspiracy" by Terence James
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Reinecke Conspiracy," a thriller by Terence James. - February 24, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of “They Were Only Jews”: The Life and Times of SS-Gruppenführer Franz von Scheidegger by Roland DeCarra
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of “They Were Only Jews”: The Life and Times of SS-Gruppenführer Franz von Scheidegger – by Roland DeCarra. - February 24, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Be All You Can Be" by Iain Munro
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Be All You Can Be," a self-help biography by Iain Munro. - February 24, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
New Book by First Black Chief Operations Officer of the White House Showcases a Remarkable Life Journey
Marion Devoe's life journey emphasizes resilience and hope. - February 21, 2021 - Infusionmedia
New Historical Novel "Tears of Honor" is a Sweeping Epic of the Japanese American Experience of Internment and War
A sweeping novel of history war, and courage in the face of injustice, "Tears of Honor" tells the story of the heroic Japanese American soldiers who fought against Nazi tyranny in Europe, while their families were imprisoned in America. - February 16, 2021 - Linden Publishing
Children's Author Carla Martilotti Announces Broad European Distribution
Publishing Agent Glenn Pearson announces greater European distribution for Ms. Martilotti's many books. - February 16, 2021 - Carla Martilotti
Forensic Psychologist Exposes the Minds of Serial Killers in New True Crime Title from WildBlue Press
Expert Reveals the Terrifying Truth Behind the World’s Deadliest Serial Killers - February 15, 2021 - WildBlue Press