Recent Headlines
Lubrizol to Address Lubricant Challenges of GDI Engines at F+L Week 2018 in Macao
Turbocharged gasoline direct injection (TGDI) engines and their non-turbocharged counterparts (GDI) are an increasing popular solution for Chinese manufacturers wanting compact, powerful and economical power units for their cars. TGDI engines accounted for an estimated 25% of vehicles sold globally this year, and with increasing stringent fuel economy legislation it is likely they will control the majority of Chinese car production within the next few years. - February 06, 2018 - F&L Asia Limited
Marketing Strategist Packages Tips Into New Book That Helps Local, Regional Food Companies Succeed
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that offers marketing strategies to grow local and regional food brands. - February 06, 2018 - Dog Ear Publishing
Trimark Celebrates Plantation Man's 100th Birthday with Memoir
Trimark Press is pleased to celebrate a new release. Plantation resident, Leo Fishman, will celebrate his 100 birthday on February 11th at Fifteenth Street Fisheries in Fort Lauderdale. The book is a look back at a remarkable life. - February 03, 2018 - TriMark Press
Fun Book Tackles What’s Hiding in Our Water and More; Called a Tool to Teach Sustainability
The Second Edition of "All About Water - As Told by The Plumber Who’s Seen It All" © by Greg Chick, Illustrated by Audrey Ly and Co-Authored by M.P. Zarrella releases today. Ramona California’s Greg Chick, a LEED-AP plumber and water advocate with over 40 years experience as a licensed contractor, tells the complete story of water through two fictional characters. There is nothing in the marketplace today like this timely and relevant book. - February 02, 2018 - M.P. Zarrella Books, Inc. DBA Calling Card Books and Z Girls Press
Six-Time Cancer Survivor Shares Practice Advice, Hope with Others Facing Medical Battles
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that explores how one man’s faith, along with help from a research hospital, helped a family man survive cancer again and again. - February 02, 2018 - Dog Ear Publishing
Trimark Press Releases New Book Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.
Trimark Press has released a new book about Martin Luther King Jr. Follow along as Lisa and her grandmother tour the memorial and learn about MLK's motivations and impact. - February 02, 2018 - TriMark Press
New Book Offers Relatable Advice to Millennials on Growth, Positivity and Self-Acceptance
Getting COMFY: Your Morning Guide to Daily Happiness by Jordan Gross is a peer-to-peer perspective guide on the trials of millennial existence and navigating the discomforts of life. The book is now available for free download on Amazon. - January 31, 2018 - Getting COMFY
Brownstone Poets Presents Four Women Writers at Park Plaza Restaurant, Sat. 2/24 at 2:30 p.m.
Brownstone Poets Presents: Saturday, February 24 at 2:30 p.m. Nancy Mercado Diana Gitesha Hernandez Elisabet Velasquez Susan Yung @ Park Plaza Restaurant 220 Cadman Plaza West near Clark St.and Pineapple Walk Brooklyn, NY 11201 718 – 596 – 5900 Subways: Take the A or C to... - January 31, 2018 - The Brownstone Poets
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Arrow of Ronan – Book 1" by Alicia Uecker
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Arrow of Ronan - Book 1" - a new novel by Alicia Uecker. - January 29, 2018 - Michael Terence Publishing
Powerful Children's Book Supports Children of Incarcerated Parents
Dr. Dakota King-White is passionate about children succeeding and believes that all children can succeed if given the right tools and opportunities. According to the Pew Report published in 2013, there are more than 2.7 million children in the United States who have one parent currently serving... - January 27, 2018 - Halo Publishing International
Halo Publishing International Publishes "The Boy Who Couldn't Be Seen" Provides Hope for Marginalized Children
Being a child no one wants is a horrible position for any youngest, especially the young boy in first time author, Michael Joffoy’s book “The Boy Who Couldn't Be Seen.” Abandoned by his parents and mistreated by his relatives, the young boy of Joffoy’s book is lonely, angry... - January 25, 2018 - Halo Publishing International
New eBook Sheds Light on Hollywood’s Unknown Secrets of Independent Film
Multi Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Shane Stanley (Gridiron Gang) is releasing "What You Don't Learn in Film School: A Complete Guide to (Independent) Filmmaking,” a no holds barred, transparent look at making movies from concept to delivery, a compilation of his 30 plus years producing films at both the studio and independent levels. The book touches on every aspect of filmmaking including various distribution platforms to open the reader's eyes to walk a maze of sales traps and vague promises. - January 23, 2018 - Industry Insider
Association of Independent Authors Awards Private Money Lending with Coveted Clemens Medal of Honor for Exemplary Literary Quality
Gustavo J.Gomez, author of award-winning finance book "Private Money Lending" has just been selected as a recipient of the Clemens Medal for outstanding literary quality and design. - January 19, 2018 - Halo Publishing International
Ghetto Bastard, a Memoir by Russell Vann, Released October 11, 2017
Ghetto Bastard is a story of survival. Malik was born into these circumstances, with no father to teach him how to be a man, and to a mother who didn't want him. Malik must navigate his way to adulthood with only the streets as his guide. One wonders, would Malik become the next dope fiend? The next dope dealer? The next one to go to prison? The next unwed teenage parent? - January 18, 2018 - Russell Dynasty, LLC
"Hair Loss: Options for Restoration & Reversal" Wins the Best Book Awards for 2017
Award-winning author Gustavo J. Gomez has once again received recognition for one of his thoroughly researched and well-received books. - January 18, 2018 - Halo Publishing International
Brazilian Professor Offers Case for Trump Reelection, Improving Education
Trimark Press is releasing a new book this month titled "The Inevitable Re-Election of Donald Trump." A thoughtful and well-researched look into Donald Trump's campaign promises, with an emphasis on the educational system. - January 18, 2018 - TriMark Press
A Bilingual Edition of Contemporary Russian Short Poems to be Published by Glagoslav
Edited, translated, and introduced by Anatoly Kudryavitsky, this bilingual anthology presents Russian short poems of the last half-century. - January 18, 2018 - Glagoslav Publications
Is This the Most Expensive Pizza Recipe in the World? Solmentes Press Announces the Publication of Pizza from Scratch
First, you have to burn a field of weeds, sow some wheat and plant Amish Paste heirloom tomato seeds. Meanwhile, you build the oven . . . then you can make pizza from scratch. - January 17, 2018 - Solmentes Press
Silver Leaf Books Announces the Third Book "Beyond Phobos," by Author Kim Van Kramer of St. Petersburg, as Part of Silver Leaf Books Publishing’s Science Fiction Line
Sci-fi author hosts signing event to promote book three of the Phobos Series, “Beyond Phobos” at St. Petersburg Artworks Gallery, 635 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL, Saturday February 3, 2-4 p. m. - January 15, 2018 - Silver Leaf Books, Llc
Research Square Announces Engaging New Multimedia Product, Video Bytes, to Share Research Results with the Public
Video Bytes are 1-minute summaries of published research that help scientists convey the importance of their work to the public. - January 12, 2018 - Research Square
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of Captivating Conversations - Twenty Tall Tales - by John Bunting
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Captivating Conversations - Seven Tall Tales – a compilation of short stories by John Bunting. - January 12, 2018 - Michael Terence Publishing
BookVenture Helps Authors Achieve Their Publishing Dreams with New Promo
Start the New Year right with the New Chapters promo. - January 06, 2018 - Book Venture
Omnicom Press Author Offers Crucial Background on Trump's Russiagate
New monograph series titled, "Russia: Straight Talk on Hushed Issues" gives an inside look into today's most dangerously explosive international issue. - January 06, 2018 - Omnicom Press
BookVenture Offers Great Marketing Opportunity to Authors
Kick-start the new year with the Novel Ideas Promo. - January 06, 2018 - Book Venture
BookVenture Releases Radio Commercial Blast Service
Rule the airwaves with BookVenture’s intrepid new service. - January 06, 2018 - Book Venture
Popular Instagram Poet to Compete at the All-Arizona Poetry Slam Championship
Instagram poet and author Alexander Bentley will take center stage, with thirteen other spoken word artists, at Arizona's state poetry slam championship on Saturday, January 13th. A fierce competition of words and wit is expected to entertain poetry ethenusaists with a 3-hour memorable event. - January 05, 2018 - Alexander Bentley
Michael Terence Publishing Announce Turkish Delight, a Short Story Anthology
An Anthology of tantalising short stories selected from the Michael Terence Publishing Short Story Competition, December 2017; Featuring over 30 works including: Owen O'Hagan - Turkish Delight; Liza Kocsis - Days; Hannah Contois - The Wish Carver - January 05, 2018 - Michael Terence Publishing
Halo Publishing International Publishes "Escape from Solomon's Church" a Life-Transforming Journey Into the Heart of God
The Song of Solomon, a book of the Bible, is a lyrical poem of King Solomon and is his masterpiece of all songs. First time author Brad Kuechler has a fresh new angle and sees the Song of Solomon as a true story that contains layers of deep spiritual meaning. Kuechler reveals that the story is... - January 04, 2018 - Halo Publishing International
The Latino Family Literacy Project Collaborates with the University of North Texas to Engage English-Learner Families in the Carrollton Farmers Branch School District
Beginning this month, The Latino Family Literacy Project will collaborate with the University of North Texas (UNT) and bring its award-winning parent involvement program for English Learners to 15 elementary schools in the Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District (CFBISD). During the... - January 03, 2018 - Lectura Books
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "The Autistic Author and Animator - a Mother’s View of a Daughter’s Triumph" by Janet Walmsley
Michael Terence Publishing announces the release of "The Autistic Author and Animator - a Mother’s View of a Daughter’s Triumph," a personal story by Janet Walmsley. - January 03, 2018 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Dysnomia – Outcasts on a Distant Moon" by Jenny Story
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Dysnomia: Outcasts on a Distant Moon" – a young adult adventure by Jenny Story. This work is now available in ebook format: Kindle ASIN B07886FGQ6 A young woman named Layla sets out to prove herself. Strong-willed... - January 03, 2018 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "My Grandma is a Witch" by Zoe & Janet Graham
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "My Grandma is a Witch" – an illustrated children’s story by Zoe & Janet Graham. This is a fun, but slightly scary story about Joshua’s grandma - the witch! The work is available as follows: Paperback... - January 03, 2018 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Seven Tall Tales" by Michael Noonan
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Seven Tall Tales" – a compilation of short stories by Michael Noonan. Seven stories about mysterious circumstances and strange dilemmas; where nothing is quite as it seems. - January 03, 2018 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Prisoner’s Wife" by Gerard Macdonald
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Prisoner’s Wife" – a thriller based on a true story - by Gerard Macdonald. - January 03, 2018 - Michael Terence Publishing
New Book Teaches Critical Skills for Successful Managers
"The Importance of Soft Skills for the Global Manager" is a new book by Trimark Press geared towards global companies. It shows the huge impact soft skills can have on a business, and how to utilize them to achieve sustainable growth. - December 30, 2017 - TriMark Press
Brownstone Poets Presents Thaddeus Rutkowski, Neil Silberblatt, Bruce Weber at Park Plaza Restaurant, Sat, 1/27 at 2:30 p.m.
Brownstone Poets presents Saturday, January 27 at 2:30 p.m. Thaddeus Rutkowski Neil Silberblatt Bruce Weber @ Park Plaza Restaurant 220 Cadman Plaza West near Clark St.and Pineapple Walk Brooklyn, NY 11201 718 - 596 - 5900 Subways: Take the A or C to High Street, 2 or 3 to Clark Street R... - December 30, 2017 - The Brownstone Poets
James P. Souza is Named Professional of the Year by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who
James P. Souza of San Diego, California, is recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Legal Services. - December 28, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Halo Publishing International Publishes Children's Picture Book "Faceless Beauty" That Shares a Message of Worth and Value
This book is for all children who want to know just how special they are and what a difference they will make to the world someday. - December 25, 2017 - Halo Publishing International
The Camino for Christmas - The Adventure of a Lifetime
This is no guidebook; this is the real story behind the majestic Camino de Santiago. - December 20, 2017 - Summer Nomad Publications
New Non-Fiction Book on Russian and Ukrainian Cuisine Joined Glagoslav’s Publishing Portfolio
Adventures in the Slavic Kitchen: A Book of Essays with Recipes is a cultural study of the role food plays in the formation and expression of a nation’s character. It focuses primarily on the Russian and Ukrainian kitchens but discusses them in the context of international food practices. - December 19, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications
A New Instalment in Glagoslav’s Collection of Ukrainian Literature Was Published
A collection of poems on religious themes written in 1932 and 1933, The Grand Harmony is a subtle and supple examination of Antonych’s intimately personal journey to faith, with all its revelatory verities as well as self-questioning and doubt. - December 15, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications
Jaroslav Hašek’s Short Stories Are to be Published in English by Glagoslav
Summary: Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923) is known by readers around the world as the author of The Good Soldier Švejk, one of the greatest comic novels of all time. Not all of his fans are aware of his six year anabasis in Russia, however, which began with his capture on the front lines of... - December 13, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications
International Assoc. of Who’s Who Has Named Emilie Meddah as Professional of the Year
Emilie Meddah, of Charlotte, North Carolina, is recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Chemistry. - December 13, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Winthrop G. Minot is Named Professional of the Year by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who.
Winthrop G. Minot, of Boston, Massachusetts, is recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Financial Securities. - December 13, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Austin Macauley Publishers Debut, Renowned Entertainment Lawyer, Lloyd Remick's Thriller Novel
Lloyd Zane Remick, Entertainment Lawyer and CEO of Zane Management, Inc., emerges to the publishing world with a debut, titled, "Two Times Platinum." The novel offers a new take on the legal mystery that the genre has not seen before – as it strips away some of the glamour and... - December 13, 2017 - Austin Macauley
Glagoslav Published Its First Book by a Kazakh Author Into English, Galymkair Mutanov’s "The Shining Light"
Summary: Poetry has always been in the Kazakh blood, and Galym Mutanov is one of the newly independent nation’s leading poets, a shining light in the Kazakh literary world. In the range of his poetry, Mutanov truly captures the essence of the Kazakh spirit – from the tough and ageless... - December 12, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications
Glagoslav Publications Releases a Book of Poetry by the Ukrainian Poet Maksym Rylsky in the Ukrainian Collection
Summary: Maksym Rylsky is one of the most outstanding Ukrainian poets of the the 20th century and master of the genres of the modern sonnet and the long narrative poem. He was closely associated with the Neoclassicist group of Ukrainian poets, who employed traditional poetic forms with rhyme and... - December 12, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications
Mary E. Logsdon Debuts Her Exciting New Teen & Young Adult Sci-Fi Action & Adventure Book Series
Worlds collide in a galaxy of imagination, action, and adventure from Mary E. Logsdon. Her long-awaited Star Galaxy book series debut has been several years in the making, and the wait has been worth it. Star Galaxy: The White Knight kicks the series off with at least five more to follow in the... - December 09, 2017 - Logsdon Publishing
Five Outstanding Science Books for Arbordale
Bat Count, Cao Chong Weighs an Elephant, Honey Girl, Living Things and Nonliving Things, and Moonlight Crab Count all named to NSTA – CBC reading list. - December 07, 2017 - Arbordale Publishing
Tullisian Books is Making it Easier for Everyone to Live a More Serene and Joyful Life
Earlier this year, Tullisian Books, in association with The ExtraJOYdinary Writers Group, published "ExtraJOYdinary: creating your serene life" and its companion workbook, "my life is ExtraJOYdinary: The Workbook." "ExtraJOYdinary" is published in hardcover in six... - December 06, 2017 - Tullisian Books