Recent Headlines
True Crime Author RJ Parker Releases New Book
"ABDUCTION: The Minivan Murders" is a horrific account of serial killer couple James Daveggio and Michelle Michaud. Available today in hardcopy. - September 08, 2017 - RJ Parker Publishing, Inc.
Rachel Widder is Presented the Award of Distinction by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who
Rachel Widder of Chevy Chase, Maryland, recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for her exemplary achievements in the field of Real Estate Marketing. - September 08, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
"Must Reads" Promo Helps Books Become All-Time Favorites
BookVenture promo helps make books instant classics. - September 07, 2017 - Book Venture
BookVenture Helps Authors Leave Great Legacies
New "Bookmarks" promo gives authors a chance to immortalize their work. - September 07, 2017 - Book Venture
Clifton L. West III Shares His Extraordinary Life in Inspirational New Memoir
A church deacon and former MIT coach and assistant professor shares his life’s journey and faith in a new book released by Dog Ear Publishing. - September 05, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce Pride Be Damned a New Novel by Ellen Boyd
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce a new novel, Pride be Damned by Ellen Boyd. This work is available from September 4, 2017, in multiple formats: Paperback (252 pages) - ISBN 9781549647949; Also available as an Amazon Kindle eBook. - September 04, 2017 - Michael Terence Publishing
Vegan Chef Promotes New Cookbook on Nationwide Tour; Sampling Vegan Recipes in Upscale Specialty Stores
Chef Bev Kumari puts a meatless spin on the Italian classic Bolognese from a recipe in her new cookbook: "Nouveau V The New Renaissance of Vegan and Vegetarian Cuisine." - September 03, 2017 - Nouveau Vanguard
Michael Terence Publishing Announce Satisfaction in Times of Anger, a New Novel by Julian Edge
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce a new novel, Satisfaction in Times of Anger by Julian Edge. This work is available from September 1, 2017, in multiple formats: Paperback (346 pages) - ISBN 9781549571596; Amazon Kindle eBook – ASIN B075479H3S. - September 03, 2017 - Michael Terence Publishing
Kevin Moreau's "The Invitation to Your Life" is a Nourishing Read
Insightful book creates a clear road map for those who need to shake off the monotony and make a life change. - September 02, 2017 - TriMark Press
Nicole Showell Guides Men to Deeper and Successful Relationships Through God’s Love in New Book
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that aims to help men to live up to their potential in the world and for God, with help from an anointed counselor who shares her knowledge with those who need it most. - September 01, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing
New Watercolor Graphic Novel: Ancient Astronauts Comic Released
Today, Black Panel Press announces the digital release of Ancient Astronauts, a new graphic novel by Vincent Pompetti. The science fiction graphic novel, set on the distant planet Plaine, focuses on the young and daring archer, Onys Di Chieti, and the mysterious force invading her new home planet. - September 01, 2017 - Black Panel Press
BHC Press at Kerrytown BookFest on Sunday, September 10th, 2017
Meet contemporary romance author Elise Manion and suspense author Tom Mohan. - September 01, 2017 - BHC Press
World’s First Public Recognition Company is Open for Business
Planet’s Choice has evolved the greeting card. - August 31, 2017 - Planet's Choice
New Book by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza Challenges Thinking About Feminist Religious Theory
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza’s new book challenges the tendency of feminist theory to leave behind religion as a place for feminist political theory and action. It's been released by Dog Ear Publishing. - August 31, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing
New Book Helps Open Hearts to Godly, Wonderful Relationships
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that seeks to inspire women and encourage them to pursue excellence in their lives by developing relationships with real men chosen with help from God. - August 31, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing
TVS Television Network to Produce "Battle of the Bands" in Bakersfield
The TVS Television Network will produce this 13 episode, Half hour TV series at LaPlazita Supper Club in Bakersfield, CA beginning on Sunday, September 17 and continuing each Sunday through December 10. - August 31, 2017 - TVS Networks
Susan B. Welt, P.E, MPH, is Named Professional of the Year by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who
Susan B. Welt, of Latham, New York, is recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Consulting. - August 31, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Joan Soltis is Named Professional of the Year by the International Association of Who’s Who
The International Assoc. of Who’s Who recognizes Joan Soltis of Salina, Kansas for exemplary achievements in the field of Occupational Therapy. - August 31, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Ninth Annual Montreal Private School Expo Coming September 10
Montreal parents can learn all about the private school option at the upcoming private school expo. Nearly thirty schools, including numerous Montreal private schools, as well as boarding schools from out of the province, will be at the expo this year. This is the expo's ninth year, a one-of-a-kind annual event in which parents can meet and talk to school representatives face-to-face. - August 31, 2017 - Our Kids Media
Our Kids Media Expands Private Education Promotion to Poland
Our Kids Media, the leading private school resource in Canada through its website, announces its expansion into Poland. - August 29, 2017 - Our Kids Media
Tullisian Books Wants to Help You Live an ExtraJOYdinary Life
Earlier this year, Tullisian Books published their first self-help books, “ExtraJOYdinary: creating your serene life” (hardcover and eBook, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese) and the companion book, “my life is ExtraJOYdinary: The Workbook.” To thank... - August 29, 2017 - Tullisian Books
Brownstone Poets Presents Alice B. Fogel, Howard Pflanzer, and Christina M. Rau at Park Plaza Restaurant on Sat, 9/16
Brownstone Poets Presents: Saturday, September 16 at 2:30 p.m. Alice B. Fogel Howard Pflanzer Christina M. Rau @ Park Plaza Restaurant 220 Cadman Plaza West near Clark St.and Pineapple Walk Brooklyn, NY 11201 718 - 596 - 5900 Subways: Take the A or C to High Street, 2 or 3 to Clark... - August 29, 2017 - The Brownstone Poets
3 Nations Anthology: Native, Canadian & New England Writers Released
Resolute Bear Press announces the release of 3 Nations Anthology: Native, Canadian & New England Writers. The poems, essays, and short stories in the book focus on the northeast United States and Atlantic Canada, unique for their shared borders and boundaries, the many bridges that cross them, the blood and heritage people share and the things that divide them. The land is disputed in places, in others a shared responsibility, and Native lands reside as sovereign nations within these borders. - August 29, 2017 - Resolute Bear press
Joanne Walker, R.N. is Named Professional of the Year by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who
Joanne Walker of Los Angeles, California, recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the fields of Nursing and Legal Nurse Consulting. - August 27, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
The International Assoc. of Who’s Who Nominates Kathleen Urban as Professional of the Year
Kathleen Urban of Westland, Michigan is recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Rehabilitation. - August 27, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Attention: All Single Ladies - Trinity Faith Publishing Launches a New Book
Trinity Faith Publishing is proud to release a new book entitled "Dating Tips for Christian Women." This book gives genuine advice on how to select a better man. It shows women the qualities God looks for in an honorable man. It also gives specific examples of how to distinguish a Good... - August 26, 2017 - Trinity Faith Publishing
The International Assoc. of Who’s Who Recognizes Deborah Spencer as Professional of the Year
Deborah Spencer, of Portland, Oregon, is recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Jewelry Design. - August 26, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Cheryl Ginnings is Named Professional of the Year by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who
Cheryl Ginnings of Lawton, Oklahoma, recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Education. - August 26, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
BHC Press and Emmie Mears Announce Multi-Book Deal
BHC Press is pleased to announce they have signed a five-book publishing agreement with Emmie Mears. Hearthfire, book one of the epic fantasy Stonebreaker series, is scheduled for spring 2018 publication. The Stonebreaker series tells the tale of magic, which has formed both feast and famine, and... - August 26, 2017 - BHC Press
The International Assoc. of Who’s Who is Recognizing Dr. Anna Goc as Professional of the Year
Dr. Anna Goc of San Jose, California, is recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Research. - August 25, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Kathie W. Condon is Named Professional of the Year by the International Association of Who’s Who
Kathie W. Condon of Hoover, Alabama is recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Medical Legal Consulting. - August 25, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
New Book by Susan Eustis Questions: "Did Fraud Elect Donald Trump? Addressing the Vote Count in a Few Key Counties"
"Did Fraud Elect Donald Trump? Addressing the Vote Count in a Few Key Counties" has been published by Lexington Publishing. - August 23, 2017 - Lexington Publishing
International Assoc. Of Who’s Who Has Named Rebecca Ann Froning as Professional of the Year
Rebecca Ann Froning of Springdale, Arkansas, recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Education. - August 23, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Cindy Barton is Presented the Award of Distinction by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who
Cindy Barton of Vernal, Utah, recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Law. - August 23, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Wayside Releases Advanced German Textbook
Wayside Publishing, an educational textbook publisher known for Triángulo Aprobado for AP Spanish and APprenons for AP French, has just released a new edition of its popular Neue Blickwinkel for AP German Language and Culture instruction. The second edition adds over 400 pages of material... - August 23, 2017 - Wayside Publishing
Ewa Wojciak was Keynote Speaker at 4th Annual OC Zine Fest
USC Asst. Prof. Ewa Wojciak was chosen as headliner for 2017 OC Zine Fest. - August 21, 2017 - Aquila Polonica Publishing
BookVenture Joins Book Lover’s Day Festivities with Real Stories Promo
Spread the love of reading with this new marketing promo. - August 20, 2017 - Book Venture
BookVenture Gives Authors Chance to Advertise Books on TV
Authors get the chance to have book on the spotlight with the Project Center Stage Service. - August 20, 2017 - Book Venture
BookVenture Celebrates Book Lover’s Day with Imaginary Words Promo
Experience new worlds with this adventurous new promo - August 20, 2017 - Book Venture
Emmy Award Winning Animator Illustrates a New Children's Book
"Longfellow Finds a Home," an entertaining, colorful and heartfelt children's book, written by screenwriter, feature film director, Linda Shayne and illustrated by one of the original "Pink Panther" animators, Art Leonardi is now available on Amazon and in selected retail stores. - August 19, 2017 - Remember Point
Tasfil Publishing Releases New Humorous Book
Tasfil Publishing releases the new novel, "The Moskowitz Code" by Joel Bresler, where we realize a doctor's bad handwriting could be less life-threatening then his typing skills. - August 17, 2017 - Tasfil Publishing, LLC
Today's Practice Upcoming Healthcare Financial Summit Brings Doctors and Entrepreneurs Together
New and disruptive Healthcare conference blends entrepreneurial spirit with medical care providers, showcasing emerging technology alongside a physician attended technology investor competition. - August 16, 2017 - Today's Practice
International Association of Who's Who Names Doreen A. Buckley as Professional of the Year
Doreen A. Buckley of Spring Hill, Florida, recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Insurance Services. - August 15, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Linda Richardson-Beaird is Presented the Award of Distinction by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who
Linda Richardson-Beaird, MA, APRN, CNS of St. Louis Park, Minnesota, recognized by the International Assoc. of Who’s Who for exemplary achievements in the field of Psychotherapy. - August 15, 2017 - International Association of Who's Who
Purr-fect! A Book Award for Books with Cats of Distinctive Character.
BookangelUK is running a new book award for books featuring "cats of distinctive character" open to entries during August 2017. BookangelUK, the UK free ebooks site, has announced they are launching a book award. Compared to standard awards it might be considered lacking in literary... - August 11, 2017 - Bookangel (for Ragged Angel Ltd)
Homeschool Market Creates Self-Paced Online Solution announces it has grown to 340 courses with many new courses on the way. Over 7000 members are enjoying this self-paced, family platform for homeschoolers. - August 11, 2017 - The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Two New Releases from FaithVenture Media
On August 8, FaithVenture Media launched its two most recent books, Providence: God’s Care for the Lost Sheep and Thirty Days of Thanksgiving: A Devotional for Personal and Small Group Use During Any Season of the Year. Providence was written by Magda Woods, and Thirty Days of Thanksgiving... - August 11, 2017 - FaithVenture Media
Moon Willow Press Announces the Exciting Adventure Novel and Series Finale of Infinite Games - The Battle for the Black Fen
Adventure/Speculative/Ecofiction; "The story of a clash between those who love the wetlands and their unique state and those who want to see them drained for development and other uses. A story of accepting nature and defending it against those who would defile it." –Midwest Book Review - August 09, 2017 - Moon Willow Press
New Book Shares Ex-Pastor’s Voyage of Conversion and Falling Out with Faith
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book featuring a pastor’s calling and falling out with his God and the ideas and events that led him down life’s path. - August 09, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing
Author Edward Stanton Honored in 2017 Indie Book Awards: Novel Wide as the Wind Wins YA Category
Edward Stanton's stunning novel, Wide as the Wind (Open Books Press, 2016), is the winner of the Young Adult Fiction category of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Wide as the Wind is the first novel to deal with the stunning, tragic history of Easter Island (Vaitéa). It could be described as quest fiction for all ages in the line of Tolkien’s The Hobbit, but it is set in the real world, not Middle-earth. - August 09, 2017 - Pen & Publish