Recent Headlines
Local Authors and Illustrator Garner Awards for "Building Better Humans"
The new parenting book, "Building Better Humans" by David and Lisa Davoust, receives accolades and awards. - January 30, 2015 - Robis Publishing, Inc.
ASD Announces Release of Literary Novel Exploring Science, Religion and Family
ASD Publishing is proud to announce the release of Stephen Kitsakos's debut novel, "The Accidental Pilgrim" that explores the intersection of science, religion, and the unexplainable while crossing several decades. - January 28, 2015 - ASD Publishing
"Love Factually" First Science-Based Book for Finding and Keeping Love
Relationship science publisher LoveScience Media announces launch of "Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do," by Duana C. Welch, Ph.D. - January 28, 2015 - LoveScience Media
A Classic Phonetics Guide and Workbook Now in One Book
"Calvert’s Descriptive Phonetics," recently published by Thieme, combines Calvert’s descriptive phonetics text and Calvert’s workbook into one updated, user-friendly guide to phonetics and transcription. The book contains a wealth of phonetics exercises as well as online... - January 28, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
Exposure & Associates PR Firm and Elite Talent & Event Management Announces Its Public Merger Creating Jobs and Opportunities
Expanding to meet global markets as Public Relations and Event Coordination. - January 26, 2015 - Exposure & Associates
A Comprehensive Overview of Techniques for Cast, Splint, and Support Bandage Applications
"Casts, Splints, and Support Bandages: Nonoperative Treatment and Perioperative Protection," recently published by Thieme and the AO Foundation, provides an extensive overview of the history, principles, methods, and techniques for applying a modern plaster or synthetic cast. “The... - January 25, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
Author of Award Winning Military Children's Books Grows Up
Moving from a child's view to a more mature audience focusing on military spouse survival, struggles with mental health, and working in corporate America as a military spouse - January 23, 2015 - Mahoney Publishing
Practice-Oriented Knowledge and Skills for Pediatric Imaging
"Neuroradiology," recently published by Thieme, is a core clinical resource that clearly illustrates and describes MR and CT images of the brain, head and neck, and spine. The text distills the essential aspects of neuroradiology and contains in-depth discussions of imaging findings. - January 23, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
Rosslyn Johnson, a Writer, Signs First Book Deal with Publisher Shan Presents (SP). Her First Release Will Debut on March 30, 2015.
The title of her debut is still hush-hush. Local author, Rosslyn Johnson submitted an untitled manuscript for African American Literature: Urban Fiction. On January 20, 2015 the signing of Rosslyn Johnson went public. The First Lady of SBR Publications, currently known as and is the face of Shan... - January 23, 2015 - Shan Presents
Wes Husted's Newly Published Book, "The Seven Things You Should Know About Being a Leader," Offers a Fresh Take on Successful Business Leadership
Published by IndieGo Publishing, "The Seven Things You Should Know About Being a Leader" by Wes Husted, an experienced C-suite CEO, presents an effective, innovative approach to successful leadership that inspires, motivates, and works. - January 21, 2015 - INDIEGO Publishing
Negative Social Impacts of Development Projects Highlighted in New Book
Amakella Publishing announced today the publication of "Social Safeguards: Avoiding the Unintended Impacts of Development," a new book authored by Rodolfo Tello, scheduled for release on April 1, 2015 (ISBN 978-1-63387-011-6, hardcover, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, 134 pages, distributed by Ingram). - January 21, 2015 - Amakella Publishing
20 Deals Have Been Announced as Winners for Trade Finance’s Deals of the Year Awards 2014 – to be Presented in Singapore in February
20 deals have been announced by Trade Finance as the winners of the Deals of the Year awards for 2014 for the Asia Pacific region. Winners for the rest of the world will be announced in the next two weeks and published in the March edition of Trade Finance’s monthly magazine. The 20 winners... - January 21, 2015 - Trade Finance
Cynthia Lynn's Newest Book is Motivational with a Unique Self-Help "Action Plan" for Managing Income and Learning Self-Worth
Are You Empowered???-the Basics by Cynthia Lynn offers a unique self-help, motivational approach of "small victories" against predator business and service providers that leads toward the improved management of your income for lifestyle changes + a chance to kick back to enjoy life, and... - January 21, 2015 - Daccord Press
Brownstone Poets Presents Patricia Carragon at the NY Poetry Forum, Saturday, February 14
Brownstone Poets presents Patricia Carragon, the curator and editor-in-chief of Brooklyn's Brownstone Poets for an afternoon of poetry, fun and of course, love at the NY Poetry Forum, Saturday, February 14 from 2 to 5:30ish p.m. Saturday, February 14 from 2 to 5:30ish p.m. Patricia Carragon with... - January 20, 2015 - The Brownstone Poets
Unique Chapter Book Series Teaches Kids Logic
If you’re a parent or educator seeking more mental stimulation for the young readers in your life, a new chapter book series by author Paige Peterson may be just what you’re looking for. "Logic Lotty: The Fortune Teller’s Spoon," available January 2015, is the first in a... - January 17, 2015 - Hollingale Books
A Highly Sophisticated 3D Atlas Showcasing Localization of Brain Disorders
"3D Atlas of Neurologic Disorders," recently published by Thieme, facilitates the understanding of neurological deficits that can result from brain damage. Hundreds of neurologic lesions are beautifully illustrated in their full anatomic context with captions highlighting their related... - January 16, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
Hasslein Books Announces New Doctor Who Essay Anthology
The company's second unauthorized Doctor Who book, written by Brian J. Robb and Paul Simpson, with an introduction by Nicholas Briggs, is now available for order. - January 16, 2015 - Hasslein Books
A Contemporary Reference on Pain Surgery
"Surgical Management of Pain, Second Edition," recently published by Thieme, is a completely updated state-of-the-art reference on neurosurgical pain management. This revised edition is in full color and includes the following sections: Anatomic and Physiologic Foundations for Nociceptive... - January 16, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
Call for Submissions - Christian E-Magazine
Young Dreams Publications’ (YDP) CEO/Founder, Ty Waller has announced the production of a new Christian-based magazine. The name of the e-based publication is forthcoming. However, she has released that its main theme would be that of traditional/contemporary mix of Christian related topics... - January 15, 2015 - Young Dreams Publications
“Cinderella at 70,” the Book & Website, Debuts Amidst Disney’s Announcement of Cinderella the Movie March Release Palm Springs, CA Author Jane Treacy
Beyond Publishing is pleased to announce the launch of “Cinderella at 70” by former New York City theatrical producer Jane Friedlander Treacy. The book is an edgy, hilarious, tongue-in-cheek look at today’s “70 is the new 50” woman. Think “Sex and the City” 30 years later. - January 14, 2015 - Beyond Publishing
A High-Yield Pharmacology Review
"Pharmacology Test Prep," recently published by Thieme, is an outstanding collection of 1500 clinical multiple-choice questions written according to USMLE guidelines and classified by learning objective and difficulty. The questions and answers in this book cover all the areas that are... - January 14, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
Apparel Fashion Community: Social Fashion Website for Real People
2 months after the launch of the social fashion website, Apparel fashion community, and already over 1000 fashion enthusiasts joined and started using the website on a daily basis. - January 14, 2015 - Apparel fashion community
Tactician Media Announces New Training Platform for Publishers
Tactician Media has launched a new industry-wide training platform for advertising sales forces. The new University adopts technology utilized by many of the top business schools and is geared towards the learning habits of millennials. “Our research shows a strong correlation between... - January 14, 2015 - Tactician Media, LLC
A Case-Based Guide for Adult Clinical Audiology
"Adult Audiology Casebook," recently published by Thieme, is a compendium of key clinical cases designed to help clinicians develop the critical thinking skills necessary to successfully diagnose and treat patients. The cases are written by experts from around the world who share their... - January 14, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
Top Apartments in the Houston Galleria Area
Vote for the top apartments in the Houston Galleria Area. - January 13, 2015 - Dillard Properties
The Standard Reference Book for Paper and Wood Packaging Technology "Cartons, Crates & Corrugated Board" Publishes New 2nd Edition Through DEStech Publications
DEStech Publications, Inc. announces the publication of the second edition of "Cartons, Crates, and Corrugated Board: Handbook of Paper and Wood Packaging Technology," by Diana Twede, Susan E. M. Selke, Donatien-Pascal Kamdem and David Shires. Used as a textbook worldwide, the first edition quickly became the standard reference for paper and wood packaging technology, the book has now been extensively revised and updated by a team formed by the original authors and two additional authors. - January 12, 2015 - DEStech Publications, Inc
First Annual Voices of War Anthology to be Published by Veteran Publisher
The first annual VOW Anthology: Voices of War 2014 will be published by The War Writers’ Campaign later this year. An annual publication compiled of authors looking to give something back to their communities. It’s a collection highlighting their stories, their words, and an... - January 12, 2015 - The War Writers' Campaign, Inc.
Nomadic Press of Oakland, CA, Announces Their Newest Volunteer, Justine tenZeldam, a Bay Area PR and Marketing Consultant
Nomadic Press recently welcomed Justine tenZeldam to their growing roster of volunteers and community supporters. She will be acting as the Press & Events Committee Chair for 2015 promoting their events and publications. - January 11, 2015 - Nomadic Press
BookVenture Welcomes 2015 with Kick Starter Promo
The self-publishing company invites all authors worldwide to join its celebration of the International Creativity Month. - January 10, 2015 - Book Venture
"The Perfect View" Has Been Released! A Psychological Suspense Novel by Carolyn Young
The debut novel, by Carolyn Young has been released. It is a psychological thriller, and has been described as "riveting." It is available on Amazon, in print or Kindle versions, and on Barnes and Noble, in print or Nook versions. - January 09, 2015 - Carolyn Young, Author
A Compact Otolaryngology Text in Rapid Review Format
Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, recently published by Thieme, contains high-yield facts presented in a question and answer format that covers all subspecialty topics in otolaryngology. It combines clinically relevant facts with hard-to-remember, commonly tested details and presents them... - January 09, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
A Practical How-to Manual on Breast Elastography
Breast Elastography, recently published by Thieme, is a comprehensive reference that covers the principles and techniques used in performing breast elastography, an innovative imaging technology that can dramatically reduce the need for biopsies. The book begins with an introduction of the... - January 09, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
Beautifully Illustrated Atlas on Endoscopic Ear Surgery
Written by the foremost leaders in the field, "Endoscopic Ear Surgery," recently published by Thieme, includes chapters on endoscopic and combined endoscopic-microscopic management of cholesteatoma, surgical restoration of middle ear ventilation, myringoplasty, Meniere disease,... - January 09, 2015 - Thieme Publishers
Developmental Editor Looking for Next Big Authors in 2015
Developmental Editor Susan Mary Malone Seeks Out the Next Big Names of Literature - January 08, 2015 - Malone Editorial Services
Astrid Rosenschon Unveils the Mysteries of Hinduism and Buddhism and Its Impact on Indian Society Published by Zorba Publishers Now Zorba Books
Astrid Rosenschon unveils the mysteries of Hinduism and Buddhism and it’s impact on Indian society, in her well researched book - "Hinduism and Buddhism, an outsider’s view on religions of India," published by Zorba Publishers. Now available worldwide, both as an ebook and... - January 07, 2015 - Zorba Books Pvt Ltd.(opc)
How to Market a Book in 2015 - Top 10 Ideas Released by Great Writers Publishing
The GWP article covers book promotion, book audience targeting, Internet marketing, social media marketing, Internet publicity, traditional media, author websites and other topics - January 07, 2015 - Great Writers Publishing
"Jimmy Van Heusen Swinging on a Star" by Christopher A. Coppula
"Jimmy Van Heusen Swinging on a Star," by Christopher A. Coppula, is the first official biography of the prolific composer James Van Heusen. Van Heusen wrote over 1,000 songs, including 50 standards. He is tied for most Academy Awards for Best Original Song. Van Heusen composed music for... - January 05, 2015 - Twin Creek Books
Long Island Exchange; Launches Private Seller Listings
Company responds to public for dealer-only open to be lifted; allow regional service to private sellers. - January 04, 2015 - Long Island Exchange
Long Island Exchange; Launch Car Finding Service, the premiere automotive destination on the web for consumers to find quality used cars in the Long Island area, ads vehicle alert system. - January 04, 2015 - Long Island Exchange
Damnation Books and Eternal Press Begin 2015 with Nine New Titles
Damnation Books and Eternal Press are pleased to start off the New Year, 2015, with nine new fiction releases. - December 31, 2014 - Caliburn Press LLC
New Author Co-op/Imprint Launches in the Digital Market
A newly-created digital and POD imprint and author co-op announces the launch of its first series of full-length novels, and introduces a new way for indie authors to bridge the gap between traditional publishing and self-publishing. - December 28, 2014 - GMLTJoseph, LLC
An Up-to-Date Edition of a Bestselling Ultrasound Reference
"Differential Diagnosis in Ultrasound Imaging, Second Edition," recently published by Thieme, has been completely updated with content that reflects the very latest clinical and technological standards. With a specific focus on general abdominal, genitourinary, and thyroid pathologies,... - December 24, 2014 - Thieme Publishers
Subtopian Press Releases Experiment in Collaborative Fiction Writing
“I wanted to see what a group of creative minds could come up with if they were given a blank slate and nothing more than a general direction to get them started. I told the writers the year is 2113, the world as we know it has ended, now tell me how it happened. Their answers became this book.” - Trevor Richardson, Founder of The Subtopian - December 23, 2014 - The Subtopian
Southern Gospel Magazine Has Made an Agreement with Jordans Shore, a Southern Gospel Trio to Handle All Their Marketing and Advertising
Jordan Shores is from Nashville, TN. The trio has been together approximately one year. Recently the group replaced the tenor singer with Angie Moore. Completing the trio is Jim Reynolds and Roger Speegle. Each of the three artists come with extensive backgrounds in Southern Gospel Music. The... - December 23, 2014 - Southern Gospel Magazine
Southern Gospel Magazine Has Added Jeff Davidson to the Staff as Sales Manager
Southern Gospel Magazine is honored to announce that Jeff Davidson has agreed to the offer of Sales Manager. Jeff Davidson comes with a diverse background in the Southern Gospel Music Industry. He has formed and sang with his own quartets, New Destiny and Highest Honor. He has also sang with such... - December 23, 2014 - Southern Gospel Magazine
Grabbe Publishes Image-Rich Book Online on 9/11
An image-rich book has been published online by physicist Crockett Grabbe, which claims the WTC was brought down by 2 types of explosives, not fires or laser-beams. It can be ordered as a paperback or downloaded as an E-book. - December 21, 2014 - SeaLane Press
A New Edition of a Classic Color Atlas on the Locomotor System
The seventh edition of the classic "Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume 1, Locomotor System," recently published by Thieme, makes mastering a vast amount of information on the locomotor system much less daunting. It offers a vivid review of the human body, and it is an ideal study... - December 21, 2014 - Thieme Publishers
The Wood Fiber Costs for the World’s Hardwood Pulp-Producing Mills Have Declined in 2014
Reduced pulpwood prices in Sweden, Russia, Brazil and Australia in the 3Q/14 resulted in the lowest Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) since 2009, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. With mixed price trends for softwood fiber, the Softwood Fiber Price Index (SFPI) has been fairly stable the past two years. - December 20, 2014 - Wood Resources International LLC
Back9Network Announces the Addition of Cigar & Spirits Magazine Founder Lincoln Salazar
Beginning in December, 2014, Cigar & Spirits Magazine Chairman and Publisher Salazar Will Regularly Appear on Back9Network as Their New Lifestyle Ambassador - December 20, 2014 - Cigar & Spirits Magazine
A Richly Illustrated Oral Cancer Surgery Manual
The surgical management and treatment of oral cancer is one of the greatest challenges for residents and fellows specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The unique anatomy of the perioral region makes tumor ablation and surgical reconstruction particularly complex. "Oral Cancer... - December 19, 2014 - Thieme Publishers